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Thread: Itchy scalp, falling hair

  1. #1
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Question Itchy scalp, falling hair

    Apology if this question already been asked, I did searching but it say no match Is any filipina been through this problem its not unusual that you cant go sleep because your scalp is damn itchy and when you wake up because you keep scratching it, I saw lots of hair in the pillow, should I go to see doctor ? I asked my BF if I had dandruff but he said "No" Lice? "No either"

    Please any advice will highly appreciated I really cant go sleep about having itchy scalp, is it had to do with the water ? Warm water ? Or dont use too hot water ?

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    Apology if this question already been asked, I did searching but it say no match Is any filipina been through this problem its not unusual that you cant go sleep because your scalp is damn itchy and when you wake up because you keep scratching it, I saw lots of hair in the pillow, should I go to see doctor ? I asked my BF if I had dandruff but he said "No" Lice? "No either"

    Please any advice will highly appreciated I really cant go sleep about having itchy scalp, is it had to do with the water ? Warm water ? Or dont use too hot water ?
    Hello september, what shampoo do you use? Maybe you can switch to a more gentle formula shampoo or something for sensitive scalp.
    I never had this problem since i got here, and i wash my hair regularly with hot water and same brand of shampoo i use back home.....
    I think its best if you consult this to your GP in case it gets worst....
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    Effective remedy for falling hair
    To cure hair falling is aloe Vera, lemon, egg, rosemary, neem, and red pepper. Herbal products believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicles thus promoting hair growth.


    Hope that will help.

  4. #4
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post

    Effective remedy for falling hair
    To cure hair falling is aloe Vera, lemon, egg, rosemary, neem, and red pepper. Herbal products believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicles thus promoting hair growth.


    Hope that will help.
    Penny, that sounds like something to eat! if I put that all my head I look like an omelette.

    Probably the wrong shampoo you are using. I would try something else. Aloe Vera is a proven conditioner.

    Try this website and have a good time read
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  5. #5
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    Hello september, what shampoo do you use? Maybe you can switch to a more gentle formula shampoo or something for sensitive scalp.
    I never had this problem since i got here, and i wash my hair regularly with hot water and same brand of shampoo i use back home.....
    I think its best if you consult this to your GP in case it gets worst....
    I used tresseme shampoo and conditioner, yeah I guess I will see doctor soon (GP) thanks

  6. #6
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post

    Effective remedy for falling hair
    To cure hair falling is aloe Vera, lemon, egg, rosemary, neem, and red pepper. Herbal products believe that the increased flow of blood to the brain area delivers more nutrients to the hair follicles thus promoting hair growth.


    Hope that will help.
    Thanks Miss Penny as well as for the link.
    Quote Originally Posted by gary2jessica View Post
    Penny, that sounds like something to eat! if I put that all my head I look like an omelette.
    I like omelette

    Thanks Gary I am reading now all the url you share

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    Apology if this question already been asked, I did searching but it say no match Is any filipina been through this problem its not unusual that you cant go sleep because your scalp is damn itchy and when you wake up because you keep scratching it, I saw lots of hair in the pillow, should I go to see doctor ? I asked my BF if I had dandruff but he said "No" Lice? "No either"

    Please any advice will highly appreciated I really cant go sleep about having itchy scalp, is it had to do with the water ? Warm water ? Or dont use too hot water ?
    Consult your doctor - your GP will refer you to a local hospital where you will have an appointment with the consultant hairologist.

  8. #8
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    The hair that you see, is dead, so putting something on it can only affect the dead hair. Its like your nails.

    I cannot imagine how putting anything on the scalp will affect blood flow, but I guess a lot of people make money out of selling products with exaggerated claims, many of which do not work.

    If you are really worried see your GP and if he/she thinks there may be a problem he/she will probably refer you top a dermatologist. (Hair expert)

    (Incidentally, if a person has been poisoned over a period of 6 to 12 months, with arsenic, the poison levels can be detected in the hair and the nails. It's possible to be fairly accurate in determining how was was taken and when)

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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    a lot of people make money out of selling products with exaggerated claims, many of which do not work.
    I recommend you see "Ben Goldacre" and his book and column for the Guardian newspaper called "Bad Science" ....

  10. #10
    Member Sis Suze's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    Apology if this question already been asked, I did searching but it say no match Is any filipina been through this problem its not unusual that you cant go sleep because your scalp is damn itchy and when you wake up because you keep scratching it, I saw lots of hair in the pillow, should I go to see doctor ? I asked my BF if I had dandruff but he said "No" Lice? "No either"

    Please any advice will highly appreciated I really cant go sleep about having itchy scalp, is it had to do with the water ? Warm water ? Or dont use too hot water ?
    Definitely contact your GP about this. If nothing else, he can give you some Nizoral shampoo or something which may help. It could be down to stress if you haven't been here too long or if you are feeling home sick or anything like that....maybe your diet needs attention? See the GP anyway to rest your worries

  11. #11
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Hi September,
    Consult your GP about this. Falling hair is alarming. I think we have a thread about this a couple of months ago and it was posted by one of the members.

    Hope this helps.

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  12. #12
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sis Suze View Post
    Definitely contact your GP about this. If nothing else, he can give you some Nizoral shampoo or something which may help. It could be down to stress if you haven't been here too long or if you are feeling home sick or anything like that....maybe your diet needs attention? See the GP anyway to rest your worries
    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post
    Hi September,
    Consult your GP about this. Falling hair is alarming. I think we have a thread about this a couple of months ago and it was posted by one of the members.

    Hope this helps.

    Thank you very much

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