hello threaders.. hm.. this morning i went to white rose shopping mall with my husband..just to drop the cv that we made with a covering letter. i hope to get a job in that mall where my husband is closed in that mall..
i am very confident now with my cv..coz i put there a some whitelies..hehelike having a long experience even the truth is short experience.. when i saw the girl i realize that i can do also better than her or atleast samething..
so yeah two store that i went to send my cv..
then after that my husband and i went to our gym..there in the gym i show all my stress hehe while im doing this cross training machine i really so upset so i really keep fast and fast fast.until im tired and i feel so good...
funny because my husband and i really not a good normal swimmer.. so we have to stay in a side of pool and there we swim..its hard to explain hehe but i find this indian girl looking at me like saying OH... BETTER STAY OUT HERE COZ THE WATER GOES TO MY FACE EVERYTIME I SWIM...
i cant blame because its really noisy when i start to swim.. and the water gets so confuse..
in other words my day is so mix... happy, sad, upset, happy...