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Thread: More on Jennifer and Michaels marrage problems

  1. #1
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Exclamation More on Jennifer and Michaels marrage problems

    Hi all,
    This is a recap on Jennifer and Michael, she seemed to be beginning to adjust to our UK time and overcoming the jet lag! After her arrival here on 29th April 2009.
    We went to Southampton to see the “Sound of Music” with my brother and his wife then had an Indian meal afterwards.
    There was a Filipina in the same housing complex as us, who lost her husband a few weeks ago Jennifer and her were getting on well and have been shopping together and cooked a Filipino meals for us some night, but she was going home to Cebue when everything is in order and has now gone.
    They went to church on Sunday 4th Oct, then in the afternoon Jennifer said she wanted to go home!
    She has a computer here with Skype and yahoo messenger on that she has been using in the mornings to contact friends and family.
    I am retired so she was not left here on her own
    We had lots of replies from the group when I asked for suggestions and several Filipina's living here phoned Jennifer.

    But on Monday the 12 October Jennifer was again in a state and also then said she needed to go home until her 2 younger siblings had the operations they needed, but were still not arranged for a date as her father still could not get his share of the money together, I had already paid a large sum towards the cost.
    She said she would come back after the operations, but I pointed out to her that her visa conditions may not allow her to re enter the UK.
    So I ended up getting a ticket online and arranged a taxi from Southampton and took her to Cowes she asked for £3,500 to go home with, I gave her £500

    Because of the visa and flight cost, (she wanted to go home in February for a month for her sisters wedding) as far as I am concerned this is the end of the marriage.

    Can I ask if anyone can advise if she is entitled to further support from me, I am not bothered about divorce unless I have to.

    We met in 2007, and married in April 2008, I had sent her £2000 for our honeymoon money, but when I arrived there for the wedding most of it had been used so I had to use my bank cards to have money, then she disappeared for around 4 months after the wedding with the money I had left with her for visa and flight cost again around £2000.

    I am sure she was with me only for the money she could get, in all now she has had around £19,000

    We made love once on the honeymoon, and not at all when she was here, in fact she went to bed fully clothed and slept on top the quilt (I had bought a new bed and thick quilt).

    If anyone reads back these figures may be a little out but not much.

    Can anyone advise please?

  2. #2
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    I let my wife read what you had said, she was outraged about Jennifer.

    My wife feels that Jennifer probably had a Filipino Boyfriend, and you were funding their relationship she thinks the "family" was just an excuse.

  3. #3
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    Oh God Oh Lord!!!!

    Seems your releationship is all about money relationship. Sorry Mick,
    please forget her and move on! I am afraid that she will make some drama someday!

    Please tell her you are not that rich! Even if you are.

    As long as you did the right move in your relationship, then you'll be OK. Nothing to worry about!

    I feel shock about the money you spent. She is too expensive!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    I let my wife read what you had said, she was outraged about Jennifer.

    My wife feels that Jennifer probably had a Filipino Boyfriend, and you were funding their relationship she thinks the "family" was just an excuse.
    I have thesame theory too and the sibblings were probably just an excuse....
    sorry mick, just a personal opinion....
    Make sure you gather all the evidence to prove her lack of commitment to your marriage....
    so you can use that against her in case she demands for financial support in the near future....
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  5. #5
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    i have to agree with what has been said so far, i feel you have been caught out by the worst kind of scam ive ever heard of and i feel she deserves no contact or any kind of support in the future. this has made me very angry hearing that people can be so callous to use others like this and take advantage of someone as kind hearted as yourself. just move on mate and forget her totally ,far more deserving ladies of your love and attention

  6. #6
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    Have you contacted the BIA to have her visa cancelled?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Have you contacted the BIA to have her visa cancelled?

  8. #8
    eagles's Avatar
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    H mick , read your other post about jennifer.. I have a gut feel that she has another man in her life... I was outraged when i read about it..

    I am from mindanao and i hate what she did to you..

    I suggest that have that divorce soon, she cant contest it.. You got legal grounds on that.Even in Phils laws, her actuations is manifestation of the incapacity to fulfill her marital obligations..

    Dont give anymore money to her.

  9. #9
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    it seems like the suggestion that she's got "a guy back home" has got a lot of support.

    I hope you're holding up. DO NOT send her any more money.

  10. #10
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    Maybe you you can divorce her by ABANDONMENT grounds. That was happened to my friend in America. She was forced to go for a long holiday by his husband in Pinas and then in few months, she received divorce paper with that ground. You did not force her, so you have more advantage and reasons to do such.
    Goodluck !

  11. #11
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    I think the general consenus here is to move on..

    I honestly hope you can move on with as little fuss from your "wife" as possible. And like has been said before, stop sending her money..

    And I am pretty sure you can divorce her here in the UK!

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    it seems like the suggestion that she's got "a guy back home" has got a lot of support.

    I hope you're holding up. DO NOT send her any more money.
    It does sound like it's either another guy or her father is pressurising her to get money for her younger siblings.

  13. #13
    Respected Member jam07's Avatar
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    Time to get a move on mick. a divorce, visa cancellation, stop sending her money. I dont buy her excuse. The moment she left you, thats it. You have no more responsibilities to her. Its her loss.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    She emotionally blackmailed you and milked you for 19 k Karma is a bitch,hope it bites her on the ass,forget her Mick,walk off into the sunset casting a large shadow,you dont owe her a centavo,dont answer her calls or e-mails,delete and block She had the audacity to ask you for £3,500 as she was going home Dont rush into any relationship in future mate,slowly,you strike at the first bite when fishing you get the dumbest fish,leave your bait out for something a little smarter,something with quality,I was going to say she sounded cheap but 19 large isnt that cheap is itTake it as an expensive lesson and move on.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    It does sound like it's either another guy or her father is pressurising her to get money for her younger siblings.
    who knows, sad as it is, she's probably been milking you for money for a long time, for whatever reason, your not the first or last to be used mick, it could have happen to anyone of us, the warning signs were there and you didn't see them or didn't want to like the old saying 'love is blind' , meaning that when your partner does mistakes/bad things.. you perceive it as good because you love him/her. I've met someone who was blinded into more than £100,000+ over many years (but they could afford it they were a lawyer)

    as you know Mick time is a great healer, and as as you feel now, things will get better one day

  16. #16
    Trusted Member mickcant's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    who knows, sad as it is, she's probably been milking you for money for a long time, for whatever reason, your not the first or last to be used mick, it could have happen to anyone of us, the warning signs were there and you didn't see them or didn't want to like the old saying 'love is blind' , meaning that when your partner does mistakes/bad things.. you perceive it as good because you love him/her. I've met someone who was blinded into more than £100,000+ over many years (but they could afford it they were a lawyer)

    as you know Mick time is a great healer, and as as you feel now, things will get better one day
    Thank you all for your replies, my main worry is if she can claim maintance from me, as I have of course supported her since our marriabe in April 2008 so am thinking she will still expect it now?

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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Thank you all for your replies, my main worry is if she can claim maintance from me, as I have of course supported her since our marriabe in April 2008 so am thinking she will still expect it now?
    Just send nothing and get rid of her. She's claimed enough from you. You're supposed to be enjoying your retirement mate.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Thank you all for your replies, my main worry is if she can claim maintance from me, as I have of course supported her since our marriabe in April 2008 so am thinking she will still expect it now?
    Have you had her visa cancelled? If so even if she tried she'll have great difficulty claiming anything if she can't get to the UK.

  19. #19
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Try changing your home number and mobile number if possible transfer a house but that would be the last option I guess for her not to contact you ever again.I am really sorry mick for what happened...
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  20. #20
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Oh Michael!!!!!!

    She sounds like a good old SCAMMER to me!!! Please do not entertain her anymore but please do not block her just yet, let her email you & contact you again and just save them all as you may need these details in the future in case it will go further.

    I'm so sorry Michael!!

    It may be worth letting us know who she is so no one else will be scammed in the future (a picture maybe?)


    Just a thought, maybe we need another category here where we can post all the pictures & details of scammers. We are all here to protect each other. Not all Filipinas are scammers but it all affects us knowing that a fellow Filipina can do such!

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Oh Michael!!!!!!

    She sounds like a good old SCAMMER to me!!! Please do not entertain her anymore but please do not block her just yet, let her email you & contact you again and just save them all as you may need these details in the future in case it will go further.

    I'm so sorry Michael!!

    It may be worth letting us know who she is so no one else will be scammed in the future (a picture maybe?)


    Just a thought, maybe we need another category here where we can post all the pictures & details of scammers. We are all here to protect each other. Not all Filipinas are scammers but it all affects us knowing that a fellow Filipina can do such!
    mate. as regards a pic of jennifer, mick posted one of her coming thru the terminal of heathrow.

    as regards your [B] proposition, it sounds really good. I would love to hear what a mod or keith thinks of it.

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    as regards your [B] proposition, it sounds really good. I would love to hear what a mod or keith thinks of it.
    one problem would be that unless you've actually met them, you could be posting pictures of innocent people, scammers don't always use pictures of themselves, ID theft is so easy on the net, someone's picture on this forum, has already been used by someone else on a pinoy dating site and there are 2 sides to ever story.. thou i don't doubt Micks story at all, but not all are so clear cut.

  23. #23
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    There are actually 2 pinoy private eyes I am aware of who investigate pinay womens backgrounds for western guys,one is based in Angeles,he has done quite a bit of work,I could probably find out if she had a boyfriend given time as I know a copper in CDO who is at a fairly high level The internet is filled to bursting with page after page of scammers pics Love is indeed blind

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Oh Michael!!!!!!

    She sounds like a good old SCAMMER to me!!! Please do not entertain her anymore but please do not block her just yet, let her email you & contact you again and just save them all as you may need these details in the future in case it will go further.

    I'm so sorry Michael!!

    It may be worth letting us know who she is so no one else will be scammed in the future (a picture maybe?)


    Just a thought, maybe we need another category here where we can post all the pictures & details of scammers. We are all here to protect each other. Not all Filipinas are scammers but it all affects us knowing that a fellow Filipina can do such!
    LOL, interesting idea We can have a BEWARE OF SCAMMER'S SECTION here with photos attached,
    like a WANTED list but we can categorize them as the UNWANTED LIST instead (the people you will never want to meet ever, lol)
    Although by doing this, hope we don't get questioned for violating their human rights by exposing them here with their photos
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
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  25. #25
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    Red face

    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    Just a thought, maybe we need another category here where we can post all the pictures & details of scammers. We are all here to protect each other. Not all Filipinas are scammers but it all affects us knowing that a fellow Filipina can do such!
    There are other forums out there which specialize in those sort of people! This forum (to me) is for those of us who commit to relationships. There are sites that show love scammers and people like to bait them.. There are lists of women from the Philippines, Thailand, Russia etc.. Who are known scammers.Transcripts of their conversations with pictures and names (and addresses for sending money) are all out for the public to look over..

  26. #26
    Respected Member Jay&Zobel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    It may be worth letting us know who she is so no one else will be scammed in the future (a picture maybe?)


    Just a thought, maybe we need another category here where we can post all the pictures & details of scammers. We are all here to protect each other. Not all Filipinas are scammers but it all affects us knowing that a fellow Filipina can do such!
    Quote Originally Posted by James Hubbard View Post
    mate. as regards a pic of jennifer, mick posted one of her coming thru the terminal of heathrow.

    as regards your [B] proposition, it sounds really good. I would love to hear what a mod or keith thinks of it.
    Thanks James for supporting the idea.

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    one problem would be that unless you've actually met them, you could be posting pictures of innocent people, scammers don't always use pictures of themselves, ID theft is so easy on the net, someone's picture on this forum, has already been used by someone else on a pinoy dating site and there are 2 sides to ever story.. thou i don't doubt Micks story at all, but not all are so clear cut.
    There would have to be a definite evidence that these are the people who really are scammers (like say, you must have met them in person, the minimum you would want to do is, have identified them by webcam) but if it's based from pictures you can't, pictures isnt enough evidence, you can get pictures everywhere.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    The internet is filled to bursting with page after page of scammers pics Love is indeed blind
    Yes and it really makes my blood boils!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by Sophie View Post
    LOL, interesting idea We can have a BEWARE OF SCAMMER'S SECTION here with photos attached,
    like a WANTED list but we can categorize them as the UNWANTED LIST instead (the people you will never want to meet ever, lol)
    Although by doing this, hope we don't get questioned for violating their human rights by exposing them here with their photos

    UNWANTED LIST is good!! Thanks for the support Sophie but we need to clearly distinguish the RIGHT PEOPLE. Like say, there should be rules where you can only put the pictures & name shame them, IF AND ONLY IF YOU HAVE MET THEM & WAS SCAMMED.

    This is an utterly disgusted behaviour.

    I really hope no one will be scammed in the future.

  27. #27
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mickcant View Post
    Thank you all for your replies, my main worry is if she can claim maintance from me, as I have of course supported her since our marriabe in April 2008 so am thinking she will still expect it now?

    For a start they are not yours, but more important the Philippines are blacklisted by the International community as they do not recognise International laws.

    Speak with a marriage/immigration solicitor about the way forward (maybe the one Pete recommends), you'll find a few on Google, but you'll owe her zip.
    Keith - Administrator

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jay&Zobel View Post
    there should be rules where you can only put the pictures & name shame them, IF AND ONLY IF YOU HAVE MET THEM & WAS SCAMMED.

    This is an utterly disgusted behaviour.

    I really hope no one will be scammed in the future.
    I totally agree
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  29. #29
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    Hi Mick its good to hear you are ok you need to take some legal advice to find out where you stand you dont want a letter droping through the door with a big claim for maintainence months from now.You need to get it sorted for your own protection take care of your self Mick

  30. #30
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Have you contacted the BIA to have her visa cancelled?
    Hi Mick,
    I really think you should do this ASAP.

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