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Thread: I really need advice /help

  1. #1
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    I really need advice /help

    Hi all its me again well, its been awahile since i was on, the truth is i need advice i told you all some of my story before but not all i dident lie i dont believe in that but i just omitted some parts. It is hard to draw the line between telling all, and letting everyone know your innmost revelations and giving enough to get real help.

    Well i need help and i know you guys know youe stuff, so here goes. I have been with my partner for 5 years but she is in Cebu and i am in Ireland, the reason is i was undergoing a very nasty divorce and a lot of court apperances, I hasten to add not because i am a bad person but ( you see this is the bit i was talking about ) because my ex wife contracted MS and went mad so the crown decided that they would appoint a solicitor and because she is ill and had to be taken care of it became very messy, she is now in a nursing home.
    Anyway i have a nine year old son and decided to restart a family for his sake as much as my own, i fell in love with a very lovely phillipino lady and here we are.

    Well my problems are that i am also disabled and medically retired, i get DLA and Income support and some other benifits, i was reading your reply to another person in my postion saying that if you have some money £3000.00 and accomadation and can prove that you can support your spouse there is no problem, you see i was given completly the opposit story from my solicitor, which believe me i am not over confident in but she said i would not be able to keep my benifits and also get my love home?

    As i am asking for help i will give some more details you see i have 2 houses one which i own outright in partnership with my ex wife hence some of the legal mess, which i will be selling and one which i live in now which i rent with my little son, i will be getting a lump sum from the sale of the house and am not sure how to deal with that best, also i am of dual nationality, I have a British passport and an Eu passport.

    Im not sure which is best for my needs and also my new wife has some children, i wish to adopt and bring home with her, I will be going to stay with her as soon as i can close the legal proceddings here.

    We once applied for a tourist visa to bring her home and they kept us waiting for 8 months then told us she could not have it because she did not have enough money in her bank account! but they only told us this at the end of the 8 month period, if they had of told me before i could have raised it, we got ripped off by a so called immigration agency out there, that turned out to be hiding the applications and issuing false visas they where found out and shut down, but we lost out.

    I dont know who to ask or who to trust i will do anything legal to get my new family home, I love them very much and i have been to stay with them 3 times now in the last 5 years, we have kept a paper trail and photos as proof of this as we where told it would help to do so, it is a great strain on me, So if you can help me i would be very grateful, I will answer any pertinant questions, what started as a mole hill 5 years ago has now become an unclimbable mountain, im asking now because all my court fun is coming to an end now in the begining of december 5 years of hell. in advance many thanks Douglas....

  2. #2
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by badgrimly View Post
    Hi all its me again well, its been awahile since i was on, the truth is i need advice i told you all some of my story before but not all i dident lie i dont believe in that but i just omitted some parts. It is hard to draw the line between telling all, and letting everyone know your innmost revelations and giving enough to get real help.

    Well i need help and i know you guys know youe stuff, so here goes. I have been with my partner for 5 years but she is in Cebu and i am in Ireland, the reason is i was undergoing a very nasty divorce and a lot of court apperances, I hasten to add not because i am a bad person but ( you see this is the bit i was talking about ) because my ex wife contracted MS and went mad so the crown decided that they would appoint a solicitor and because she is ill and had to be taken care of it became very messy, she is now in a nursing home.
    Anyway i have a nine year old son and decided to restart a family for his sake as much as my own, i fell in love with a very lovely phillipino lady and here we are.

    Well my problems are that i am also disabled and medically retired, i get DLA and Income support and some other benifits, i was reading your reply to another person in my postion saying that if you have some money £3000.00 and accomadation and can prove that you can support your spouse there is no problem, you see i was given completly the opposit story from my solicitor, which believe me i am not over confident in but she said i would not be able to keep my benifits and also get my love home?

    As i am asking for help i will give some more details you see i have 2 houses one which i own outright in partnership with my ex wife hence some of the legal mess, which i will be selling and one which i live in now which i rent with my little son, i will be getting a lump sum from the sale of the house and am not sure how to deal with that best, also i am of dual nationality, I have a British passport and an Eu passport.

    Im not sure which is best for my needs and also my new wife has some children, i wish to adopt and bring home with her, I will be going to stay with her as soon as i can close the legal proceddings here.

    We once applied for a tourist visa to bring her home and they kept us waiting for 8 months then told us she could not have it because she did not have enough money in her bank account! but they only told us this at the end of the 8 month period, if they had of told me before i could have raised it, we got ripped off by a so called immigration agency out there, that turned out to be hiding the applications and issuing false visas they where found out and shut down, but we lost out.

    I dont know who to ask or who to trust i will do anything legal to get my new family home, I love them very much and i have been to stay with them 3 times now in the last 5 years, we have kept a paper trail and photos as proof of this as we where told it would help to do so, it is a great strain on me, So if you can help me i would be very grateful, I will answer any pertinant questions, what started as a mole hill 5 years ago has now become an unclimbable mountain, im asking now because all my court fun is coming to an end now in the begining of december 5 years of hell. in advance many thanks Douglas....
    I am not giving you an advice on this matter coz i have no idea for sure a lot of members here will attend to your problem. Although, I am working in a nursing home I know how people behaved with MS. Wish you all goodluck to your new life.

  3. #3
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    stay strong positive...ur dream will come true

  4. #4
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Thanks for you thoughts, it is nice to feel not entirley alone, strange when you know some one has been or is going through similar siuation it makes you feel better

  5. #5
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    i can give some advice but need to know more are you in ireland ie uk or erie, if you in uk and an eu national exercising your treaty rights you can apply for and EEA family permit its free and all you have to show is that you are married legally yo your mahal and that it a subsiting relationship.......if you in erie it may apply if you european !! ie not irish ...hope this makes sense

  6. #6
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Hi yes I am residing in Belfast UK i have proof of our relationship for the last five years i assume that is what you mean, nationality is british and euro i was born in Belfast hope that helps many thanks Dougie..

  7. #7
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Best of luck to you . It may seem along road ahead but you will get there. This is best advice i can give. Let us know how things go. Ron

  8. #8
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    dougie, i have many questions to ask you its probably better we speak on the phone rather than conduct on here i'll tell you my reason when we speak, call me on o_7-7_4-8_3-2_4-9_7-1


  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    please don't post your mobile number unless you want to get from people..

    are you married to your Filipino lady?

    if so why have you not applied for a family permit for her? it cost nothing, Family Permit is an automatic right, the UK spouse Visa is not

    what has your solicitor told you?

    you could apply using the British immigration system or the European one, and your probably better going the family permit way, the only way really they can refuse her is if they think its a sham marriage.

  10. #10
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    hi i am not legally married at this point in time but i hope to remedy that as soon as i get my papers on the 2nd of december that is part of my problem i was divorced over 2 years ago i got my decree nisi but because there where ancillreys involved i cannot get my absoulute till they are dealt with, hence my wait. Even thought we have beeen in our relationship for 5 yearas, it is soul destroying but i hope this december ends this nightmare thank you Douglas ....

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well if your solicitor is sure you will get your absolute within 6 months you could have tried applying for a fiancée visa, but your probably better off applying for a family permit for her once your wed, but it might have been possible for you to apply for a family permit for your g/f as an unmarried partner thou this would be more risky than applying as your spouse( reason why is in bold)..

    Family members of EEA nationals
    If your family members are EEA nationals they will have the same rights as you to live and work in the UK. The information in this section applies to those of your family members who are not EEA nationals (non-EEA family members).
    Back to questions

    Can my family members join me in the UK?
    Yes. If you have the right to live in the UK your family members can join you.

    Under European Community law, your family members include the following:

    * Your husband, wife or civil partner.
    * Your children or the children of your husband, wife or civil partner (including adopted children). Children over 21 must be dependent on you or your husband, wife or civil partner.
    * Your parents and grandparents or the parents and grandparents of your husband, wife or civil partner. Parents and grandparents must be dependent on you or your husband, wife or civil partner.

    Your extended family members, such as brothers, sisters and cousins, do not have an automatic right to live with you in the UK. However, we will consider applications for your other relatives to join you if you are a qualified person in the UK and:

    * they were dependent on you in the State in which you both lived before you came to the UK; or
    * they were a member of your household in the State in which you lived before you came to the UK; or
    * they require your personal care on serious health grounds; or
    * they meet the requirements of the Immigration Rules for other dependent family members (see our Family members (INF 6) guidance).

    Unmarried partners may also be considered as extended family members. We will consider applications for unmarried partners to join you if you are a qualified person in the UK and they meet the requirements for entry by extended family members who are unmarried partners. In particular, they must be able to show that they are in a durable relationship with you.

    anyway go to your local law centre and get free advice from a solicitor. i wouldn't pay for one..

  12. #12
    Member badgrimly's Avatar
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    Thank you Mr blogs for your help and time also thank you Jonathan47 for the call I was very grateful, it is nice to speak with others that understand what you are going through, it is nice to know there are still some real human beings left in the world, many thanks guys . Douglas...

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