OK, this is a 2 part rant

Part 1

Have you ever noticed that Filipino celebrities are a kinda pale white? I mean, I am of scots descent, and I'm a bit white myself, but these filipino celebrities look like a cross between casper the ghost and a giesha girl! What's going on here? These people are whiter than I am, and I'm white! They are the role models for Filipinos - "we're all right, we're all white" it seems.

They seem to have their own race - filipino celebrities. They're generally as white as michael jackson was at the end! I'm scared!

Where I live here in the Philippines, people are BROWN! on the TV, if the people were any more white, they'd be transparent! Do they hate their brown-ness? Do they not want to look like "ordinary", "poor" filipinos whilst still making money off them? What is it about white skin that's so appealing?

Part 2

Follows on from part 1 . . . why the hell do Filipinos want to use whitening cream? I joked to a friend once who was thinking of setting up a business here in the Philippines, if you advertise and say your product will whiten people's skin, they'll buy it by the jeepeney load!

I felt like getting a t-shirt made that said "I'm not a foreigner, I just use ponds and it works"!

Don't think they'd get it!