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Thread: vfs and Embassy question

  1. #1
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    vfs and Embassy question

    Hi everyone

    My wife was asking me today a question. Sorry i coulnt answer it so......When an application is submitted to the VFS Visa section . What happens do they simply ensure all the documnets are in order and after all thsi ....Is it then passed to the British Embassy and the ECO to make is decsion. Myabe im right......Dont know for sure. If anyone knows more i would be interested .


  2. #2
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ron View Post
    Hi everyone

    My wife was asking me today a question. Sorry i coulnt answer it so......When an application is submitted to the VFS Visa section . What happens do they simply ensure all the documnets are in order and after all thsi ....Is it then passed to the British Embassy and the ECO to make is decsion. My im right......Dont know for sure. If anyone knows more i would be interested .

    Make sure that your wife follow the checklist in order so less hassle. The VFS staff will check it and arrange all the documents. Then, they will forward it to the British emabassy in Taguig and then the ECO will make decision. Then... maybe after few days or weeks she will have her visa. Goodluck!

  3. #3
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    thanks Scottishbride for your advice on checklist. Yes so important that all is correct. Even a few days to go Deanna is photocopying by the load for all the duplicates required. ron

  4. #4
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    Best of luck on your wife's application ron
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  5. #5
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    good luck on your application, we just got a change of status to processing message since we posted ours on the 21st

  6. #6
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Thanks Sophie and whiteraven . As well wish you a quick VISA in the next few days. Deanna will fly to Manila on thursday ready for her Visa appointment at VFS on Friday 30th October. She is still rushing around and tells me no time to be nervous yet. ehhhehe. So at last we are nearly there and four years of marriage this month. Time flys by.

    Yes it will be so great to have them home here for Christmas and especially our boy Ben now 2 years old.


  7. #7
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    hi ron,
    can i please ask what form do you use to apply for a british passport to your son? what are the requirements needed?
    hope you can share some information. thank you

  8. #8
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    hi ron,
    can i please ask what form do you use to apply for a british passport to your son? what are the requirements needed?
    hope you can share some information. thank you

  9. #9
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Glad to help . We used the form c2. You can download this from the embassy website. There is also guidance notes that will help completing this.

    If i can help more please leave a message


  10. #10
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    thank you ron for your quick reply and for your eagerness to help.
    i'm planning to apply my daughter a passport. can you please share to me what are the documentary evidences we need to provide for a child's british passport?

  11. #11
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Here is the link below for the passport c2 application and guidance notes to dowmload. We have just submitted oor application for bens UK Passport. We are told it can take over 2 weeks being a first passport.

    I remember having to send my passport, Birth certificate . My wife had to provide ultra sound scans. Medical bills whilst pregnant. Any proof of the birth with photos showing parents together with child.

    Here is the link for the c2 app and notes to download documents

    Following is pasted here from the embassy website

    All passport applicants must provide 2 identical passport photographs that meet the standard set out in the Identity and Passport Service Guide to taking a good photo for your passport

    All first time applicants

    Born before 1 January 1983 in the UK
    If you were born before 1 January 1983 in the UK you must provide:

    a photocopy of your current ID and
    your full UK birth certificate
    Born before 1 January 1983 outside the UK
    If you were born before 1 January 1983 outside the UK you must provide:

    a photocopy of your current ID and
    your original consular birth certificate or
    your original registration certificate or
    your father’s UK birth certificate and marriage certificate
    Born after 1 January 1983 in the UK
    If you were born after 1 January 1983 in the UK you must provide:

    a photocopy of your current ID and
    your full UK birth certificate and
    your mother’s full UK birth certificate or
    your father’s full UK birth certificate or
    your father’s birth certificate and marriage certificate
    Born after 1 January 1983 outside the UK
    If you were born after 1 January 1983 outside the UK you must provide:

    your full foreign birth certificate and
    a photocopy of your current ID or your previous travel document and
    your mother’s full UK birth certificate or
    your father’s birth certificate and marriage certificate
    Children born after 1 July 2007 outside the UK
    If the passport is for a child born after 1 July 2007 outside the UK you must provide the child’s:

    full foreign birth certificate and
    mother’s full UK birth certificate or
    father’s full UK birth certificate
    Renewing your passport or changing information in your passport
    If you are applying to renew your passport or change information in it, in addition to the documents, you must also provide:

    your current passport or
    your old passport - the passport that has expired.

    All this info is avalable from the Britsih Embassy website.

    HoIf it seems complicating . Yes it can be . You just have to work through it slowly. After you get all the relevant prrof and completed the C2 just submit at the embassy in person. Again a first time application may take longer than 2 weeks. Good luck to you both and hope you get the passport soon.


  12. #12
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    thank you very much for your help ron.

    my partner is a british naturalized citizen. He doesnt have a british birth certificate, can i send his certificate of naturalization instead? also, we were not yet married. My daughter was born in the UK and has a full british birth certificate.

    Mr. Joe had told me in this forum that my daughter is entitled to british citizenship by descent under section 3 (1). Under my circumstances, what are the requirements i need to submit and what form do i need to fill up for my daughter.

    Hope you and other members here can help me.

    thank you very much.

  13. #13
    Respected Member ron's Avatar
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    Sorry i thouht your daughter was in Philippines. just take joes advice. Im really unsure on the citizenship rules. Maybe others in this forum can help more. You could try using the search in this forum and hopefully find the relevant info.

  14. #14
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    hi ron,
    my daughter is here in the philippines, when we came here from UK. she uses philippine passport because that time we dont know if she is entitled to a british citizenship because of my immigration status before in the UK in which i had a thread posted in this section. The members of this forum are very helpful and I'm hoping that somebody from the forum can be able to enlightened my queries.

    thank you and good luck to your family's application.


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