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  1. #1
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Left over onions are poisonous?????

    By Pieter van Wyk

    I have used an onion which has been left in the fridge, and sometimes I don't use a whole one at one time, so save the other half for later.

    Now with this info, I have changed my mind....will buy smaller onions in the future.

    I had the wonderful privilege of touring Mullins Food Products, Makers of mayonnaise. Mullins is huge, and is owned by 11 brothers and sisters in the Mullins family. My friend, Jeanne, is the CEO.

    Questions about food poisoning came up, and I wanted to share what I learned from a chemist.

    The guy who gave us our tour is named Ed. He's one of the brothers Ed is a chemistry expert and is involved in developing most of the sauce formula. He's even developed sauce formula for McDonald's.

    Keep in mind that Ed is a food chemistry whiz. During the tour, someone asked if we really needed to worry about mayonnaise. People are always worried that mayonnaise will spoil. Ed's answer will surprise you. Ed said that all commercially- made Mayo is completely safe.

    "It doesn't even have to be refrigerated. No harm in refrigerating it, but it's not really necessary." He explained that the pH in mayonnaise is set at a point that bacteria could not survive in that environment. He then talked about the quaint essential picnic, with the bowl of potato salad sitting on the table and how everyone blames the mayonnaise when someone gets sick.

    Ed says that when food poisoning is reported, the first thing the officials look for is when the 'victim' last ate ONIONS and where those onions came from (in the potato salad?). Ed says it's not the mayonnaise (as long as it's not homemade Mayo) that spoils in the outdoors. It's probably the onions, and if not the onions, it's the POTATOES.

    He explained, onions are a huge magnet for bacteria, especially uncooked onions. You should never plan to keep a portion of a sliced onion.. He says it's not even safe if you put it in a zip-lock bag and put it in your refrigerator.

    It's already contaminated enough just by being cut open and out for a bit, that it can be a danger to you (and doubly watch out for those onions you put in your hotdogs at the baseball park!)

    Ed says if you take the leftover onion and cook it like crazy you'll probably be okay, but if you slice that leftover onion and put on your sandwich, you're asking for trouble. Both the onions and the moist potato in a potato salad, will attract and grow bacteria faster than any commercial mayonnaise will even begin to break down.

    So, how's that for news? Take it for what you will. I am going to be very careful about my onions from now on. For some reason, I see a lot of credibility coming from a chemist and a company that produces millions of pounds of mayonnaise every year.'

    Also, dogs should never eat onions. Their stomachs cannot metabolize onions .Please remember it is dangerous to cut onions and try to use it to cook the next day ,it becomes highly poisonous for even a single night and creates Toxic bacteria which may cause Adverse Stomach infectionsbecause of excess Bile secretions and even Food poisoning.


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  2. #2
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    I can see you know your onions.....


    How come I ain't dead yet, then....?

  3. #3
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    Oh dear Oh dear! I've been doing this for a long time!

    As you have said as long as it is properly cooked it will be ok, guess that's why we are still alive now

    But hubby loves onions so much. He always used the leftover onions to his sandwich, never had a tummy problem though

    Anyway thanks for the info.. I'll tell hubby and I'll be more careful next time. It's better safe, d bah? I'll use the whole onion this time

  4. #4
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I can see you know your onions.....


    How come I ain't dead yet, then....?
    we`re doing it ages keeping other half of onion in fridge.
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  5. #5
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I can see you know your onions.....


    How come I ain't dead yet, then....?
    Hi Mod Dom thanks. Hehe me too Mod Dom i'm still alive..

    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Oh dear Oh dear! I've been doing this for a long time!

    As you have said as long as it is properly cooked it will be ok, guess that's why we are still alive now

    But hubby loves onions so much. He always used the leftover onions to his sandwich, never had a tummy problem though

    Anyway thanks for the info.. I'll tell hubby and I'll be more careful next time. It's better safe, d bah? I'll use the whole onion this time
    Hi adam&chryss, thanks. Same here i use the leftover onions. I like white onions on my pizza!

    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    yeah, thats true, i have been told by a friend years back. so i use shallots instead. better safe than sorry.
    Hi maria and matt, thanks. i agree better safe than sorry

    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    thanks for sharing P&P..

    like most of the replies in here we've also been using left over onions and so far everybody's okey but it's beeter to be safe than sorry innit?..

    btw,we use to buy Hellman's for mayonnaise..are they created by Mullin's?
    Thanks Kimmi. I prefer Hellman's mayonnaise as well.

    Quote Originally Posted by Kalboaso View Post
    WOW that is alarming to find out.

    Where did you find that information?
    Hi Kalboaso. thanks. Pls read on..

    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    we`re doing it ages keeping other half of onion in fridge.
    Hi Mrs Daddy. Thanks for the inputs.Yes i do this as well, wrap the leftover with a plastic,foil, brown paper bag (which is advisable btw?) and stuck them in the fridge.
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  6. #6
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Thanks for that info Iye

    Well i used to diff varities lol! Shallot if i needed a small portion and onions if more

    We all love onion so be very careful now

  7. #7
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Yea me too i've been doing this for a long time. I suppose i have to put a question mark on my title? because i am in doubt as well. Anyway, just want to share.
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  8. #8
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    yeah, thats true, i have been told by a friend years back. so i use shallots instead. better safe than sorry.
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  9. #9
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    thanks for sharing P&P..

    like most of the replies in here we've also been using left over onions and so far everybody's okey but it's beeter to be safe than sorry innit?..

    btw,we use to buy Hellman's for mayonnaise..are they created by Mullin's?

  10. #10
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    WOW that is alarming to find out.

    Where did you find that information?

  11. #11
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    I read that from a blog
    I would believe it if the one who made the blog is a scientific researcher.

  12. #12
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I read that from a blog
    I would believe it if the one who made the blog is a scientific researcher.

    Same with you also in doubt...
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pepe n Pilar View Post

    I read this also:
    Dogs are extremely sensitive to onion toxicity so it is best avoided to fed in any quantities. Onions cause a particular type of anaemia due to damage to the red blood cells of dogs.

    the toxic doses can be as little 15g/30kg in dogs. If onions are fed at a greater then 0.5% of your animal body weight then toxic effects are alway noted.

    A chihuahua would need 30g of onion, a labrador of 30kg would need 450grams of onions. However to be safe. I would not include any in your dog receipies.

    But don't know how true.

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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    A chihuahua would need 30g of onion, a labrador of 30kg would need 450grams of onions. However to be safe. I would not include any in your dog receipies.
    Due to the size, I can well realize that Labradors will need some extra flavouring,
    but I always tought that chihihuaua meat was very subtle in flavour...

    Wouldn't all that onion overpower it...??

  15. #15
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post

    I read this also:
    Dogs are extremely sensitive to onion toxicity so it is best avoided to fed in any quantities. Onions cause a particular type of anaemia due to damage to the red blood cells of dogs.

    the toxic doses can be as little 15g/30kg in dogs. If onions are fed at a greater then 0.5% of your animal body weight then toxic effects are alway noted.

    A chihuahua would need 30g of onion, a labrador of 30kg would need 450grams of onions. However to be safe. I would not include any in your dog receipies.

    But don't know how true.
    yeah onions are very dangerous for dogs, raisins, and chocolates so they say ( my ruby got hold of my sons chocolate bar and ate all of it, but she is still with us thank god )
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  16. #16
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I read that from a blog
    I would believe it if the one who made the blog is a scientific researcher.
    According to Pieter van Wyk:

    I received this wonderful article via email and like most emails the authors is not mentioned. I loved it and shared it with my readers just like hundreds of people before me that emailed it to their friends.

    You can read through my post and notice I always place the authors details at the bottom if I can find it.

    In the beginning I did try to find authors but not every article is traceable and I gave up.

    I did a Google search and the author is Zola Gorgon


    Now I have to make a research who is Zola Gorgon?
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  17. #17
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Thanks for your contribution Penny. I agree with you. If we have leftovers we have to remove onions, garlic before feeding the dogs and/or cats. Some dogs/cats doesn't eat leftovers anyway but that is only applicable to those that do eat (esp in the Phils). I'm not so sure abt this either but better be safe. We only give this once in awhile bec they have their own pet food. I sometime sautee minced beef for alternate but a small amt of salt and no seasonings added.

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  18. #18
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    I have researched this on the internet. In the main, the claims about onions are a myth. The story has been in circulation since March 2008 and comes from a cook book, however, the Ed referred to, when questioned about the claims, did not fully confirm what the author said. Aromulus and Mrs Daddy are here to 'prove' that.

    As for commercially produced mayonnaise, it appears that whilst they use pastured eggs, so salmonella, which could be present in home made mayonnaise, is eliminated, poor handling by the user can easily make the product dangerous.

    So be hygienic when handling and storing all food and use the fridge.

  19. #19
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    ....and potatoes are also toxic cooked and raw..... oh and tomatoes if they have any green on them ..... and chocolate is also toxic ....and fish contains many toxins.....and ... and ..

    It's all about acceptable levels, if you eat I think over 100 tons of chocolate in one sitting, you can poison yourself (pets get posioned with about 1lb of the stuff, and it can kill).
    Keith - Administrator

  20. #20
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I have researched this on the internet. In the main, the claims about onions are a myth. Aromulus and Mrs Daddy are here to 'prove' that.

    As for commercially produced mayonnaise, it appears that whilst they use pastured eggs, so salmonella, which could be present in home made mayonnaise, is eliminated, poor handling by the user can easily make the product dangerous. So be hygienic and use the fridge.
    Hi johncar54, thanks for the info

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    ....and potatoes are also toxic cooked and raw..... oh and tomatoes if they have any green on them ..... and chocolate is also toxic ....and fish contains many toxins.....and ... and ..

    It's all about acceptable levels, if you eat I think over 100 tons of chocolate in one sitting, you can poison yourself (pets get posioned with about 1lb of the stuff, and it can kill).

    Thanks Sir Keith.. too much chocolate in one sitting is really alarming. I have heard a story of a filipina girl developed tonsilities??? for eating a whole bar or chocolate in one sitting...not sure if this is the cause...
    I'm out of topic.. .
    back to onions...
    Thank you very much indeed!
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  21. #21
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    So in order for all this onion baloney to be valid, how many people in the UK die from onion poisoning? Less than people changing a light bulb? Yep. So lets not use light bulbs

    The only animals onions are likely to kill are you pets (and that would be extremely rare), the same as many other forms of food humans eat.

    Did you know milk can kill Asians & Africans as your digestive systems evolved differently that Westerners? Doesn't stop you drinking milk though does it?
    Keith - Administrator

  22. #22
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    So in order for all this onion baloney to be valid, how many people in the UK die from onion poisoning? Less than people changing a light bulb? Yep. So lets not use light bulbs

    The only animals onions are likely to kill are you pets (and that would be extremely rare), the same as many other forms of food humans eat.

    Did you know milk can kill Asians & Africans as your digestive systems evolved differently that Westerners? Doesn't stop you drinking milk though does it?
    at the end of the day if listen to experts almost all of the things we eat are toxic, i think we should eat what we want in moderation, drink alcohol in moderation. so guys eat up life is too short. we could get killed by a bus as we walk out of our front door
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  23. #23
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    Now I have to make a research who is Zola Gorgon?

    She is the person who wrote the cook book that this MYTH is based on. Her name is a play on 'Gorgonzola' smelly cheese ! and her story stinks !

  24. #24
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    So in order for all this onion baloney to be valid, how many people in the UK die from onion poisoning? Less than people changing a light bulb? Yep. So lets not use light bulbs

    The only animals onions are likely to kill are you pets (and that would be extremely rare), the same as many other forms of food humans eat.

    Did you know milk can kill Asians & Africans as your digestive systems evolved differently that Westerners? Doesn't stop you drinking milk though does it?
    Thanks Sir Keith. I always have a glass of milk before bedtime bec i can't have it on breakfast. I always have stomach trouble if i do. Lactose tolerance is poor/low in the morning

    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    Now I have to make a research who is Zola Gorgon?

    She is the person who wrote the cook book that this MYTH is based on. Her name is a play on 'Gorgonzola' smelly cheese ! and her story stinks !
    Thanks johncar54 for that info.
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  25. #25
    Respected Member Pepe n Pilar's Avatar
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    Thanks for the rep pt whoever gave me.
    Thank you very much indeed!

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  26. #26
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Thanks for the info, been doing long ago keep the half after 2 days use the half, grows a lot of bacteria now in my tummy

  27. #27
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    thanks GOD we're still alive!
    all things are possible!

  28. #28
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Read this:

    Snopes- Cut onion contamination

    In my opinion it is another urban myth
    Jiri & Maricel

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