Quote Originally Posted by Ritchyboy View Post
Okay. I think I need to restate it in english.

Guys, I need your opinion with regard to my application in UK. I have applied at this particular agency here in the Philippines that deploy nurses for UK, but not for a working visa but for a student visa.
I just need to confirm about what they said because I don't want to end up in UK being financially broke, if in case they were scamming me. They told me that UK government had this ONPP program (Preparatory for Overseas Nursing Program) that allows Filipino nurses to work as a nurse in UK through a student visa. They added up that unlike other professionals, nurses who goes to UK through this program are allowed to work for 40 hours a week, 20 hours work-based study time and a 20 hours actual work time. According to them, with this program, we don't need to go to school, the assesor will just visit us to the hospital and evaluate our performance. More like an On-the-job training that makes up our 20 hours study time. We just need to go to the school for once a week for submission of some written task. Aside from that, they've mentioned that I could also spend my 20 hours allowed working time provided that the job would be only related to healthcare. Then once were done with the program, we could apply for the actual Overseas Nurse program and apply for a working visa.

I really need some advice with regard to this. Is it true nurses who apply for a student visa can work for 40 hours?
In the past I think it was possible, but now I do not believe it will be possible for the whole length of the course.. Here's the relevant bit from the BIA



As an adult student, you will be allowed to do a work placement as part of your course of study, as long as the work placement is an assessed part of the course. In most cases, the work placement must be no more than 50% of the length of the course in the United Kingdom. An example is if a course is two years long and the first year of the course involves full-time study, with the last year in a work placement.

The work placement can only be more than 50% of the length of the course if there is a legal (statutory) requirement for the course to contain a specific period of work placement.