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Thread: thanks god we are ok today

  1. #1
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    thanks god we are ok today

    we was involve in a bad car accident today another car
    hit us from behind going to bluewater shopping mall..
    we were in a que traffic when hubby shoted out he is going to hit us
    next thing a VW old car smash into the back of our car
    he hit us we such force he inded up on the other side of the road
    everyone seen ok that is my hubby think ..but im not i am shaking my head is hurt.
    but later we found out from the police man

    he had gone thrugh the wind screen both car are a right off
    thankfully no one was badly
    injuird he
    admitted it was all his fault he was not looking
    we will go thrugh all the hassle of the insurance company bukas
    meanwhile we are with out a car

  2. #2
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    Sorry to hear about your accident liza and thank god you and your husband are both ok and unharmed
    "10% of life is made up of what happens to you, 90% is decided by how you react"
    "The way to love anything is to realize that it may be lost"

  3. #3
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    we was involve in a bad car accident today another car
    hit us from behind going to bluewater shopping mall..
    we were in a que traffic when hubby shoted out he is going to hit us
    next thing a VW old car smash into the back of our car
    he hit us we such force he inded up on the other side of the road
    everyone seen ok that is my hubby think ..but im not i am shaking my head is hurt.
    but later we found out from the police man

    he had gone thrugh the wind screen both car are a right off
    thankfully no one was badly
    injuird he
    admitted it was all his fault he was not looking
    we will go thrugh all the hassle of the insurance company bukas
    meanwhile we are with out a car

    Without a Car but still have one another thankfully

    Sorry to hear the news but glad your all OK, even the wally not looking where he was going
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Ohh, glad you are OK - never mind the car - as Somebody pointed out most important is that all of you are alright
    Jiri & Maricel

  5. #5
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    But you both are fine! The Car will be repaired or you will get another one..

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    we was involve in a bad car accident today another car
    hit us from behind going to bluewater shopping mall..
    we were in a que traffic when hubby shoted out he is going to hit us
    next thing a VW old car smash into the back of our car
    he hit us we such force he inded up on the other side of the road
    everyone seen ok that is my hubby think ..but im not i am shaking my head is hurt.
    but later we found out from the police man

    he had gone thrugh the wind screen both car are a right off
    thankfully no one was badly
    injuird he
    admitted it was all his fault he was not looking
    we will go thrugh all the hassle of the insurance company bukas
    meanwhile we are with out a car
    Really sorry to hear this, but really glad you can walk away unhurt, frightening experience!


  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    we was involve in a bad car accident today another car
    hit us from behind going to bluewater shopping mall..
    we were in a que traffic when hubby shoted out he is going to hit us
    next thing a VW old car smash into the back of our car
    he hit us we such force he inded up on the other side of the road
    everyone seen ok that is my hubby think ..but im not i am shaking my head is hurt.
    but later we found out from the police man

    he had gone thrugh the wind screen both car are a right off
    thankfully no one was badly
    injuird he
    admitted it was all his fault he was not looking
    we will go thrugh all the hassle of the insurance company bukas
    meanwhile we are with out a car
    Sorry to hear this Liza, but we are glad that u and ur husband are ok
    It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.

  8. #8
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this, had a similar thing happen to me in Jan, it really shakes you up. Im glad that you are ok , hope you will feel better in the morning.

  9. #9
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    to bad with the crash,hopefully you both are ok

    you should get a hire car and charge there insurance..oh is your neck starting to hurt from whiplash looks like a big pay out
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  10. #10
    Respected Member bless.books's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    we was involve in a bad car accident today another car
    hit us from behind going to bluewater shopping mall..
    we were in a que traffic when hubby shoted out he is going to hit us
    next thing a VW old car smash into the back of our car
    he hit us we such force he inded up on the other side of the road
    everyone seen ok that is my hubby think ..but im not i am shaking my head is hurt.
    but later we found out from the police man

    he had gone thrugh the wind screen both car are a right off
    thankfully no one was badly
    injuird he
    admitted it was all his fault he was not looking
    we will go thrugh all the hassle of the insurance company bukas
    meanwhile we are with out a car
    Hello lizaphil! Yes, thank God for His protection.

  11. #11
    Respected Member SteveL's Avatar
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    I work in an accident management company, dealing with non fault motor accidents, so I will try to help and give you a little general advice........

    Firstly and most important, as the other driver hit you in the rear it's 100% his fault. So you are entitled to claim against his insurer for your losses. If your comprehensively insured, your insurer will inspect your vehicle (normally via a motor engineer) and confirm if it's a write off or repairable. Assuming it's a write off (you think it is, so it probably is) they will give you a valuation. When you get this, dont just accept it, check it out. Most major magazine sellers will have either the Glasses or Parkers guide to second hand cars which will let you see how they have valued your car (every car has several values listed ranging from immaculate condition down to very poor). If you think they have valued it incorrectly, sont be afraid to argue.
    If your not comprehensive, then you can either ask the other persons insurer to do this for you or you can go through an accident management company. Most companies (mineincluded) make their money by hiring you a replacement car and claiming the cost back from the guilty party's insurer (known as credit hire) and/or referring you to a solicitor to claim personal injury for which the solicitor pays them a fee. If you choose this route and they try and charge you any kindof fee (such as "no win no fee") go somewhere else as they are just being greedy.

    As well as vehicle damage, you can hire a car yourself as long as yours is unsafe to drive. Search credit hire on google, along with Association of British Insurers Tier One.........this means the company is approved by the insurance induestry's watchdog so you shouldnt have any problems.

    You mentioned your head hurts.The most common injury in your type of accident is whiplash. To over simplify , it's muscle damage to neck back or shoulders or any combination of these three. The fact your already got a head problem sounds very much like neck whiplash. Even if you dont want to make a claim, go to your GP asap , believe me, if it is whiplash your not going to be happy bunnies for a while (it can in severe cases last upto 12months on and off) - the sooner you get meds the better. If you decide to claim and I strongly suggest you do, every case is individual but the compensation range is normally £1500 to £3000 each. Now, in case your suddenly smiling, like i said before your going to earn it, it really does hurt an takes a long time to recover.

    Remember, your the innocent party so dont let anyone fobb you off with anything your not happy with.

    Hope this helps.

  12. #12
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    I had the same type of accident on the A1M except the thing that hit me was a loaded Mercedes Sprinter doing 90 MPH as I was slowing down to 40MPH...Spun me into the center barrier and knocked me sparko for 20 mins..
    Lucky to have lived though that and all I got was 6 grand.. (took about a year to get the cash)

  13. #13
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    just glad you are ok, but get yourselves checked out anyway and get as much as you can off the insurance

  14. #14
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    I'm glad you are safe.
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  15. #15
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    were glad that both of u are safe!thanks god!dont worry about the car,just tell the insurance of the people who bump u, u want a new car[im joking]he he he miss u!

  16. #16
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    I had the same type of accident on the A1M except the thing that hit me was a loaded Mercedes Sprinter doing 90 MPH as I was slowing down to 40MPH...Spun me into the center barrier and knocked me sparko for 20 mins..
    Lucky to have lived though that and all I got was 6 grand.. (took about a year to get the cash)
    yes we both ok
    and yes that is my hubby says took about a year to get cash

    i dont have car to go to work

  17. #17
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ana_may365 View Post
    were glad that both of u are safe!thanks god!dont worry about the car,just tell the insurance of the people who bump u, u want a new car[im joking]he he he miss u!
    thanks ate ana
    i dont have car my nissa is gone
    and my neck is start hurting now im going to see my doctor
    and im so scared to drive very bad expirience
    i have never forget

  18. #18
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    and thank you very much of your concern guys
    its very appreciate..
    and im on my holiday for 2weeks but i cant go anywhere with out car

  19. #19
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SteveL View Post
    I work in an accident management company, dealing with non fault motor accidents, so I will try to help and give you a little general advice........

    Firstly and most important, as the other driver hit you in the rear it's 100% his fault. So you are entitled to claim against his insurer for your losses. If your comprehensively insured, your insurer will inspect your vehicle (normally via a motor engineer) and confirm if it's a write off or repairable. Assuming it's a write off (you think it is, so it probably is) they will give you a valuation. When you get this, dont just accept it, check it out. Most major magazine sellers will have either the Glasses or Parkers guide to second hand cars which will let you see how they have valued your car (every car has several values listed ranging from immaculate condition down to very poor). If you think they have valued it incorrectly, sont be afraid to argue.
    If your not comprehensive, then you can either ask the other persons insurer to do this for you or you can go through an accident management company. Most companies (mineincluded) make their money by hiring you a replacement car and claiming the cost back from the guilty party's insurer (known as credit hire) and/or referring you to a solicitor to claim personal injury for which the solicitor pays them a fee. If you choose this route and they try and charge you any kindof fee (such as "no win no fee") go somewhere else as they are just being greedy.

    As well as vehicle damage, you can hire a car yourself as long as yours is unsafe to drive. Search credit hire on google, along with Association of British Insurers Tier One.........this means the company is approved by the insurance induestry's watchdog so you shouldnt have any problems.

    You mentioned your head hurts.The most common injury in your type of accident is whiplash. To over simplify , it's muscle damage to neck back or shoulders or any combination of these three. The fact your already got a head problem sounds very much like neck whiplash. Even if you dont want to make a claim, go to your GP asap , believe me, if it is whiplash your not going to be happy bunnies for a while (it can in severe cases last upto 12months on and off) - the sooner you get meds the better. If you decide to claim and I strongly suggest you do, every case is individual but the compensation range is normally £1500 to £3000 each. Now, in case your suddenly smiling, like i said before your going to earn it, it really does hurt an takes a long time to recover.

    Remember, your the innocent party so dont let anyone fobb you off with anything your not happy with.

    Hope this helps.
    hi,thank you very much for your time,and help and advice
    hubby he just speak to the insurance company
    and they given us the hired car untill all they sorted out

  20. #20
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Look on the brightside .... you're both OK, and you get a new car out of it

    If me and the missus had been involved, we'd have checked how badly injured the other driver was, and if it wasn't serious we'd make sure he was before the ambulance arrived
    Keith - Administrator

  21. #21
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Look on the brightside .... you're both OK, and you get a new car out of it

    If me and the missus had been involved, we'd have checked how badly injured the other driver was, and if it wasn't serious we'd make sure he was before the ambulance arrived
    we didn't think about him because i am shaking im so nervous my hubby so angry at him because he wasnt looking and the driver who just bang my car he was shouting when he come out the car and he had blood on his mouth because i think he didnt setbuilt on, because his car is old VW that is the police said ohh is terable
    didn think to take a picture when that happend just all shock
    and one woman come along and said i give you all my details because i saw everything i can be your witness if you got any problem,because she saying
    last year she been involve also and no one help her to be a witness so she lost everything so that is very nice of her thanks for that vikki
    you got very good heart

  22. #22
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    we was involve in a bad car accident today another car
    hit us from behind going to bluewater shopping mall..
    we were in a que traffic when hubby shoted out he is going to hit us
    next thing a VW old car smash into the back of our car
    he hit us we such force he inded up on the other side of the road
    everyone seen ok that is my hubby think ..but im not i am shaking my head is hurt.
    but later we found out from the police man

    he had gone thrugh the wind screen both car are a right off
    thankfully no one was badly
    injuird he
    admitted it was all his fault he was not looking
    we will go thrugh all the hassle of the insurance company bukas
    meanwhile we are with out a car
    how are you now? im sorry to hear that big hussle now but thank god that nothing serious bad ill happened to you and to your hubby. things happened unexpectedly just like that.... everything will be fine now liza keep patient in having without a car for meanwhile so as your husband too..8-) tc!!

  23. #23
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    liza glad you and hubby ok as others have said dont worry about the materials things its good you both walked away...

  24. #24
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    how are you now? im sorry to hear that big hussle now but thank god that nothing serious bad ill happened to you and to your hubby. things happened unexpectedly just like that.... everything will be fine now liza keep patient in having without a car for meanwhile so as your husband too..8-) tc!!
    yea thank pocahontas no we are alright now
    we not worried about the car we are happy because no one get hurt badly
    thank you for your concern

  25. #25
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    liza glad you and hubby ok as others have said dont worry about the materials things its good you both walked away...
    thank you jonathan yes we both ok and we just manage to got home
    and today we got hired car from there insurance and taken away my car
    they look at my car if they can mended or scraft we dont know
    thank you guys for your reply and concern

  26. #26
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    But you both are fine! The Car will be repaired or you will get another one..
    hello sean,thank you for your concern

    and happy trip is that tomorow?
    wow its gone so quick

  27. #27
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    I got hit in the back of my car, it was a long time ago (the evening of the day in 1966 when England won the world cup). I got shunted into the car in front. I foolishly had my foot on the clutch (in gear) and on the brake. Both feet came off the pedals with the impact. The car behind did not have insurance. So my full comp paid and I lost my No Claim Bonus.

    Anyway, ever since then I have never been stationery in traffic without having my hand brake firmly on and my car in neutral. I recommend that practice to all.

  28. #28
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by johncar54 View Post
    I got hit in the back of my car, it was a long time ago (the evening of the day in 1966 when England won the world cup). I got shunted into the car in front. I foolishly had my foot on the clutch (in gear) and on the brake. Both feet came off the pedals with the impact. The car behind did not have insurance. So my full comp paid and I lost my No Claim Bonus.

    Anyway, ever since then I have never been stationery in traffic without having my hand brake firmly on and my car in neutral. I recommend that practice to all.
    oh that was sad you lost everything?that is bad ... we just lucky atleast
    nothing happend both me and my hubby thanks

  29. #29
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    Sorry to hear that Liza. I still have my phobia here after I had accident before.
    I hope your fear will vanish soon and can drive again.

    As much as possible, I don't want to drive, until I get my citizenship.

  30. #30
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    I still have my phobia here after I had accident before.
    I'm not surprised Only something a woman could do.....

    Keith - Administrator

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