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Thread: Finally here

  1. #91
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    It seemed to me that the Crimbo tree never came down....
    First year in our condo, she never took it down till I came back in March

  2. #92
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    oh must have been a victim of the jologs crowd as far as music is concerned.. lol... jump on a bus... go to Davao.. spend a few days there and I am sure, you'll have a great time!!!

  3. #93
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    oh must have been a victim of the jologs crowd as far as music is concerned.. lol... jump on a bus... go to Davao.. spend a few days there and I am sure, you'll have a great time!!!
    There is a lot of good music to be heard in Manila too, the big cities are better at this

    Everybody in Britain has an auntie or uncle that has some real horrors in the record collection too

    We have the same Christmas jingles "Muzak" in the house that Sean is getting a bit tired of, it's never ending in the Phils

    Like everything else there I got used to it, it made the people around me happy so that made me happy too.

    On my short visit to Cebu many years ago now, I did find the music in most night spots leaned very much toward reggae and that is one musical form that I am not a great fan of, Manila had more variety but as I say it was a very short visit to Cebu.


  4. #94
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    Finally back in Cebu

    I arrived at about 5am in the Marriott t o be told they had no rooms, but by 12pm I could check in and there would be no problem. This was fine by me as I had gotten a few hours sleep on the ferry so was happy to explore Cebu for a few hours..

    Rizza had to go to work so she went to her boarding house to get ready, taking her brother Michael with her, who had returned with us from Mindanao.

    I sat there and waited until breakfast was served at 6am and from about 5.40am I was alone.. And enjoyed the people watching at that hour.. The sexy looking ladies who left via the elevator and walked straight out of the hotel made me smile. Not a sight I expected to see in the Marriott

    Breakfast over I descended onto Ayala and then moved onto SM mall..

    I had already arranged to meet Alan and had some tea bags and English Mustard in my case, so after 12pm I went back to the Marriott and got ready.. Getting ready was an experience in itself as I had missed the comfort of a hot shower and was in there for well over an hour..

    Off to see Alan.. I arrived outside Alan's apartment and texted him to let him know I was outside. Alan came out and greeted me with his lovely wife Hanna, inviting me inside for a drink and a chat. We spent a good few hours talking about everything Filipino and British and shared our experiences. Alan knows a lot about the Philippines and told me far more in the few hours we spoke together than I had learned in my 2 plus weeks here. Thanks Al

    Rizza gave me some excuse that she was busy at work so I was alone for the evening. But I went to dinner with Alan and Hanna, before retiring for the evening...

    Another gripe... Rizza's Tita had told her not to see me yesterday as she fears I am in some ways a "bad western man"... The Filipino over protectionism strikes again..

  5. #95
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    Rizza, her family and Me


    When we picked him out


    Much later.....

    More to come

  6. #96
    Respected Member dave63's Avatar
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    Thanks for photos. Reminds me of my lechon in Cebu. yumm yumm. I like the last photo. Is that you on table after mosquitos got to you?
    :Yesterday was history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.This is why it is called"The present!"

  7. #97
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    And more to come when I can

  8. #98
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    Thanks for your comments Sean - it was fantastic to meet you! Pity we couldn't meet your lovely lady.

    Tea bags and Colman's BRILLIANT!!! Had them for brekkies this morning. Mind you - they are an acquired taste - together!!!

    We ate at Casa Verde - IT Park. Beautiful food - wonderful service! Casa Verde Robinsons is the original - but to me always too crowded. CV Ayala is too expensive and they only ever seem to have half of the menu available. IT Park for me every time!!!!

    Enjoy your hot showers you lucky sod!!!! I would give ANYTHING for a hot shower - as in - I would give my left arm to be ambidextrous!!!



    Hmmm! Should this have been a PM??
    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

  9. #99
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    nice pics sean, glad you are having such a good time

  10. #100
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Your a "Bad western man" Looks like you enjoyed the trip though,dont you tan ?Whats the next stage?Formal engagement?Your right about some of those ladies in Marriott,I once saw one who looked like aphrodite,Penelope Cruz,and every mans wet dream morphed into one She looked like her dress was spray painted on,or she had been poured into it Happy days Whens your flight back?Looking forward to it or having mixed emotions about leaving?

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  11. #101
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    Good to see your enjoying the Philippines, future visits will become easier and easier and you'll wonder what the fuss is about.
    A tip with the food is that if you ask them to prepare the Filipino dishes with fillets of meat or fish, removing fat, bones and skin the meals do become a lot easier to eat and more palatable for our western tastes. Not traditional, but thats how Marvie cooks for me when i'm home. I also tend to buy Japanese Rice, as I prefer it.
    I also agree with Aromulus, the Cafe Laguna in Ayala is excellent.

    The poverty in the Philippines is quite a shock, but if you really want to see the true povery visit Pasil. I have been down to the Don Bosco a few times, and it makes you realise how lucky we are in life, and a little bit can help.

    In Manila the Philippine Community Fund has setup schools and education on the famous Smokey Mountain waste site which is the hope to 6000 people making a living sifting through the garbage. The result is this:

  12. #102
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    Thanks guys.. And yes, I don't tan I have two colours, white and pink!!! That's what happens when your mother was a red head! I missed out on the gingerness, but got the skin. I often joke it is the reason I am attracted to Asian ladies

    And another night where Rizza has been ordered to do other things than stay with me The joys of having a Baptist auntie ordering your girlfriend about... Or it might have something to do with my debating skills concerning the bible (as an Atheist) with said Aunties husband He tried to convert me, so I tried to de-convert him... Over Lechon and Coconut Juice

    Sooo.... Reckon a few jars of San Mig is on order for tonight. And I know just the place Then back to the room for some shut eye and an early rise...

  13. #103
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Thanks guys.. And yes, I don't tan I have two colours, white and pink!!! That's what happens when your mother was a red head! I missed out on the gingerness, but got the skin. I often joke it is the reason I am attracted to Asian ladies

    And another night where Rizza has been ordered to do other things than stay with me The joys of having a Baptist auntie ordering your girlfriend about... Or it might have something to do with my debating skills concerning the bible (as an Atheist) with said Aunties husband He tried to convert me, so I tried to de-convert him... Over Lechon and Coconut Juice

    Sooo.... Reckon a few jars of San Mig is on order for tonight. And I know just the place Then back to the room for some shut eye and an early rise...

    Ah that explains the problem Had I been your age I may probably have done the same but it's not wise

    Enjoy your San Mig's Sean


  14. #104
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    Thanks guys.. And yes, I don't tan I have two colours, white and pink!!! That's what happens when your mother was a red head! I missed out on the gingerness, but got the skin. I often joke it is the reason I am attracted to Asian ladies

    And another night where Rizza has been ordered to do other things than stay with me The joys of having a Baptist auntie ordering your girlfriend about... Or it might have something to do with my debating skills concerning the bible (as an Atheist) with said Aunties husband He tried to convert me, so I tried to de-convert him... Over Lechon and Coconut Juice

    Sooo.... Reckon a few jars of San Mig is on order for tonight. And I know just the place Then back to the room for some shut eye and an early rise...

    Just be careful chatting about religion Sean I found it far easier to avoid the subject all together. Im sure your aware like in many parts of the US and unlike in the UK. Open disscussion of the pro's and con's of religion is not high on the agenda.

    One wrong word could create a nasty wound which make take forever to heal..

    Its the Phillipines where sadly bigtory is very much alive and well. If i sent the book i was given by a realtive on how to be a good husband to you I think you be shocked. The hate towards non belivers and followers of all other religions would probably mean the author would be arrested in the UK
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  15. #105
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    And another night where Rizza has been ordered to do other things than stay with me The joys of having a Baptist auntie ordering your girlfriend about... Or it might have something to do with my debating skills concerning the bible (as an Atheist) with said Aunties husband He tried to convert me, so I tried to de-convert him...
    I am afraid that you haven't helped or endeared yourself a lot with an unwinnable religious debate.
    You may, actually, have lost any brownie points collected before then...

    I sincereley hope to be wrong in my assumption but it sounds as if you will have to work very hard at rebuilding the relationship.

  16. #106
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I am afraid that you haven't helped or endeared yourself a lot with an unwinnable religious debate.
    You may, actually, have lost any brownie points collected before then...

    I sincereley hope to be wrong in my assumption but it sounds as if you will have to work very hard at rebuilding the relationship.
    I agree and I should not really have used smiley's in my reply to Sean (just trying to be positive for him) but it's really not a good idea to talk religion in the Phils.

    I had the advantage of being brought up Catholic it was one of the first things Nanay ever asked about me, plus even at 45 years old I was still single never married that won me brownie points as well.

    Ana and the family know I no longer have conventional Catholic faith and they accept that, but it is only right that one should show respect to their faith.

    I really hope you've not done to much damage Sean, best of luck.


  17. #107
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    If your sitting in the Marriott twiddling your thumbs theres a very active bar a short walk away across the road from Ayala,or theres always Sunflower Disco,every taxi driver knows it,its infa...erm famous in Cebu As for religion,be yourself,dont bend for anyone,they should accept you as you are just as you accept them.

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  18. #108
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Thanks for sharing the pictures Sean.

    Looks like you had a nice time there with Rizza though I know life in UK is very much different from here.

    Charge it all to Experience!

    Hope you and Rizza created a strong foundation in your relationship!
    Best Wishes
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  19. #109
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    hi sean I have been following your posts glad you are having a good time hope you are going to show us some more pictures when you get time

  20. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    If your sitting in the Marriott twiddling your thumbs theres a very active bar a short walk away across the road from Ayala,or theres always Sunflower Disco,every taxi driver knows it,its infa...erm famous in Cebu As for religion,be yourself,dont bend for anyone,they should accept you as you are just as you accept them.
    While i agree you should be proud of what you belive sometimes it pays at least at first to just not mention to much or often.

    My Wife is a Catholic but hardly ultra religous outwardly but has a strong faith which i never really saw untill we went to Rome. As do all her friends who are very liberal young Women but still at times show a strong faith not seen normally in Brits.

    I strongly dont agree with some of the practises the RC Church have, but my Wife wanting to spend as much of our spare holiday money on trinkets, roseary beads, cards and booklets on some of the Churchs plus lighting Candles for her Lola PO (a born again protestant just for the record as half the family are while the others are RC ) who passed away recently. Was ok by me as it meant so much to her and how did it hurt me?

    It simply didn't, in fact I found myself taking more pictures and Videos so she could post so her friends who may never go to Rome and the Vatican have the chance to share. Helping the Wife look for the cheapest places so we could get as many bits as possible, and also some special bits for certain indivudals including one Friend who has joined the Church as a Trainee Father.

    I could say not getting involved I dont agree etc, but no one got hurt and how many friends and family got pleasure from a few moments on a Holiday we greatly enjoyed

    Anyone who finds themselves in a mixed race,culture, religion partnership cant always stand to their guns I think both sides should at least tolerate the others beliefs and understand what it means to them.

    Debating with the elders of a family on such an important subject in Pinas is a minefield.

    An example was on an early Visit one of my Wifes Lolas Brothers who is a Doctor a good English Speaker and has lived in the US. So i presumed was a worldly open minded man I made a passing comment about all people and of whatever background are equal all religions etc The look said it all, converstaion was changed there and then.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  21. #111
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    I am afraid that you haven't helped or endeared yourself a lot with an unwinnable religious debate.
    You may, actually, have lost any brownie points collected before then...

    I sincereley hope to be wrong in my assumption but it sounds as if you will have to work very hard at rebuilding the relationship.
    Northerner - I'd cross my fingers and hope it ends in a short dose of Tampo

  22. #112
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    Oooh.. The Religious debate.. Well, I did keep my mouth shut for as long as I could, until it was clear somebody was trying to convert me. Then all those pages of the God Delusion, the End of Faith and God is not Great came to the forefront of my mind. I have no problem with anyone of any faith, so long as they accept me as a person of no faith. And if they don't and assume I am ignorant, then I will speak out.

    I too was raised in a devout Catholic family! I have an Aunt who goes to church every day... Why???

    Because her son (who we think was gay) killed himself after a nervous breakdown and a lousy life with bouts of depression. That's what happens when a kid who is different is forced into a college to train as a priest And so now she "knows" that her son is in hell after commiting such a sin against the creator.. Perhaps this is one of the reasons I looked twice at my church and thought, hold on..... Plus I did actually read the bible as a kid and could debate my RE teacher even back then


  23. #113
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    If you visit Bohol whilst here...Pop in...I`ll buy you a beer.
    (ask Alan for directions!)

  24. #114
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    Another time Fred.. Thanks!

    Right now I am in cold and rainy Manchester, making my way home. Trying to think again of a life away from Pinas..

    Ahh.. What a time I had though! Amazing in many ways and in other ways a place I am glad I am away from.. But meeting Rizza and spending time with her and her family was worth every penny and every biy of sunburn!

    And yes I miss her already............

  25. #115
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    I just found myself smiling,a wry little grin when you were honest enough to admit in some ways you were glad to be away from Pinas Its an aquired taste in some ways,depends what you have experienced in the past That trip sped by like a taxi on a rainy day,glad you enjoyed it,but the question remains,when are you going back

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  26. #116
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Welcome did it, good for you.

    So how are things between you?...Sorry to be nosey, but in your recent posts, things didn't sound to good & you didn't seem to be enjoying yourself?

    If you're missing her, I guess that's a good sign.

  27. #117
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    Lovely pics there Sean...Thanks

    Looks like you had a wonderful time back in PI

    Welcome back heheheh

  28. #118
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tawi2 View Post
    I just found myself smiling,a wry little grin when you were honest enough to admit in some ways you were glad to be away from Pinas Its an aquired taste in some ways,depends what you have experienced in the past
    I'd agree with that Tawi, for some it could be a living hell...It's not always an easy ride.

  29. #119
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    oh Sean! welcome back! thanks or your offline messages by the way... yep.. it's getting colder now... you should've stayed a bit longer in the Phils... hehehe

  30. #120
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    Oh I do miss Rizza... And I know the feeling is shared. It was a tearfull farewell in Cebu only a day ago..

    As for Pinas.. I had an interesting last few minutes when I went to the loo at the boarding gate. This guy passed me soap and stuff like a washroom attendant and so I tipped him the last pesos I had in cash. I was then surrounded by his two buddies who wanted some money for the guys!!! Blocking my path and bringing out a clear fight or flight reaction.. I told this kid who stepped in my way for the second time to move the f@#* out of my way, clearly annoyed. Because these guys blocked me in like they were going to mug me!!! Even asking for pounds or dollars!?!

    One of the reasons I am glad to be away! But yeah, I miss Rizza...

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