Well today has been a cool day! The weather in Barili was hotter than I had experienced so far.. But I started the day nice and early.

Rizza is waiting on me, hand and foot.. I try to tell her to stop fussing over me but she insists on making my food, serving my food, ensuring I am comfortable at all times... Ahh, bliss!

Her family here in Barili have been just as welcoming. The interviews continued today but I am told by some friends I passed!! And I have also been welcomed into the family which was surprising but very touching as well.

Today we had Lechon. A great experience as we had a party to go with it with everyone getting together to eat and have a good time on what was a very hot Sunday. There was so much meat it has evolved into the dinner this evening as well as being donated in parts to various family members.. This pig was huge! As for my first taste of Lechon? The meat was perfectly cooked and the skin was very crispy, although a bit too rich for me. I have no idea how some of the others I could see were eating a huge chunk of the skin, my taste buds got overloaded with it pretty quickly..

Bring on the rest of the evening! And I am sure tomorrow will be as good..