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Thread: Alans accident.

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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Judging from what you eloquently wrote, I can safely say that there ain't much wrong with yah, apart from hurt pride..... A sore , and maybe a few very painful scratches....

    Relax, mate.
    Concentrate on getting better and pamper Hanna.

  2. #2
    Respected Member paulgee's Avatar
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    I hope your bruises are not as purple as your prose !


  3. #3
    Respected Member Alan's Avatar
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    Devon - no - Oxford - no - Stalybridge - no - errr - UK
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    Chapter 7a - The Son of the Return of the Hunt for Red October

    Safeguards are often irksome, but sometimes convenient, and if one needs them at all, one is apt to need them badly.
    Henry Adams.

    The first thing to slam into Mother Earth was my head - or to be more precise - my crash helmet (what a spookily apt name.)
    All that I remember after that was sliding along the road trying desperately to avoid 'rolling.'
    There is nothing much exciting to report about the underside of a Toyota Corolla, except that it is dirty and hot!!! That is where I ultimately terminated my unexpected and unwelcome slide along this particular stretch of South Pacific highway.
    I remember two things instantly - I could move all my bodily particles, so I didn't think anything was broken. Also, there was a lot of blood - it had to be mine so I started to panic.

    Almost immediately life became a lot worse. Strangely enough I remember thinking that I had to go to work!!
    My beautiful new bike was lying, not looking so new any more, in the middle of the road. Its headlight had turned to face me and I had the distinct impression of that headlight being a piercing eye exploding at me the words, "What the f... did you do that for?"

    Indeed, why had I 'done that?' Then I remembered - the person on the other bike had u-turned without even looking and crossed my carriageway so there was no chance of avoidance. How was he/she? Dead, alive, injured? I couldn't care - I didn't care. I had too many issues.


    Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!

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