Hello all,
I have had no contact with Jennifer for some weeks, I sent her a text about the operations on her younger siblings but she did not reply.
I have had emails from two of her sisters saying they thought she was coming back here, I know nothing about that!
I have now recived this emai about my trying to cancell her visa, it seems to read to me that she would be allowed to return here but after I send the letter she would be refused further leave to remain when the visa expires in
2011. here is the email:
Dear Mr Cant,

Thank you for your enquiry.

Please be advised that if your marriage is no longer subsisting, you should write a letter confirming this, to the following address:

UK Border Agency, NCC3, 9th Floor, Lunar House, 40 Wellesley Road, Croydon, Surrey CR9 2BY.

You should include in your letter confirmation that you can be safely contacted at the address you give, or provide an alternative contact address. Please also provide a telephone number at which you can be safely contacted if necessary and the address of your estranged partner
if you know it.

Where an overseas national has been granted limited leave to enter or remain on the basis of marriage, an application for indefinite leave to remain on that basis will not be granted if the British or settled partner formally makes it clear that they do not support the application.

Yours sincerely,

Umar Saif
Immigration Group
UK Border Agency
