Seems to me Mick that once you send that letter, your wife will be stuck in Pinas without a visa and without a divorce to free her up to move on. The perfect revenge perhaps?

Perhaps not...

I can tell from your posts that you are still hurting from this incident and dragging this whole thing out is hurting you even more. The fact that she is not available to you by email or text is a classic attempt to seem disinterested and hurting you even more in the process.

I think it is best you moved on and put this woman behind you! but the healing process can take years in some people. I know it did with me some yeas ago.. But I am sure in time the day will come when she does contact you (perhaps for the divorce) and you will be almost immune to the fact it is her contacting you. And I hope that happens soon.

On my recent visit to Pinas I met up with my ex (and I am sure everyone has read my older posts/thread) and made an attempt to put her in contact with her cousins who had been the people who passed on the information to me that she was cheating me. I had long forgiven her and moved on and in some way I guess I wanted to see her face to face and know deep down I felt nothing for her.. And I felt very little for her, except I felt sorry for her. But she strengthened my feelings for Rizza as I knew I had found something far better. A real, loving woman

Good luck Mick