Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
more important than living in the UK, is seeing if you can live together for 6 months , but maybe some would be carried away with the excitement of your g/f being in the uk, the pressure of arranging a wedding, that problems might not be seen until after your married and your 'honeymoon' period is over.

also that's only 2 marriages out of xxx on here, and one of them, you could ask whether she was just using him.

but most marriages seem to work out ok on here, not many posts on here asking about divorce, remember two in five British marriages end in divorce, the highest rate in Europe, but many on here have not been married that long yet..
I did say spending time together in the UK. Maybe some of the 6 months you have would be a honeymoon period, but at least it's better than in some cases where prior to the wedding the couple have only spent maybe a matter of weeks together in the Philippines.

No doubt she was using him, but my point being that would they have got married if she came here on a fiancee visa?

Many people on here come and then go once they get their visas so it's difficult to really tell the failure rate. Our local social groups are probably not representative, but the marriages involving non-Brits (Filipinas, Thai, etc) seem to have a higher failure rate then the marriages purely between Brits.