You're right in everyway SIM11UK...Eventhough ive known ma man for almost 6 years already (but we jst got reunited jst this april) and me love him to bits,we both have to take our time as MARRIAGE is a big thing...Now it's my chance to kno more about him,have a glimpse of his daily livin in tha UK and what would ma life with him be like....Its diff when he visits me here in PINAS for a month eventhough he knows everything about me,my life,family and friends,its still a holiday thing for tha both of us not really in tha real world where he has to work then gets home and stuff like that...Although i truly believe if youre happy with the other one,u enjoy and have fun when ur together especially on a holiday then it wouldnt be that difficult to adjust when you go and live with him for a long time...
I definitely go for spouse visa bec eventhough i have a child already and ******* 27 yr old,ma parents are still very overprotective of me as im their only daughter...I truly believe in long engagements and living together before marriage..I was engaged to a german guy before my current relationship for 2 years and weve been together for 3 years but still it's not enough to kno yah partner real well...
But guys you never meet yah soulmate 2 times right?Before as not the right time together with him as he's making a name for himself ith his work and i am travelling and doing what i love to do which is music...So i dnt have regrets with my decision before not to get really serious and commit into the relationship,i kno it would'nt work...So yah i think this time is OUR time...Fiance visa or spouse visa,,,But for me spouse visa cz like teh penny said,ma nanay doesnt want me to be taken away from them like that by a foreigner,,lol![]()