Hey gurl! Cool down! You're getting a bit crazy na ehehe hakhak!
You are too eager to find a job. I'm sure you feel boring whilst hubby is at work. Maybe badly in need shopping money? Want to help family in Pinas or want to help hubby finacially.

You're still young, there are many choices still. All you need to have is patience.
You can study at college as long as you have money. Tell hubby about it, so you'll not feel the boredom.
Go to charity shops to volunteer, no wages but in the future you can have references.
Yes, you can choose to have babies. But you need to weigh all those things before you make your firm decisions.
I don't work at the moment, receiving benefits from govt, hubby and Mum

studying 2 courses. One in Edinburgh, One in our local centre. I want to study than working but I want to have my own hard earned money.
Sent you yahoo message.
