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Thread: Hard to find job....we all know that

  1. #1
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Talking Hard to find job....we all know that

    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... just want to shout..that its soo hard to find a job.. hm.. im so confident and when i go to job shop the girl there look at me like wow im sure you will find a job. well thanks for the compliment.. but guess what..ive been what hm.. 3months try to find a job even before we celebrate our wedding anniv in london i already try to find a job..WHAT AAAA

    honestly guys today, im hoping that in my 10 try job applied hoping that atleast one of them will call me back. well all of that is just giving cv in the store.. and yeah i got one on my mail saying UNFORTUNATELY YOUR APPLICATION IS UNSUCCESFULL BUT I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU BLA..BLA..BLA.. hm... its getting really upset seriously guys but what can i do.. magpapabuntis nalang ako.... kung di lang dahil sa family ko sa pinas eh..hehe tiyaka sa aking dream pleasure kala siguro ni sc siya lang nakakamiss ng luho AKO DIN.. pero wala magagawa..just keep on trying yung iba nga taon na binilang..

    anyway.. yesterday my husband and i played again singstar.. im happy coz my kuripot husband..hehe i convince to download 3songs actually i ask him to download 10songs each songs is 1pound but we just had a groceries kaya he said 3 only but at the end he did enjoy singing so he said ok 5songs..greatttt.. so 3songs for me and 2songs for me..

    i down load the songs of lady gaga just dance, and eternal flame our love songs, and hime he down load by song of elton john your song, and the i forgot.. hm.. tomorrow i will sing again after cleaning house so i wont feel upset waiting for those........DAMN EPLOYERS..opps sorry..hehe8-) peace..


  2. #2
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    Hey gurl! Cool down! You're getting a bit crazy na ehehe hakhak!
    You are too eager to find a job. I'm sure you feel boring whilst hubby is at work. Maybe badly in need shopping money? Want to help family in Pinas or want to help hubby finacially.
    You're still young, there are many choices still. All you need to have is patience.
    You can study at college as long as you have money. Tell hubby about it, so you'll not feel the boredom.
    Go to charity shops to volunteer, no wages but in the future you can have references.
    Yes, you can choose to have babies. But you need to weigh all those things before you make your firm decisions.

    I don't work at the moment, receiving benefits from govt, hubby and Mum studying 2 courses. One in Edinburgh, One in our local centre. I want to study than working but I want to have my own hard earned money.
    Sent you yahoo message.


  3. #3
    Member sweetmanning's Avatar
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    hi pocahontas!!

    i love reading your blog sis!...kaloka nakaka relate ako! im very eager to find a job...grabe! u said youve been looking for about 3 months now and no positive feedback yet!! oh no! but lets not loose hope im pretty sure we will be lucky next week? hahaha another week?lol waaaaaaaaa....we wanted to work!!! hehehe

    keep on singing gur..chilll! it will help 2 release stress.


  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Plenty of jobs in the racing industry.
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Wink goodafternoon

    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Hey gurl! Cool down! You're getting a bit crazy na ehehe hakhak!
    You are too eager to find a job. I'm sure you feel boring whilst hubby is at work. Maybe badly in need shopping money? Want to help family in Pinas or want to help hubby finacially.
    You're still young, there are many choices still. All you need to have is patience.
    You can study at college as long as you have money. Tell hubby about it, so you'll not feel the boredom.
    Go to charity shops to volunteer, no wages but in the future you can have references.
    Yes, you can choose to have babies. But you need to weigh all those things before you make your firm decisions.

    I don't work at the moment, receiving benefits from govt, hubby and Mum studying 2 courses. One in Edinburgh, One in our local centre. I want to study than working but I want to have my own hard earned money.
    Sent you yahoo message.

    ate penny?..why are you older than me not oviousss yep id just add you in my ym this morning when i open THANKS. id just need to log off again coz busy in the morning. like eat breakfast and hm.. cleaning and exercise.. and ofcours assist your husband. coz im making a sandwich for him to bring on hes lunch time.

    i see so you just stay home right now and receiving govt benefits?? is that right?? hm.. how long youve been here in uk? me not morethan 8months but it makes me feel ive been here for sooo longggg..

    im sorry but if i have a rich husband i will be happy to receive hes own money and give to me.. but since my husband not rich.. then i really need to find job whether i like or not.. but..ofcours i wanna work and learn new things who doesnt want..

    yeah when i got job i want to send money back jusst like i used to be too. and hm.. ofcours i wanna help my husband in our finances kung baga stand by lang ako if anything goes wrong or kinapos ba.. then last but not the least i would like to give my self pleasure just like what i used to be too.. i so misss that.. but..well i will only have that all when i get job.. THATS WHY I DONT STOP LOOKING FOR JOB... but i guess sophie is right what she advice to sc that we s hould try harderrrr.. though im scared..

    btw i also read your thread to sc big problem.. well for her.. but im glad that its sounds you do understand but also stand for the right decision. me too i think she just want to be honest to her self though its too late. i hope we manage to get job and get out of what our fearss

    chat you soon......

  6. #6
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Wink Heller..sweetmanning..

    Quote Originally Posted by sweetmanning View Post
    hi pocahontas!!

    i love reading your blog sis!...kaloka nakaka relate ako! im very eager to find a job...grabe! u said youve been looking for about 3 months now and no positive feedback yet!! oh no! but lets not loose hope im pretty sure we will be lucky next week? hahaha another week?lol waaaaaaaaa....we wanted to work!!! hehehe

    keep on singing gur..chilll! it will help 2 release stress.

    well thats how i really feel.. glad that you like it too.. thats right looking for job 3months well on and off.. not everyday of 3months... hehe just to make it clear ok..

    kaya nga ito katatapos ko nnman mag ngangawa..i mean sing along.. and do some my exercise.. then later ill be with my husband to go in the gym. tomorrow i dont know whats going to be again my mood..

    how's your job hunting..any experience you wanna share?? after you then i will share my experiencessss..hehe

    btw. can i add you in my friend list here.. if you would accept it i think im the first friend in your list and ill be great.. and who is manning the hubby or you??

  7. #7
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Wink Hello admin..

    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Plenty of jobs in the racing industry.
    thanks for info... but what job can i apply there? is there any here in leeds??

  8. #8
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    My mate was kicked out by his wife so has been looking for quick temporary digs,I have looked at a few shop window noticeboards for him,I have seen quite a few adverts for shopwork,I have seen maybe 6 adverts in local shops over the last weekend,maybe worth checking in local shops for work till something more siutable crops up?

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
    The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears, the figure that she carries, or the way she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is seen in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. True beauty in a woman is reflected in her soul. It's the passion that she shows to the outside world.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    ate penny?..why are you older than me not oviousssi see so you just stay home right now and receiving govt benefits?? is that right?? hm.. how long youve been here in uk? me not morethan [COLOR="Red"]8months but it makes me feel ive been here for sooo longggg..[/COLOR]im sorry but if i have a rich husband i will be happy to receive hes own money and give to me.. but since my husband not rich.. then i really need to find job whether i like or not.. but..ofcours i wanna work and learn new things who doesnt want..

    Smile is the best medicine

    8 months without job is boring

    I met filipinas married to rich white but their husband don't give them money,
    I met Filipinas married to ordinary white not rich but they received money from hubby,
    Which is which?
    Never mind rich or poor as long as you have your own job and financially independent then you'll be extremely happy. So go go go gurl! and don't give up!

  10. #10
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Smile is the best medicine

    8 months without job is boring

    I met filipinas married to rich white but their husband don't give them money,
    I met Filipinas married to ordinary white not rich but they received money from hubby,
    Which is which?
    Never mind rich or poor as long as you have your own job and financially independent then you'll be extremely happy. So go go go gurl! and don't give up!
    aba my reputation kapa sinend sakin ha..hehe how did you do changing color my fonts?? well.. in the two filipinas you know i preferred nothing.. what i preferred is marrying white rich and giving you everything he can.. but ofcours i know how lucky i am us, having simple normali life like this.. loving husband is nothing you could ask for. hm........i think.

    have you add me in friendster?? how bout face book?? oo naman noh walang panget nasa utak lang yan....... boring well most of the times i find my self bored even i can manage to make friends, here in net, and so far had met 2 good filipina like me and already invite her and come to visit me here.. just the other day actually we had karaoke here and beers.. di ko pa nga na shashare dito eh..busy..

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post

    aba my reputation kapa sinend sakin ha..hehe how did you do changing color my fonts?? well.. in the two filipinas you know i preferred nothing.. what i preferred is marrying white rich and giving you everything he can.. but ofcours i know how lucky i am us, having simple normali life like this.. loving husband is nothing you could ask for. hm........i think.

    have you add me in friendster?? how bout face book?? oo naman noh walang panget nasa utak lang yan....... boring well most of the times i find my self bored even i can manage to make friends, here in net, and so far had met 2 good filipina like me and already invite her and come to visit me here.. just the other day actually we had karaoke here and beers.. di ko pa nga na shashare dito eh..busy..
    Ayaw u b rep? Bawiin q yan eheheh. Joke
    Just use the tools forum provided and you can make it. Highlight first the word/sentence and choose colour you want. Look this up A and click down arrow beside.
    Enjoy yourself!

  12. #12
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Ayaw u b rep? Bawiin q yan eheheh. Joke
    Just use the tools forum provided and you can make it. Highlight first the word/sentence and choose colour you want. Look this up A and click down arrow beside.
    Enjoy yourself!
    oh yeah.. hehe oo nga lam ko pala yan..dko lang napapansin.. ay nako sinabi mo pa..enjoy myself tlg.. im here in ym too but well just always standby lang naman.. THANKS AGAIN..

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by pennybarry View Post
    Hey gurl! Cool down! You're getting a bit crazy na ehehe hakhak!
    You are too eager to find a job. I'm sure you feel boring whilst hubby is at work. Maybe badly in need shopping money? Want to help family in Pinas or want to help hubby finacially.
    You're still young, there are many choices still. All you need to have is patience.
    You can study at college as long as you have money. Tell hubby about it, so you'll not feel the boredom.
    Go to charity shops to volunteer, no wages but in the future you can have references.
    Yes, you can choose to have babies. But you need to weigh all those things before you make your firm decisions.

    I don't work at the moment, receiving benefits from govt, hubby and Mum studying 2 courses. One in Edinburgh, One in our local centre. I want to study than working but I want to have my own hard earned money.
    Sent you yahoo message.

    i think you are confused benefits do not come from government , they come from the uk tax payer !!!!!

  14. #14
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarita View Post
    i think you are confused benefits do not come from government , they come from the uk tax payer !!!!!
    here we go again

    DOM !! DOM !!! where are you, get your magnifying glass out

    exactly it's tax payers money, and as penny and her hubby have paid tax, she is entitled to it, also as I'm a tax payer and i would rather it go to penny than paying for some MP's moat to be cleaned out..

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarita View Post
    i think you are confused benefits do not come from government , they come from the uk tax payer !!!!!
    Hey gurl! don't be obvious of being a spammer. You have only 2 posts and you didn't even bothered to introduce yourself thats rude. I am afraid you are one of the banned or if not, you are scared of me? the boss? or Mod?

    I know the logical meaning of tax. So no problem!

    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    here we go again

    DOM !! DOM !!! where are you, get your magnifying glass out

    exactly it's tax payers money, and as penny and her hubby have paid tax, she is entitled to it, also as I'm a tax payer and i would rather it go to penny than paying for some MP's moat to be cleaned out..

    Thanks Joe. I'm included in my hubby's bills.

  16. #16
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    May I also recommend seeking voluntary work? My wife taught Agricultural Science for 22 years in the Phils. But, unfortunately, such jobs are few and far between in the UK. So, once a week, on Tuesday evenings, she attends a 3-hour training session ... with a view to becoming a volunteer instructor - assisting people with learning difficulties to develop their skills at a local Nursery specialising in plant propogation. And, although the job is unpaid, I know she will enjoy the challenge!

  17. #17
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... just want to shout..that its soo hard to find a job..kala siguro ni sc siya lang nakakamiss ng luho AKO DIN.. pero wala magagawa..just keep on trying yung iba nga taon na binilang..
    Your cool, I like you, is that you in avatar ?

  18. #18
    Member sweetmanning's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
    well thats how i really feel.. glad that you like it too.. thats right looking for job 3months well on and off.. not everyday of 3months... hehe just to make it clear ok..

    kaya nga ito katatapos ko nnman mag ngangawa..i mean sing along.. and do some my exercise.. then later ill be with my husband to go in the gym. tomorrow i dont know whats going to be again my mood..

    how's your job hunting..any experience you wanna share?? after you then i will share my experiencessss..hehe

    btw. can i add you in my friend list here.. if you would accept it i think im the first friend in your list and ill be great.. and who is manning the hubby or you??
    hi sis!!

    yeah gurl u are my first list of friends here..whoa! hehehe...i saw some of your photos and your damn sexy kapatid! hay...right now im doing some job hunting over net and trying to widen my networks of friends...we never know they can help us in any way like referals and all...umasa noh! hehehe...

    im not so familiar with all the tools here yet...maybe later tonight il it ok to give you my email add here? just worried they wont allow it.. my husband surname is Manning and sweet is my real name.oh how i wish we could see each other iba pa rin if u have friends around right.

    im reading your post and as if im the one wrote it coz it the usual thing that i do when i wake up in the preparing things for my hubby blah blah....i love doing it ofcourse because i love my husband but its different if we have our own activity to do after our duty as a wife

    im here in london where u sis ?

    keep in touch!

    all the best


  19. #19
    Respected Member pocahontas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sweetmanning View Post
    hi sis!!

    yeah gurl u are my first list of friends here..whoa! hehehe...i saw some of your photos and your damn sexy kapatid! hay...right now im doing some job hunting over net and trying to widen my networks of friends...we never know they can help us in any way like referals and all...umasa noh! hehehe...

    im not so familiar with all the tools here yet...maybe later tonight il it ok to give you my email add here? just worried they wont allow it.. my husband surname is Manning and sweet is my real name.oh how i wish we could see each other iba pa rin if u have friends around right.

    im reading your post and as if im the one wrote it coz it the usual thing that i do when i wake up in the preparing things for my hubby blah blah....i love doing it ofcourse because i love my husband but its different if we have our own activity to do after our duty as a wife

    im here in london where u sis ?

    keep in touch!

    all the best

    dont worry sis..i understand how you feel or your saying its nice to do things serving your husband bec thats our duty as a wife, but definitely we should have our own activities that we want to do after all the things duty..etc.. ofcourse!!

    so i am.. in the morning i make my husband sandwich that he bring to hes lunch. hay...... after that what tungaga..hehe well there are thing we can do around the house, but we know what we mean right. hay...WALA LANG KASI TAYONG SARILING BUDGET.. kaya hirap mag manage ng activities.. you know what this morning id just went to city center kakauwi ko nga lang eh. well nag pasa ko ng resume ko. kahapon kasi me nakita ako work dito sa internet kaya i visit today and its good because its in city center.. then i also manage to give a cv in 2others store..

    then when i came home still thinking bout the job, so i phone the one of the charity, from the vodafone charity might like to try it coz its all over in the uk. here's the website nalaman ko yan kay ate penny.. mag ka chat na nga kami kahapon eh..

    your right dont stop exploring and to meet more friends even here in forum.. masarap ang me nakakausap pero depende din sa kausap mo.. sinabi mo pa..iba parin at mas happyyyyy kung mag kikita tayo to have a friends around, kaya lang layo mo eh..hehe dito ako sa leeds.... kagagaling lang namin diyan sa london..hehe

    hm.... thank you for the good compliments from you hehe sexy .. grabee sumakit ulo ko at napagod sa kausap ko sa ENGLISHHHHHHHHH hehe.. pag mahaba na kasi ang usapan at ang bilis mag salita di nako makapag concentrate but well natapos ang usap ng di ako sigurado sa information hehe

    geh haba nato parang novela na..

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