AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... just want to shout..that its soo hard to find a job.. hm.. im so confident and when i go to job shop the girl there look at me like wow im sure you will find a job. well thanks for the compliment.. but guess what..ive been what hm.. 3months try to find a job even before we celebrate our wedding anniv in london i already try to find a job..WHAT AAAA

honestly guys today, im hoping that in my 10 try job applied hoping that atleast one of them will call me back. well all of that is just giving cv in the store.. and yeah i got one on my mail saying UNFORTUNATELY YOUR APPLICATION IS UNSUCCESFULL BUT I WOULD LIKE TO THANK YOU BLA..BLA..BLA.. hm... its getting really upset seriously guys but what can i do.. magpapabuntis nalang ako.... kung di lang dahil sa family ko sa pinas eh..hehe tiyaka sa aking dream pleasure nadin..hm.. kala siguro ni sc siya lang nakakamiss ng luho AKO DIN.. pero wala magagawa..just keep on trying yung iba nga taon na binilang..

anyway.. yesterday my husband and i played again singstar.. im happy coz my kuripot husband..hehe i convince to download 3songs actually i ask him to download 10songs each songs is 1pound but we just had a groceries kaya he said 3 only but at the end he did enjoy singing so he said ok 5songs..greatttt.. so 3songs for me and 2songs for me..

i down load the songs of lady gaga just dance, and eternal flame our love songs, and hime he down load by song of elton john your song, and the i forgot.. hm.. tomorrow i will sing again after cleaning house so i wont feel upset waiting for those........DAMN EPLOYERS..opps sorry..hehe8-) peace..