Quote Originally Posted by pocahontas View Post
ate penny?..why are you older than me not oviousssi see so you just stay home right now and receiving govt benefits?? is that right?? hm.. how long youve been here in uk? me not morethan [COLOR="Red"]8months but it makes me feel ive been here for sooo longggg..[/COLOR]im sorry but if i have a rich husband i will be happy to receive hes own money and give to me.. but since my husband not rich.. then i really need to find job whether i like or not.. but..ofcours i wanna work and learn new things who doesnt want..

Smile is the best medicine

8 months without job is boring

I met filipinas married to rich white but their husband don't give them money,
I met Filipinas married to ordinary white not rich but they received money from hubby,
Which is which?
Never mind rich or poor as long as you have your own job and financially independent then you'll be extremely happy. So go go go gurl! and don't give up!