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Thread: Yahoo Chat Logs on USB Stick

  1. #1
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    Yahoo Chat Logs on USB Stick

    Hi folks,

    We are just getting our evidence of our relationship sorted out. Our Yahoo chat logs for 6 months are 1400 pages of A4!

    A big doc 2 + reems of paper. Can a USB stick be used to send the Yahoo chat Archive? I would plan to send around 4 with the same file incase any got lost?

    2 + reems of paper, bank statement printouts, wage slips etc is a big Fed Ex parcel LOL

    We have no paper letters all our chat is on Yahoo on cam

    Thanx for any advise

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i wouldn't send a usb stick, they probably will not get it, accept it or even look at it..

    1,400 pages - again i would be surprised if they will take it, i would send a sample from say each week or month, couple of 100 pages at most.

    but others will tell you what they sent, caz i had 3yrs of chat logs and it was many 1000s of pages double sided print with like 75 lines a page and my misses didn't even hand them in to the embassy

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the advice

    Yes I did think they unlikely to read or look through all the pages. I guess they want to get an idea how long we have been communicating etc.

    Can I also ask you, where do I get the Form for Fiance Visa I need to complete? I realise my Fiance get her form in Philly.

    Do I need to get that from Border Agency website & download it?


  4. #4
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Angel1403 View Post

    Thanks for the advice

    Yes I did think they unlikely to read or look through all the pages. I guess they want to get an idea how long we have been communicating etc.

    Can I also ask you, where do I get the Form for Fiance Visa I need to complete? I realise my Fiance get her form in Philly.

    Do I need to get that from Border Agency website & download it?

    Hi Angel,

    chat logs - no need to send complete transcription (printouts) of them all - I agree with mod Joe and from our own experience it was enough to send a overview of logs - snapshots of archive page with list of chats and just some of the chats (preferably the ones when you have been discussing something very important - your future in UK, living together etc..) in full.

    Finacee Visa form - no form for you, it should be filled in online only by your fiancee (you helping her - giving her all the details about yourself) using this web page:
    UKBA - UK visas - apply online
    Best how to do it is that she will start filling it in when you will be online on YM so you can give her necessary info immediately.
    Good luck
    Jiri & Maricel

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    Hi Ji&Ma

    Thanks for the advice and links much appreciated

  6. #6
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    I had not imagined it was necessary to produce Yahoo chat logs. Would bank statements, proof of monthly financial support by Western Union transfer forms, proof that we have actually met, together with passports, birth certificates, and in my case a divorce certificate, be sufficient? We had hoped that my fiance could apply when I was with her in the Philippines next April / May.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I had not imagined it was necessary to produce Yahoo chat logs. Would bank statements, proof of monthly financial support by Western Union transfer forms, proof that we have actually met, together with passports, birth certificates, and in my case a divorce certificate, be sufficient? We had hoped that my fiance could apply when I was with her in the Philippines next April / May.
    What you ideally need to provide is proof of communications when you are not together. We didn't provide any Yahoo chat logs though I did mention we chatted online. But I was in the Philippines 3 times over 5 months (including when my fiancee had her interview) and we provided loads of phone/text records.

  8. #8
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    Thanks for such a prompt and helpful reply. We do have saved text messages on our mobile phones and so I guess actually taking the phones to the interview would help (obtaining a printout of text messages could be time consuming and costly ?). I will also remember to print any e mails exchanged between us. I can understand the arguments in favour of either a fiance visa with marriage in the UK, or a spouse visa after marriage in the Philippines; clearly a joint decision !
    I'm a relative newbie to this forum, but I'm very grateful for the advice and for my part have already offered advice in return on serious matters ( nursing in the UK, forecasting the weather) and less serious (how to stay feeling young ....sorry, even after 35 years as a doctor I don't have all the answers to that one!).

  9. #9
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Thanks for such a prompt and helpful reply. We do have saved text messages on our mobile phones and so I guess actually taking the phones to the interview would help (obtaining a printout of text messages could be time consuming and costly ?). I will also remember to print any e mails exchanged between us. I can understand the arguments in favour of either a fiance visa with marriage in the UK, or a spouse visa after marriage in the Philippines; clearly a joint decision !
    I'm a relative newbie to this forum, but I'm very grateful for the advice and for my part have already offered advice in return on serious matters ( nursing in the UK, forecasting the weather) and less serious (how to stay feeling young ....sorry, even after 35 years as a doctor I don't have all the answers to that one!).
    They don't do interviews too often nowadays, unless there is something "fishy" in the application either on applicants or sponsors side...
    Might be better to get the messages printed out somehow - should be possible to do it through phone software (phone manager, phone suite).
    I think there is a thread somewhere in "Computer Help & Advice" about it
    Jiri & Maricel

  10. #10
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    My input is dont worry about what you were proving what you were talking about ie the content of sms, im's. Lets be honest they know they could be faked and most will have names other than your legal name and even then anyone can claim joe.bloggs@yahoo.
    But you could show the constant communcation via sms either from print outs on a phone pc suite or via a bill if you have a phone on a contract.

    Personally i would consider proving the constant contact more and physical meetings back in 2005 one of the few tick boxs (of things the adminstrator had to find evidence of in your submitted paperwork) that was on a scarp of paper was photos together..

    No one is likely to hand over recordings of phone calls to an ECO and personally i dont see what ECO is going to read though chat logs. But showing that your two usernames would regulalry chat (also mentioned i think in the computer section) just as you might show your phone call records.

    Proof of financial support, phones, passports with stamps, receipts from trips together, proof of constant communication, proof you can support your mahal in the uk, proof of a place to live in the UK which is suitable, and finally proof its a geniune relationship.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  11. #11
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    I've said already on this forum that the information and advice is very helpful and it's really helping us to plan for the future rather than just "hope for the best" / "bahala na" ! I expect to bring all my documentation with me when I travel to the Philippines next April so now is the time to think about what will be required. While you say "they don't do interviews too often nowadays" I'm hoping that it will help my fiancee get approval for the visa if I come with her to the Visa Application Center with the documentation.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    I've said already on this forum that the information and advice is very helpful and it's really helping us to plan for the future rather than just "hope for the best" / "bahala na" ! I expect to bring all my documentation with me when I travel to the Philippines next April so now is the time to think about what will be required. While you say "they don't do interviews too often nowadays" I'm hoping that it will help my fiancee get approval for the visa if I come with her to the Visa Application Center with the documentation.
    Make sure you mention in your sponsor letter that you are there and provide copies of the relevant pages of your passport as I'm not certain the VAC staff will record the fact that you are there.

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