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Thread: oh my god !!!!

  1. #1
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    oh my god !!!!

    hello guys, this has been a useful forum and read and took lots of advice before submitting our fiancee visa application ...i was just searching through hear and read some of the refused visa posts including spouse and fiancee !!!! yikes now i am in a panic my accounts that i provided are statements from my one account this is an account that is your mortgage and everything savings and pay go into it ...the thing is its shows you facilty ie your mortagage as a negative it what you owe but you are below the facility therefore in question do you think the ECO/ECM's are aware of these accounts or will they just see the minus figure in front and bin the application ? for example my facility is 80,000 and my balance is 70,000 therefore 10,000 in credit ...but will they understand this !!! help !!!
    hoping to hear this week but now in panic mode !!!
    j & a

  2. #2
    Respected Member
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    So long as your account is in a healthy state (ie the amount you owe is decreasing) the ECO should not have a problem with it. They should be aware of these types of accounts as they have been around for a while now, though to be safe you could have used your sponsor's letter to briefly explain your finances.

  3. #3
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    yes it would of made sense to do that but it was the last day in manila and was rushing around like made to get photo copies etc i am well healthy finicially its just if they dont understand the account could be a problem also annabel is unemployed as i ask her to go to her momas to wait visa while i support her but this doesnt show up on the conditions for the visa i just wondered if they will hold it against which i would understand as she will give her job up to come here anyway !

    i was thinking of writing a fax to explain to ECM manila as application is under process !!! i am having a real panic !!1



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