hi, im jerry, uk national, my wife alma has had her visa to come to uk refused any advice on what to do next would be appreciated
hi, im jerry, uk national, my wife alma has had her visa to come to uk refused any advice on what to do next would be appreciated
... as others will no doubt echo,
to be able to assist, offer advice, we need to know the reasons for refusal.
No man is an island, but Barry is
refused because they believe she wants to enter uk for some personal purposes eg, working in uk and we have not lived together as man and wife more thanayear
I guess the ECO is looking for additional information about why you’ve been apart.
Have you travelled out to see her during this time ? , did u document it ?
Did you write a clear, concise statement about why you’ve been apart ?
Eg, you moved back to the UK to re-establish yourself, your job changed, you were
saving money to secure the right type of accommodation ?, your wife stayed to look
after family members ?
If there was no covering letter, then you’ve given the ECO an easy decision to make.
Re; your appeal under Human Rights … ie, being denied the right to live with your wife,
I think others on here can advise better on that topic.
No man is an island, but Barry is
have been to phill 3 times. go again tomorrow. covering letter was ok. but didnt realize could appeal on human rights grounds. heard that appeals take 6 months
Alma was never given an interview at the embassy, and they have refused to see me or help me saying i can find out all i need on their web sites. Alma is unemployed, that is the reason they think she wants to come to uk, that and because she has no property to speak of. but she would not have to work, they admit i can support her after they looked at my finances. as i do now. but i still have to work, can not leave my job for a year, catch 22
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
Intervening Devotion If the applicant and sponsor have been separated for a lengthy period of time before the application is submitted (for example, longer than 3 or 4 months), then evidence of intervening devotion should be included. This would normally take the form of telephone records or other forms of electronic communication. If the couple have lived separately for a longer period, travel receipts can be used to show that contact has been continual and proportionate.
If a prolonged separation is the result of mobility issues (which would include military duties or other foreign assignments), this would take the form of assignment letters or similar documentation.
When submitting email or instant messenger logs, it is important to bear in mind that intervening devotion means evidence of contact and not an exhaustive transcript of each on-line session.
i would definitely ask the ECO Manger to reconsider her application
If you wife appeals to the British Embassy in Manila they will review the case before they allow it to go to the UK for the full appeal process. At this stage quite a few refusals are overturned because the Entry Clearance Manager will want to know that their reasons for refusal are rock solid before they let it get to the UK. They would want to make sure their not going to end up with egg on their faces if their decision is overturned at appeal in the UK.
If you didn't show regular contact during the times you have been apart when you submitted the application, then one of their reasons for refusal can easily be overcome by submitting evidence to show this. With regard to the other reason for refusal, you should ask them to detail the reasons that brought them to the conclusion that your wife has ulterior motives in wanting to come to the UK.
now this case has me really worried as i havent seen my wife since we were married last dec. could only provide a few months proof of contact on skype as all my yahoo archives had been wipedi hope sending money twice a month goes towards this.
thankyou every body. have learnt a lot today. now off to bed ,flying out tomorrow. Alma's computer is a bit antiquated so not sure if i can get on out there.will keep you informed and probably will need more advice. thanks again
Sorry to hear about your spouse visa refusal.
I also had my wife'e spouse visa refused earlier this year but was lucky and we used the good advice from many people on this site to submit more information as part of an appeal and within 3 weeks of lodging the appeal the refusal was over turned and we were granted a Visa.
Part of our refusal included my wife being unemployed since I met her. Our relationship was shorter than yours and we managed to show that we agreed jointly for my wife not to seek work as it allowed us more time to communicate and also allowed her bonding time with her family.
Under the Human Rights section I was able to give reasons why I could not join my wife full time in the Phillipines so they were contravening my Human Rights as a married man.
One difference was that my wife had an interview and that is when the issued refusal.
I also tried to contact the ECO and ECM during a visit to Manila before submitting our appeal and was not able to get an appointment over a period of almost 5 weeks trying to arrange a meeting during my stay in Manila.
No point going to the embassy as they refuse you access to the visa section without an appointment. You can see a consular without appointment but they can not discuss visa cases with you.
The appeal needs to be placed within 28 days unless you write them requesting longer to lodge appeal. If you lodge appeal in the phillipines it can take 60 working days for the ECO/ECM to review before either over turning decision or passing to AIT in UK. whole process can take 6 months or longer. we were lucky on short appeal and over turn at 1st step. The more evidence you can supply and letters of support the better.
Appealing direct to AIT is no quicker as they require time to get documents and case file from the embassy where the application was placed.
Nobody can really advise on whether to appeal or re-apply as they do not know how strong your appeal reasons are but it sounds like you have good reason to appeal.
If you decide to appeal we hope you have quick and positive outcome.
Not sure if it helped but we tried to get our MP involved and also stated press involvement about our treatment.
Good luck with whatever you decide and we are sure it is only a matter of time before your wife is with you in the UK.
Hi jerry,
welcome to the forum.
having been thru the same process yes u are right it could take upto 6 mos and no assurance whatsoever that it will go to your favour.
When I got denied we tried sorting it out before the Eco sent it to the uk and it's easier to deal and sort it from the time you got declined. not saying it works on all cases but if you could get hold of the Eco who declined your app the better. With my case when the Eco told me what docs I need to present so they could overturn their decision I was not able to provide it within the timeframe they have given so it went to the appeal processs and tribunal which took about nearly a year (I kid you not) and we decided to lodge in a new application.
By the way what docs have you presented and how long have u been married?
"Success is not about how much money you have; it's about the choices you can make in life"
with Aphrodite....
Try and contact the relevant ECO if u can.
If u have been to the Philippines 3x in the last year, it's not as if you've
"abandoned" your wife, nor she you.
You need to ask the ECO what is his concern.... what do you need to do,
or provide, to alleviate those concerns.
This might be able to be sorted out one-on-one, with you either prioviding
the additional information, or you clarrifying information already provided.
..... and hopefully you don't have to go down the appeal route.
Good luck
No man is an island, but Barry is
seems like i have submitted every document possible. any idea how i would contact eco, embassy in manila already told me they will not see me. would eco be in embassy or axia building
Hi jerry,
the name of the Eco who declined your wife's app should be on the the refusal form why not call the embassy and ask (if it's possible you do it bcos they seem to entertain British national than the applicant) and take it from there. Make a letter stating the reason why they should reconsider your wife's application, fax it to them and addressed to the Eco who gave the refusal. Seems to me this is a genuine relationship. Let us know how u get on. All the best![]()
"Success is not about how much money you have; it's about the choices you can make in life"
have only been married since march, which was the last time i was in phill never expected there would be a problem. have known Alma since 2007 and have proof of relationship
Hmmm another ECO in bad mood,as reading your post it was genuine relationship so what makes the eco turn it down,omgalready married in phil,3 times visit, would you mind if i ask how old your wife and you but u can ignore my question if you wish
try call eco and ask what doc he/she needs more to prove from your side
i am 49 and Alma is 32
My wife had no job or property and we had no problem getting a spouse visa.
As your wife is able to work here on a spouse visa, this should not have been a reason for refusal?
What visa did you apply for?
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