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Thread: Fiance visa or spouse visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Fiance visa or spouse visa

    Guys which is which...Much easier to get and convenient...A wise decision..My man and i are talking already about marriage plans...i kno....scary for me but im not worried coz i kno i love to bits ma man,the kind of CNT LIVE WITHOUT love,,,I know its cheesy but im not afraid of the future coz im really really happy when we're together

    Enlighten me guys,,,Advises from u would be much appreciated...

    xoxo Queenbee

  2. #2
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    A spouse visa is slightly easier to get than a fiancee visa, but you should have no trouble getting either. Where do you want to get married - UK or Philippines?

  3. #3
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    i understood spousal visa was easier and its cheaper to get married in phil anyway.

  4. #4
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by whiteraven View Post
    i understood spousal visa was easier and its cheaper to get married in phil anyway.
    But ... as far as I know ... the applicant would be required to lodge an application for EITHER of the two, in his/her homeland ... in your case, the Phils.

  5. #5
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    A spouse visa makes more sense for most couples. Phill family and friends can go you will have less paperwork once in the UK.

    So hows the UK mam?
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  6. #6
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    We chose the fiance visa route. Marriage in the UK - yes no family from the Philippines - but then had we got married in the Philippines my family would have been unlikely to be able to attend. One big advantage with getting the fiance visa was that Daisy could experience her new home before making the legal commitment to me. She had never travelled abroad before and although independent the distance from family and friends and from everything she was previously used to could have been too big a change. Thankfully the three months in London before we got married were fine and in 15 days time we will celebrate our first anniversary.
    I know many people do it but I would have found it very very difficult to get married in the Philippines and then return to the UK without my wife and facing the uncertainties of the visa decision.

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by xebec View Post
    I know many people do it but I would have found it very very difficult to get married in the Philippines and then return to the UK without my wife and facing the uncertainties of the visa decision.
    Very many, I'm afraid ... ME being one of them! And yes, it's hard! Ironically, my wife's visa was granted a mere 3 days after I returned to the UK!

  8. #8
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    I am on spouse visa when I came here in UK. For me, it has advantages in many ways. Made me settled for two years without worrying of applying for FLR if i did have fiance visa which would then expire after 6months. Made me look for job having no problem as I'm eligible to work in UK unlike having the fiance visa only. As what my husband said, wedding costs in Phils. is far too cheap compared to UK wedding costs no matter how grand it is.

    Good Luck Queenbee!
    with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:

  9. #9
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    I applied spouse visa because my Nanay will not allow me to be taken
    outside the country by a foreigner.

    Seriously, I got spouse visa, as you can apply job onced you arrived, help hubby financially, help yourself for boredom in a strange country. No need to apply FLR.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by islander View Post
    I am on spouse visa when I came here in UK. For me, it has advantages in many ways. Made me settled for two years without worrying of applying for FLR if i did have fiance visa which would then expire after 6months. Made me look for job having no problem as I'm eligible to work in UK unlike having the fiance visa only. As what my husband said, wedding costs in Phils. is far too cheap compared to UK wedding costs no matter how grand it is.

    Good Luck Queenbee!
    The argument I'll put always forward for a fiancee visa is that if you haven't applied for and been granted a visitor visa (which obviously isn't the case here...) it allows you to spend time together in the UK which to me is invaluable. With seeing two failed marriages on here where the wife only spent a very short time in the UK that backs up my argument.

    If you really want you can have a very cheap wedding in the UK - only invite your two witnesses, dress in normal clothes, take your own pictures, head to McDonalds afterwards and take the bus home. The wedding before ours seemed to be along this lines....

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    The argument I'll put always forward for a fiancee visa is that if you haven't applied for and been granted a visitor visa (which obviously isn't the case here...) it allows you to spend time together in the UK which to me is invaluable. With seeing two failed marriages on here where the wife only spent a very short time in the UK that backs up my argument.
    more important than living in the UK, is seeing if you can live together for 6 months , but maybe some would be carried away with the excitement of your g/f being in the uk, the pressure of arranging a wedding, that problems might not be seen until after your married and your 'honeymoon' period is over.

    also that's only 2 marriages out of xxx on here, and one of them, you could ask whether she was just using him.

    but most marriages seem to work out ok on here, not many posts on here asking about divorce, remember two in five British marriages end in divorce, the highest rate in Europe, but many on here have not been married that long yet..

  12. #12
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    A spouse visa is slightly easier to get than a fiancee visa, but you should have no trouble getting either. Where do you want to get married - UK or Philippines?
    hmmm plannin to get married in the phil,a simple civil wedding...Then save up when im in the UK,get a job and plan our dream beach wedding in the Phil,,lol..

  13. #13
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    The argument I'll put always forward for a fiancee visa is that if you haven't applied for and been granted a visitor visa (which obviously isn't the case here...) it allows you to spend time together in the UK which to me is invaluable. With seeing two failed marriages on here where the wife only spent a very short time in the UK that backs up my argument.

    If you really want you can have a very cheap wedding in the UK - only invite your two witnesses, dress in normal clothes, take your own pictures, head to McDonalds afterwards and take the bus home. The wedding before ours seemed to be along this lines....
    hehehe i really wish too i have a real cheap but still classy n glamorous wedding in tha UK,,,

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    more important than living in the UK, is seeing if you can live together for 6 months , but maybe some would be carried away with the excitement of your g/f being in the uk, the pressure of arranging a wedding, that problems might not be seen until after your married and your 'honeymoon' period is over.

    also that's only 2 marriages out of xxx on here, and one of them, you could ask whether she was just using him.

    but most marriages seem to work out ok on here, not many posts on here asking about divorce, remember two in five British marriages end in divorce, the highest rate in Europe, but many on here have not been married that long yet..
    I did say spending time together in the UK. Maybe some of the 6 months you have would be a honeymoon period, but at least it's better than in some cases where prior to the wedding the couple have only spent maybe a matter of weeks together in the Philippines.

    No doubt she was using him, but my point being that would they have got married if she came here on a fiancee visa?

    Many people on here come and then go once they get their visas so it's difficult to really tell the failure rate. Our local social groups are probably not representative, but the marriages involving non-Brits (Filipinas, Thai, etc) seem to have a higher failure rate then the marriages purely between Brits.

  15. #15
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    I did say spending time together in the UK. Maybe some of the 6 months you have would be a honeymoon period, but at least it's better than in some cases where prior to the wedding the couple have only spent maybe a matter of weeks together in the Philippines.

    No doubt she was using him, but my point being that would they have got married if she came here on a fiancee visa?
    i was agreeing with you , but sure months living here or in the phils together would be better than a couple of 2wks visits to the phils

    only problem with the fiancée visa is that your intending to get married, for a scammer its a 6 months visit to the UK and milking the guy out of as much as you can get, then either vanish like those on a VV or student visa or go back to the phils.

    i doubt it most would wed, but she may well have married him in the uk still, because your under pressure to get married within 6 months, when i got married in the phils it was more than a year after we got engaged.

  16. #16
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Very sensible reasons for both Phills and Brits to consider fiancee visa but one sticking point to consider for many younger Ladies if like my Wifes family I dont think they would have let her leave Phill unless married.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  17. #17
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    Very sensible reasons for both Phills and Brits to consider fiancee visa but one sticking point to consider for many younger Ladies if like my Wifes family I dont think they would have let her leave Phill unless married.
    yes that's true, going and living with some guy you might have met once in the phils, and then going to live in the UK 6000 miles away for 6 months or more , but then some people marry a guy they have met only once or twice in the phils

  18. #18
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    I think darren-b makes a very valid point, with the Fiancee visa route, asking someone to pack up their lives & come & live in a strange Country after marrying is just too much for some.

    We opted to marry here in the Philippines. Have been here for 2 months, coming home friday.

    We're not rushing into getting a spouse visa, we're going to take our time, if we even do?...Long term, I'm sure we will...Besides, we're rescuing too many cats, from starvation at the moment.

    If you can do it the other way around & spend some time living here, then it's a great way to get to know each other properly.
    2 months isn't that long, but you can get to know each other quite well in that time & get a feel for living out here too.

    Hope to come back here, earlyish in the new year.

    Good luck Queenbee, which ever you decide.

  19. #19
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    I think there are good points on both sides of which visa to go for!

    The main thing is to think if you are willing to move to the UK and have a wedding without your family and friends from back home. If you are okay with this then a fiance visa is a good way to go. Does cost really come into it? The visa and wedding is a costly venture regardless of how it is processed (from what I have read)..

    From your boyfriends point it is better to get married in the UK as that 6 month period will give a better indication of how your lives will pan out. I am sure those 6 months will be bliss for you as the honeymoon period as they say is still ongoing at that point. But, at least you get to see your future husbands habits up close. I mean, his day to day habits. The way he gets ready for work, the way he cooks.. etc.. And if for some reason at that point you both have a change of heart it is easier to deal with than when those vows have been made..

    My own personal thoughts with my Mahal on this matter is that it will allow her to get to know the UK a lot better and make some friends before making the big commitment. I think if she can get through those 6 months and still marry me. Then our marriage would be stronger and the odds would be with us instead of against us. But then we both understand that at times we will have our problems and commitment is not just about the good times!!

    Whatever route you take.. Good luck

  20. #20
    Respected Member Queenbee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I think darren-b makes a very valid point, with the Fiancee visa route, asking someone to pack up their lives & come & live in a strange Country after marrying is just too much for some.

    We opted to marry here in the Philippines. Have been here for 2 months, coming home friday.

    We're not rushing into getting a spouse visa, we're going to take our time, if we even do?...Long term, I'm sure we will...Besides, we're rescuing too many cats, from starvation at the moment.

    If you can do it the other way around & spend some time living here, then it's a great way to get to know each other properly.
    2 months isn't that long, but you can get to know each other quite well in that time & get a feel for living out here too.

    Hope to come back here, earlyish in the new year.

    Good luck Queenbee, which ever you decide.
    You're right in everyway SIM11UK...Eventhough ive known ma man for almost 6 years already (but we jst got reunited jst this april) and me love him to bits,we both have to take our time as MARRIAGE is a big thing...Now it's my chance to kno more about him,have a glimpse of his daily livin in tha UK and what would ma life with him be like....Its diff when he visits me here in PINAS for a month eventhough he knows everything about me,my life,family and friends,its still a holiday thing for tha both of us not really in tha real world where he has to work then gets home and stuff like that...Although i truly believe if youre happy with the other one,u enjoy and have fun when ur together especially on a holiday then it wouldnt be that difficult to adjust when you go and live with him for a long time...

    I definitely go for spouse visa bec eventhough i have a child already and ******* 27 yr old,ma parents are still very overprotective of me as im their only daughter...I truly believe in long engagements and living together before marriage..I was engaged to a german guy before my current relationship for 2 years and weve been together for 3 years but still it's not enough to kno yah partner real well...

    But guys you never meet yah soulmate 2 times right?Before as not the right time together with him as he's making a name for himself ith his work and i am travelling and doing what i love to do which is music...So i dnt have regrets with my decision before not to get really serious and commit into the relationship,i kno it would'nt work...So yah i think this time is OUR time...Fiance visa or spouse visa,,,But for me spouse visa cz like teh penny said,ma nanay doesnt want me to be taken away from them like that by a foreigner,,lol

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    I think there are good points on both sides of which visa to go for!

    The main thing is to think if you are willing to move to the UK and have a wedding without your family and friends from back home. If you are okay with this then a fiance visa is a good way to go. Does cost really come into it? The visa and wedding is a costly venture regardless of how it is processed (from what I have read)..

    From your boyfriends point it is better to get married in the UK as that 6 month period will give a better indication of how your lives will pan out. I am sure those 6 months will be bliss for you as the honeymoon period as they say is still ongoing at that point. But, at least you get to see your future husbands habits up close. I mean, his day to day habits. The way he gets ready for work, the way he cooks.. etc.. And if for some reason at that point you both have a change of heart it is easier to deal with than when those vows have been made..

    My own personal thoughts with my Mahal on this matter is that it will allow her to get to know the UK a lot better and make some friends before making the big commitment. I think if she can get through those 6 months and still marry me. Then our marriage would be stronger and the odds would be with us instead of against us. But then we both understand that at times we will have our problems and commitment is not just about the good times!!

    Whatever route you take.. Good luck
    definitely right on that mate,im on ma way to him no in just 2 days ,,yay!I kno 3 months and 2 eeks is not enough but its good enough for me.....Hey northerner how's tha PHIL for yah so far??

  22. #22
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    spouse visa i think.. since you'll have a taste of life in the UK already with your visit visa... good luck day!

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Queenbee View Post
    definitely right on that mate,im on ma way to him no in just 2 days ,,yay!I kno 3 months and 2 eeks is not enough but its good enough for me.....Hey northerner how's tha PHIL for yah so far??
    I am sure you will love it in the UK As for me, the Phils and time with my Mahal is amazing in many ways....

  24. #24
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    I will go for spouse visa,less hassle

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    I am sure you will love it in the UK As for me, the Phils and time with my Mahal is amazing in many ways....
    YayHappy for you!Im really excited to be with ma mahal again tooo,,Have him house arrest for a week,,hehehe

  26. #26
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    if your fiance or husband to be if he loves you and your family he gonna choose to have a wedding in the philippines for the sake of your family, my husband did it he went to philippines on his own to marry me and have a blessing party for his family when i arrived here in uk. and he brought all documents we need for spouse visa application so for me applying spouse visa is so easy as long as you have gather complete documents in your hands before the wedding and wait for a couple of days in you MC.
    all things are possible!

  27. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by vbkelly View Post
    if your fiance or husband to be if he loves you and your family he gonna choose to have a wedding in the philippines for the sake of your family, my husband did it he went to philippines on his own to marry me and have a blessing party for his family when i arrived here in uk. and he brought all documents we need for spouse visa application so for me applying spouse visa is so easy as long as you have gather complete documents in your hands before the wedding and wait for a couple of days in you MC.
    yes thats what he suggested that we get married here in pinas....Hey vbkelly im flying tom for Uk and stay there after valentines,would it be ok to prepare everything for the spouse visa for like maybe after 4 months or it should be more longer???

  28. #28
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes that's true, going and living with some guy you might have met once in the phils, and then going to live in the UK 6000 miles away for 6 months or more , but then some people marry a guy they have met only once or twice in the phils
    Some women agree to marry a guy they have never physically spent time withA friend of mine,good friend actually,has just been on her second visitors visa to UK,both times it was to stay with the same guy,no mention from him of marriage,she returned home several weeks ago despondent

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  29. #29
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    hiya, for me its a finacee visa purely as i want annabel to spend time here and to see if she likes it i have the utmost respect for her and staggered by her and other filipinas bravey tio leave all they know and love to come and be with a guy that they have not know that long...however with annabel we have such a loving relationship that i have no doubts to our success, but its a big step for her and i need to help her with the adjustment, friends food etc, we have decided to marry here and i have promised that within in a year we will have a church wedding in her home town for her family and us to enjoy, the church is beautiful, ... this is all assuming we get the fiancee visa, no gaureentees and i go from some days confident we will get it to convinced we wont !! if we dont i will be going to philippines to marry my mahal as soon as i can when we parted at manila airport for me to come home i promised i vowed i wouldnt every leave her behind again and that we will always be together, and i will make that happen
    jonathan and annabel

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