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Thread: Ids for Passport needed ??

  1. #1
    Member mistermatty's Avatar
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    Ids for Passport needed ??

    Just a bit of background here , my GF original Birth Cert contained the incorrect birth date on it and has only just been replaced with a new revised version .

    We now need to apply for a passport for an upcoming trip to Thailand in January .

    The only other photographic ID she has is a 6 year old Dept of Inland Revenue Card which she regually uses to fly domestically with me within the PH .

    How does she apply for the other Photo Ids , does she need to travel back to her province in Samar to get a Postal ID etc etc ?

    I am guessing she can apply for her passport at any DFA office withing the PH ??

    Salmat Po in advance for your help .


  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistermatty View Post
    Just a bit of background here , my GF original Birth Cert contained the incorrect birth date on it and has only just been replaced with a new revised version .

    We now need to apply for a passport for an upcoming trip to Thailand in January .

    The only other photographic ID she has is a 6 year old Dept of Inland Revenue Card which she regually uses to fly domestically with me within the PH .

    How does she apply for the other Photo Ids , does she need to travel back to her province in Samar to get a Postal ID etc etc ?

    I am guessing she can apply for her passport at any DFA office withing the PH ??

    Salmat Po in advance for your help .


    Ok, First of all, Welcome to the Forum! We're a decent bunch here who try to help as much as we can. What I'll do for you is let you know the general requirements for a first time passport, and if you have trouble getting any of the requirements, post it and we'll do what we can to help you . . .


    * New Applicants


    * Personal appearance is required except when the applicant is:
    o 7 years old and below;
    o 65 years old and above or
    o mentally or physically incapacitated.
    * Passports unclaimed after six (6) months will be cancelled per Department Order No. 37-03.
    * The Department is authorized to reject applications not supported by sufficient supporting documents.
    * Check all data in the passport upon release. Passports found to have scripting errors will be replaced gratis if presented for correction six (6) months from date of release.


    * Marriage Contract
    * PRC / IBP ID
    * Land Title
    * Driver's License
    * Government Service Record
    * Old SSS-E1 form or digitized SSS-ID
    * School Form 137 or Transcript of Records
    * Other documents that show full name and birth details of applicant and/or citizenship
    * Voter's Registration Record
    * Baptismal Certificate
    * Seaman's Book
    * Income Tax Return (Old)


    * Personal Appearance is required.
    * Duly accomplished application form.
    * Birth Certificate (BC) in Security Paper (SECPA) issued by the National Statistics Office (NSO); for born 1950 & below, Negative Birth Record from NSO & Joint Birth Affidavit from Two Disinterested Persons if no record from NSO.
    * Three (3) colored photos of the applicant taken against a royal blue background & no shadow. Applicant should be in decent attire with collar & sleeves and in dark-colored shirt. Photo must be studio taken & of good quality, and must have been taken within the last six (6) months. Photo size: 4.5 cm x 3.5 cm. Facial image size: About 3cm-tip of head to chin; with 8-10mm head clearance from top edge. Ears and forehead should be visible. Wearing of accessories, colored contact lenses or eyeglasses, with name/name board are not allowed. DFA has the right to reject photos that do not comply with specifications and international standards.
    * Original ID i.e. Senior Citizen's ID, Voter's ID, digitized government-issued IDs like SSS, PRC, BIR, Driver's License, original school ID (for students only) AND original supporting documents indicating full name, date and place of birth and citizenship (Please refer to the list below)
    * If late registered, submit 2 original supporting documents indicating full name, date and place of birth and citizenship prior to date of late registration.
    * NBI Clearance (not required if presenting 2 digitized Identification Cards.)
    * Certified True Copy (CTC) of BC issued by the Local Civil Registrar if BC secpa is unreadable
    * MC secpa of parents if Last & Middle name are foreign sounding (Chua, Ong, etc)


    * Marriage Contract
    * PRC / IBP ID
    * Land Title
    * Driver's License
    * Government Service Record
    * Old SSS-E1 form or digitized SSS-ID
    * School Form 137 or Transcript of Records
    * Other documents that show full name and birth details of applicant and/or citizenship
    * Voter's Registration Record
    * Baptismal Certificate
    * Seaman's Book
    * Income Tax Return (Old)

  3. #3
    Member mistermatty's Avatar
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    Thanks for your post , the requirements i am reasonably clued up on ....unfortanuly my GF only has the NSO Birth Cert along with an old PRC card , she tells me she has not voted for many years but can re -register but a ID card is not given straight away ?

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistermatty View Post
    Thanks for your post , the requirements i am reasonably clued up on ....unfortanuly my GF only has the NSO Birth Cert along with an old PRC card , she tells me she has not voted for many years but can re -register but a ID card is not given straight away ?
    I guess someone else can step in at this point, because, my wife and I used an agency to get her passport sorted (those were the days when we were ignorant of such a trap)

    someone will help you - i'm guessing if it's not a filipina on this forum, it'll be "JoeBloggs", or "Somebody"

  5. #5
    Respected Member islander's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mistermatty View Post
    Thanks for your post , the requirements i am reasonably clued up on ....unfortanuly my GF only has the NSO Birth Cert along with an old PRC card , she tells me she has not voted for many years but can re -register but a ID card is not given straight away ?
    Try to approach an agency / travel agency... they will advise you as to probable requirements as they have better access to DFA offices.

    I applied for my first passport thru an agency, I just brought with me a lot of documents (like Transcript of Records, Telephone Billing statement in my name, NSO birth cert. & NBI clearance), then the agency staff had choosen some of it to back up my application & scheduled my personal appearance at DFA & that was it.... This was long time ago though, I'm not so sure if they have been strict in terms of requirements.
    with a heart full of love, you will express your highest potential while also fulfilling your soul's deepest purpose:

  6. #6
    Member mistermatty's Avatar
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    Thank you for your advice .

    Seeems a voters ID is not goin to be any good as they are not being issued until april 2010 ...

    As for getting a postal ID shes has only been living in her new home for 3 months and has no ultilty bills as yet , she asked her Bangray people for forms and they claimed she needs to get NBI clearance which i think is nonsense !!

    How something which should be so simple is turning into a right headache .

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