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Thread: fiancee visa dilemma

  1. #1
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    fiancee visa dilemma

    hi, I am a british national, I lived in the Philippines for 5 years on a student visa. During my first year, I was young and stupid and got married fast out there. That turned into a nightmare and finished pretty quickly. During the last year of my stay in the Philippines I fell in REAL LOVE with a girl. Im now back in the UK and want me and my girlfriend to live and get married in the UK. My former wife, I have no idea where she is, but Im pretty sure as far as the Philippines ONS is concerned we are still married. I'm have all the financial documents and housing documents to sponsor my girlfriend for a UK fiancee visa. I'm tempted to just go for it and not mention my previous nightmare. But I recall getting a certificate of no impediment from the UK embassy 5 years ago. Will this still be on record there? IS the ECO likely to discover my former marriage? Has anyone heard a similar story to this? Im not even sure if the UK government recognise my philippine marriage. I would appreciate any advice. Dont really want to wait two years to get annulment in philippines and then apply for uk fiancee visa

  2. #2
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    hiya be very careful if they find out you could scupper things for good, i know they contact the NSO to see if your fiancee is free to marry you can do this yourself its called a CENOMAR it means certificate of free to marraige . and i provided on my application my divorce documents the advice i was given is they do check here with the british system so you may not show up anywhere, but i wouldn,t want to take the risk myself, i have also been told you can divorce here with the british courts i not sure thats right but that maybe worth looking into .... the other choice is to marry her there assuming you dont flag up on the system then you will know for sure

    regards and good luck

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by naughtyboy View Post
    hi, I am a british national, I lived in the Philippines for 5 years on a student visa. During my first year, I was young and stupid and got married fast out there. That turned into a nightmare and finished pretty quickly. During the last year of my stay in the Philippines I fell in REAL LOVE with a girl. Im now back in the UK and want me and my girlfriend to live and get married in the UK. My former wife, I have no idea where she is, but Im pretty sure as far as the Philippines ONS is concerned we are still married. I'm have all the financial documents and housing documents to sponsor my girlfriend for a UK fiancee visa. I'm tempted to just go for it and not mention my previous nightmare. But I recall getting a certificate of no impediment from the UK embassy 5 years ago. Will this still be on record there? IS the ECO likely to discover my former marriage? Has anyone heard a similar story to this? Im not even sure if the UK government recognise my philippine marriage. I would appreciate any advice. Dont really want to wait two years to get annulment in philippines and then apply for uk fiancee visa
    Don't you think that you should at least find out about divorce from the UK...???

    As far as I recollect, you can start proceedings here in the UK, without any problems, and once you get the Decree Absolute, you will be free to remarry, and so will your ex.

    If you go ahead disregarding the rules, you risk jeopardizing the visa for years to come, and also incurring the risk of making it more difficult for genuine applicants..

    Keep it correct and to the letter of the law.

  4. #4
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    thanks...i will investigate getting divorced in uk

  5. #5
    Respected Member girl england's Avatar
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    goodluck naughtyboy

  6. #6
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    Keep it correct and to the letter of the law
    ... Don't BE a "naughty boy"! :lol2: Welcome & good luck ...!

  7. #7
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    Hi welcome to the forum. You must sort out your papers legally and have a clean start. Good luck
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  8. #8
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    Welcome to the forum

  9. #9
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    I would suggest that you apply for a divorce in the UK as you are habitually resident here and therefore can apply for a divorce in the UK. Once you have received your dovorce papers you can then apply for your partner to join you in the UK.

  10. #10
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    get divorce here in the UK... easier and better... Phils will recognize the divorce and when you report that to the local courts there, they will just issue an order stating that your marriage to your e-wife is nullified...

    good luck!

  11. #11
    Newbie (Restricted Access) kryptobran's Avatar
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    my advice is, find your ex first and tell her that you want to get annulled. Only she can file a marriage annulment since she's a filipina, and you can't' but of course with your own expense.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by kryptobran View Post
    my advice is, find your ex first and tell her that you want to get annulled. Only she can file a marriage annulment since she's a filipina, and you can't' but of course with your own expense.

    From the Horses mouth....

    "Where a marriage between a Filipino citizen and a foreigner is validly celebrated and a divorce is thereafter validly obtained abroad by the alien spouse capacitating him or her to remarry, the Filipino spouse shall have capacity to remarry under Philippine law. (As amended by Executive Order 227) "

  13. #13
    Newbie (Restricted Access) ladymae's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by naughtyboy View Post
    hi, I am a british national, I lived in the Philippines for 5 years on a student visa. During my first year, I was young and stupid and got married fast out there. That turned into a nightmare and finished pretty quickly. During the last year of my stay in the Philippines I fell in REAL LOVE with a girl. Im now back in the UK and want me and my girlfriend to live and get married in the UK. My former wife, I have no idea where she is, but Im pretty sure as far as the Philippines ONS is concerned we are still married. I'm have all the financial documents and housing documents to sponsor my girlfriend for a UK fiancee visa. I'm tempted to just go for it and not mention my previous nightmare. But I recall getting a certificate of no impediment from the UK embassy 5 years ago. Will this still be on record there? IS the ECO likely to discover my former marriage? Has anyone heard a similar story to this? Im not even sure if the UK government recognise my philippine marriage. I would appreciate any advice. Dont really want to wait two years to get annulment in philippines and then apply for uk fiancee visa
    Have it annulled. If your new gf is a Filipina and you marry her without your previous marriage being annulled, she will not be your legal wife in the Philippines. Be kind to her. Love can wait.

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