Quote Originally Posted by JimOttley View Post
NIC's build up entitlement over time for example pension rights which are payable oversea's to non resident British Citizens.

NI was a system designed to entitle people to access to the NHS and to Unemployment benefits, Pension rights came later.

Many people living abroad will continue to pay voluntary NI contributions in the UK in order to retain full pension rights, so what exactly is different about the NHS?

It may be the rules but it's not morally right when someone has paid their dues over many many years for them to be refused treatment because they choose to live abroad for a few years.

If your home base has absolutely irrevocably changed then yes I can see your point but few people moving to the Philippines are going to cut themselves off from the UK that way, they may well still have taxable assets in the UK and may well still be paying tax in the UK on payments from their pension annuities and other investments etc.

So should they be refused treatment just becuase they have been out of the country for x length of time?


Very well said Jim..You make far too much sense I'm afraid!

I decided long long ago to leave the UK as I felt completely cheated almost on a daily basis by those with an opinion not unlike those of Darren B.
It would be far better for me to have been born Polish so that I could have legitimately availed of almost any British social service without the requirement to have ever contributed even one Penny.
(and without fear of being called a cheat by an opinionated coward hiding behind his monitor and keyboard)
Well sorry but I have just decided not to subscribe to these type of injustices and will now definately recoup some of the money that was stolen from me by the cheats in the British Government in recent years..Its much easier than you might think..
I have just decided to apply for my sons university grant that he not entitled to..For starters.
Darren B...Thank you for the inspiration.