Thanks Somebody! I started my ECDL course 5 weeks ago and it is hard. As a matter of fact, I failed my preliminary exam.

The exam has 6 categories. Using application, Document creation, Formatting etc. But I got only 70% because the time runs out and I had no answer with the last two categories. The office said it might be the language barrier that's why I got failing grade because I was too slow.

But my teacher said, I might just need practice because Office 2007 is different from what I've leaned. (1997,2003) But in my opinion, I tried to understand well the question before I put my answer, and I'm always lost in finding all the function tabs that I need to click. It takes ages for me to locate the exact location of the functions. It's hard because it's fastract and teacher will not teach you the whole functions. So I study hard the CD about ECDL.
I enrolled my Dreamweaver in a private Training school in Edinburgh. It is great because we have 3 teachers in the room and you can ask everything you want to know if you are stuck!

. It's far but there's bus and train so go for it!
I applied as volunteer 6 weeks ago. They will provide and pay my caregiving course. It is interesting because they need to check my background.

I got my ENHANCED Disclosure certificate yesterday and thanks God! I have no record in Pinas.

It took 6 weeks before I got my certificate and next week, I may start my course.
I am determined to learn

I have my Dreamweaver 8 in my laptop but I don't know how to use it.

That's why I enrolled.
It's really hard but it is my dream to learn more about webpage design.

Photo was taken my friend in Edinburgh central. We had nice time together.