Just arrived back after 2 weeks in Davao city. With this being my second visit to meet a lady out there I didn't feel too nervous this time. I felt totally confident on my way to the coffee shop, which was to be our first meeting place. When she walked in and I saw her for the first time I thought I'd made a big mistake. I just couldn't believe how beautiful she was in person, not one single pic I'd seen of her did her justice. I was kind of speechless for awhile, and thinking this girl's never going to like me, she's way out of my league.
Anyway, everyday we hooked up and did things together, and as each day passed we grew closer and closer. After a week I realised I was totally smitten with her. When I told her I loved her I was kind of nervous what her reaction would be. Luckily, she told me she loves me more

We laugh at the same silly things, have the same interests, and have promised each other this is for keeps. I know the hard work starts now, but I feel confident this will last and someday we'll be together always

fingers crossed.
I doubt with all the support and advice I've received on this forum I would have gone back to the Philippines after last time. So glad I did. Thanks guys