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Thread: Church weddings - philippines

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  1. #1
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sconnie View Post
    It is not expensive, I guess you already have the wedding dress etc.
    It is the planning and preparation, that is time consuming.
    Are you catholic ?
    Thanks for your response

    How much is not expensive?
    No we dont have a wedding dress etc
    I'm not a catholic....but i dont think that matters?
    Just hoping to get an idea from others who may have got married in a church

  2. #2
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Its not expensive,I went to a tricycle drivers wedding,he had it in a church and he is as poor as the proverbial church mouse,but what a fantastic ceremony,two small girls walked down the aisle ahead of the couple scattering flower petals from their baskets,and they released a pair of snow white doves when the newlyweds emerged from the church,absolutely fantastic

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  3. #3
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    its not that expensive if u keep it simple but it depends what kind of simple wedding your wife or her family wants??? My friend who got married last year in Phils they spend £1500 all in (her/his dress, entourage, family and food) and approx 100 guess she said.

    i am not catholic so i have no idea what's involve if ur not a catholic then getting married in a catholic ceremony...good luck

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sconnie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lordna View Post
    Thanks for your response

    How much is not expensive?
    No we dont have a wedding dress etc
    I'm not a catholic....but i dont think that matters?
    Just hoping to get an idea from others who may have got married in a church
    Depends on what you want, in the village of my wife £1,500 will give you a reasonable wedding with 150 guests catered for, we had our reception outside, all of the neighbours helped create a covered area shaded from the sun and the caterers decorated the rest. My wife arranged for hairdressers to do the make up and hair of my wife, her mother and bridesmaids on the big day and they also decorated the church.

    As you are not a Catholic, it will depend on how strict the local priests sticks to church rules (law), the least I would expect is he would request an interview with you both, especially if you want a full nuptial ceremony and not just basic wedding service. I would suggest your wife arrange a meeting with the local priest to ask what is expected.PICT0079.jpg


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