Hi guys, Just want to share how i feel...Im so so sad with out my hubby beside me, I mis him so very much!..He fly back to england last nov. 7 and im missing him so much...God its so hard to be far apart ,it hurts!
Hi guys, Just want to share how i feel...Im so so sad with out my hubby beside me, I mis him so very much!..He fly back to england last nov. 7 and im missing him so much...God its so hard to be far apart ,it hurts!
Marlyn & Kenny forever
Hi Marlyn
I know exactly how u feel as had to say goodbye to my wife last Sunday (November 1st) to return to England . Even though we chat online its still very hard being apart with no option to return before February as we need the money for VISA applications.
Thought u might like to know your not alone!
Yes it is! But please cheer up yourself.
Enjoy your days with your family and friends.
Hope you'll be OK later, and once you get over here, you'll miss your family in Pinas.
So enjoy your days and cheer up! Cheer up your hubby too.
Yes Ms. Penny is right, cheer up and enjoy the moments with your family and friends here. But I know it must be very lonely being away with your husband- you missing each other every time. But soon enough you will be together after you get the visa
You really got a nice wedding![]()
Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.
ohh i know how you feel i a grown man 48 yrs old when i left my fiancee at manila airport to come home my heart was wrenched apart its the hardst thing i ever do i dont mind admitting to crying i sat with an elderly couple on the way to singapore and they could tell i was upset cos i kept weeping its 4 weeks now we been apart waiting for our visa and i know we are right for each other coz i still in pain !!! i tell her to be strong but its me who needs to be strong i wreck ... i really hope we get good news this week !!! stay strong for all those apart i am sure good things will happen be positive !!
I share your pain , left Pinas in May, and it was soooooooo painful, my mahal was so strong up to the point of me going inside the airport then she just broke down................We skype but its hit and miss at best. Just cherish what you do have and know that you'll be together soon
good luck![]()
i agree with Ms penny... ive been through with that situation its really hard if its time to get separated again with your loved ones.. but once youre here, youll miss your family terribly so enjoy your time while youre with them make the most out of it.. Cheer up you'll be with your hubby in the near future for sure...
i really feel for you as do we all,most of us on the forum im sure have gone through the same thingas i tell my wife just enjoy your time with your family you will miss them just as much later.
thats what i felt before.i remember what my friend told me, " pag nasa uk ka na, iiyak ka din kasi gusto mo na umuwi ng pinas dahil miss mo na family mo." they are right.enjoy and make time with your family.
Yes, I agree with Pennybarry also...
I know how you guys feel on the situation like this, been there. It was hard and heartbreaking but hey! you know this won't last forever and you'll be together again, so stay strong and cheer up!and enjoy the time being away from your loveones
Not an expert, I only try to help.
To Marlyn and the many others in similar circumstances ... I empathise with each and every one of you.It would be very easy to say, "chin-up ... be strong" ... etc. ... !
Butwith you ALL ... it's soooooo
I feel for you.. Because eventhough Im in the UK, Im still alone most of the time as my husband works abroad alot. I know its hard but we need to be strong not only for ourselves but for our partner as well. Just keep ur self busy and hope you feel better![]()
It's good to have money and the things that money can buy, but it's good to check up once in a while to make sure you haven't lost the things that money can't buy.
just be strong as its not for long... soon you will be together again and this time up to forever...enjoy the weather in pinas...
Never to worry dear.
Just enjoy your time with your family, as you will come to miss them also real soon.
Keep your head up, life is beautiful
Easy to say, as I miss my girl like crazy, but all good things come to those who wait![]()
Satellite/Cable TV/Radiocommunications specialist.
Hi guys! My heartfelt thanks to everyone. who spends their time typing comforting words.. i really appreciate it..
thank you guys!![]()
Marlyn & Kenny forever
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