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Thread: annulment?

  1. #1
    Member sassy's Avatar
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    Question annulment?

    can anyone tell me if annulment actually exists in the Philippines? My partner was told by a solicitor there that it would cost him about the equivalent of two to three thousand pounds and that it would take about a year to process. Others have said this is not possible even if you pay.
    Does anyone know of any successful cases and how long they took?
    This would be greatly appreciated.


  2. #2
    Respected Member britishdetained's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sassy View Post
    can anyone tell me if annulment actually exists in the Philippines? My partner was told by a solicitor there that it would cost him about the equivalent of two to three thousand pounds and that it would take about a year to process. Others have said this is not possible even if you pay.
    Does anyone know of any successful cases and how long they took?
    This would be greatly appreciated.

    YES THERE IS.... actually i am in that process for my ex- but its been three years now but no decision yet. the only grounds for annulment here is psychological make it fast someone should admit it... yeah i spent 4000 pounds for a lawyer

  3. #3
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    HI sassy, welcome to the forum

    Yes it is exist in the Phil, I has been annuled last Sept last year, cost me 150k or 1500 GBP (round off lol) took me 10 months, depends on the lawyer and depends in the location where u gonna file the case, I heard some where in the province is easy as it wasn't busy like we are in Manila.

  4. #4
    Member sassy's Avatar
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    thanks for your replies. I need to find a filipino solicitor in U.K. to help us I think. My boyfriend is here on a visitor's visa only. We have a daughter together. He was married before in the Philippines so we can't get married until he is divorced/annuled! Haven't been living together for two years either so can't go down the unmarried partner route for a visa. We are worried sick that he will have to return home at the end of his stay here. I would have thought that having a child means something, but seems not?

    P.S. Glad I found this site!

  5. #5
    Respected Member laurel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by britishdetained View Post
    YES THERE IS.... actually i am in that process for my ex- but its been three years now but no decision yet. the only grounds for annulment here is psychological make it fast someone should admit it... yeah i spent 4000 pounds for a lawyer
    Are you sure thats the ONLY reason.........?

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by sassy View Post
    thanks for your replies. I need to find a filipino solicitor in U.K. to help us I think. My boyfriend is here on a visitor's visa only. We have a daughter together. He was married before in the Philippines so we can't get married until he is divorced/annuled! Haven't been living together for two years either so can't go down the unmarried partner route for a visa. We are worried sick that he will have to return home at the end of his stay here. I would have thought that having a child means something, but seems not?

    P.S. Glad I found this site!
    yes it will cost a fair bit of money and if your boyfriend is only here on a visitors visa he will have to return to the phils to start the whole process

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by sassy View Post
    can anyone tell me if annulment actually exists in the Philippines? My partner was told by a solicitor there that it would cost him about the equivalent of two to three thousand pounds and that it would take about a year to process. Others have said this is not possible even if you pay.
    Does anyone know of any successful cases and how long they took?
    This would be greatly appreciated.

    Tell her to visit first the PAO (Public Attorneys Office). She can get free legal advise there and they can recommend cheaper lawyer.

    Most members spent 150-200 thousand pesos. 1500-2000£.

  8. #8
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    Hi again Sassy

    I am in exactly the same situation as you, my boyf was/is married in the Phils but separated for several years, so we have to go down the annulment route too. After reading on this site, it seems most annulments cost around £1,500-£2,000 and can take up to 6 months, a year in some cases.
    For us, this is the only option with regard to him coming to join me here so we can start our family.
    I'm glad we are not alone in this and can hopefully help each other along the way.

  9. #9
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sun Shine View Post
    Hi again Sassy

    I am in exactly the same situation as you, my boyf was/is married in the Phils but separated for several years, so we have to go down the annulment route too. After reading on this site, it seems most annulments cost around £1,500-£2,000 and can take up to 6 months, a year in some cases.
    For us, this is the only option with regard to him coming to join me here so we can start our family.
    I'm glad we are not alone in this and can hopefully help each other along the way.
    Hi Sun.

    Same here, mine is/was married and has 2 kids!. We havent seriously talked about him coming here. He can't afford to have time not working as all his money goes to his kids, and I cant afford to keep him aswell as myself. Its all very complicated

  10. #10
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    I know how you feel englishbird
    We have talked and talked and talked about it a lot, but it's our only option, unless I move to the Philippines to be with him there. Sometimes it's so frustrating I want to pull my hair out
    My boyf's got kids too, fortunately they're over 18 so he doesn't feel the need to help them too much although he does a little.
    We have good days and bad days but we just try and be positive and take each day as it comes.

  11. #11
    Respected Member LastViking's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sun Shine View Post
    Hi again Sassy

    I am in exactly the same situation as you, my boyf was/is married in the Phils but separated for several years, so we have to go down the annulment route too. After reading on this site, it seems most annulments cost around £1,500-£2,000 and can take up to 6 months, a year in some cases.
    For us, this is the only option with regard to him coming to join me here so we can start our family.
    I'm glad we are not alone in this and can hopefully help each other along the way.
    Hi Sun Shine and Sassy, can I join your group. My girlfriend is just about to start the annulment process in CDO. We hope that we have found a good lawyer. He is prepared to do a fixed fee package and he says it will take up to 6 months.

    I know this is a huge problem for couples and I wish that there was a better way. I cannot risk a visit the Philippines to be with her until the Annulment is completed.

    All the best with your own cases.

  12. #12
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    I can recommend you my mom's lawyer friend. She (my mom) said that you would have to prepare around 200k for the entire process... annullment will be approve in 3 months time...

  13. #13
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    I can recommend you my mom's lawyer friend. She (my mom) said that you would have to prepare around 200k for the entire process... annullment will be approve in 3 months time...
    Hiya Florge
    That would be a BIG help if your mom's lawyer could help us, thank you.

  14. #14
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LastViking View Post
    Hi Sun Shine and Sassy, can I join your group. My girlfriend is just about to start the annulment process in CDO. We hope that we have found a good lawyer. He is prepared to do a fixed fee package and he says it will take up to 6 months.

    I know this is a huge problem for couples and I wish that there was a better way. I cannot risk a visit the Philippines to be with her until the Annulment is completed.

    All the best with your own cases.
    Hi LastViking
    Of course you can join, the more the merrier
    That will be our next step - finding a good lawyer to take on the annulment and thanks to Florge, maybe her mom's lawyer will be a good start.
    Good luck!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sun Shine View Post
    I know how you feel englishbird
    We have talked and talked and talked about it a lot, but it's our only option, unless I move to the Philippines to be with him there. Sometimes it's so frustrating I want to pull my hair out
    My boyf's got kids too, fortunately they're over 18 so he doesn't feel the need to help them too much although he does a little.
    We have good days and bad days but we just try and be positive and take each day as it comes.
    The kids in my situation are only 8 and 5 years old and he will carry on supporting them until they are through college!. I guess I will have a serious chat with him when I go to visit in Nov. Its impossible to have a serious conversation on the ship because hes either working or just in my cabin for a short time.

    Why is it all so complicated??

  16. #16
    Respected Member Sun Shine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by englishbird View Post
    The kids in my situation are only 8 and 5 years old and he will carry on supporting them until they are through college!. I guess I will have a serious chat with him when I go to visit in Nov. Its impossible to have a serious conversation on the ship because hes either working or just in my cabin for a short time.

    Why is it all so complicated??
    It's frustrating isn't it? Hopefully when you go and see him in November you can talk properly without him having to work or go to work and discuss your future.
    Have you booked your flights yet?

  17. #17
    Member englishbird's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sun Shine View Post
    It's frustrating isn't it? Hopefully when you go and see him in November you can talk properly without him having to work or go to work and discuss your future.
    Have you booked your flights yet?
    I will be booking my flights next month. I am going to Cyprus next week for 2 weeks. When I get back I really need to get it sorted. Because he lives out in the sticks somewhere outside Manila, we are going to stay in an apartment in Makati. It is so cheap for a really nice apartment. I think I am going to be really nervous going to Manila. While Im there he should find out which ship he will be on next. hopefully its one that I can go to without having to travel half way around the world!! Unfortunatley they just have to go where they are told.

    Its his birthday on Thursday and I really want to see him This long distance business is hard

  18. #18
    Respected Member alanmf1's Avatar
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    Hi All, All good advice and information.. My Gf is about to start her annulment process in the new year! im excited as its the beginning of the road to our happiness but very apprehensive as to the process and length of time and money involved!
    look forward to help and more support that there appears to be in the super forum!

    best wishes


  19. #19
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    We were told 6 to 7 months,26 months later quess what.

  20. #20
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    can anyone tell me if annulment actually exists in the Philippines?

    not that it is all that important but in the majority of cases 'annulment' in the Philippines, is what in most countries is divorce. Thus, a person who gets an 'annulment' through the legal system is not free to marry again in the Catholic Church. However, a person who get an 'annulment' through the church can remarry.

    Annulment, in most jurisdictions, means that a marriage never took place, albeit that it appeared to have. It is said to have been 'void from the start.'

    The reasons for that are laid down in law but include, for example, a person who was 'married' by a person not authorised to do so, a bogus priest or judge, or where the marriage was not consummate (by having sexual intercourse) one of the parties was not mentally capable of knowing what was happening, etc. Thus the couple were never married.

    As divorce is not allowed in Philippines, this is a way to get around the law, but, a rose by any name is still a rose !

  21. #21
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    So when you start anullment proceedings, is the legal and church option something that has to be stipulated? ie: if you want to (in my case) marry your Mahal, do you need to make sure that the church are informed and they do their bit as well as the other legal part? Or is it all done as part of the anullament as a 'whole'

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post

    So when you start anullment proceedings, is the legal and church option something that has to be stipulated? ie: if you want to (in my case) marry your Mahal, do you need to make sure that the church are informed and they do their bit as well as the other legal part? Or is it all done as part of the anullament as a 'whole'

    the annulment process, when approved, only allows you to have civil marriage as the catholic church do not recognize it. so when you get your marriage annulled, and would like to marry in church, you would have to submit your annulment papers and ask permission from the bishop. my bestfriend and her fiance are currently waiting for the bishop's approval for this. if they get approved, they will marry in church. if not, they will have a civil wedding.

    i believe that the church has a different process for this but won't cost you money though.. hope that helps.

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post

    So when you start annulment proceedings, is the legal and church option something that has to be stipulated? i.e.: if you want to (in my case) marry your Mahal, do you need to make sure that the church are informed and they do their bit as well as the other legal part? Or is it all done as part of the annulment as a 'whole'

    Annulment means that the Marriage was VOID FROM THE START. That is the ONLY TIME the church will accept it is ANNULLED.

    In almost all cases in Philippines the people seeking an 'annulment' are legally married, thus they are getting a DIVORCE by another name. It is a 'get around it' device, as they do not allow divorce, so they call it annulment but it is a DIVORCE, exactly as it is in countries which allow divorce.

  24. #24
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Ok, thank you guys for that, cleared up my question well.

  25. #25
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    We were told 6 to 7 months,26 months later quess what.
    And I'll bet there have been numerous unforseen, additional hearings (which only the attorney needed to attend) and additional documentation that he just forgot to mention, way over and above the initial price quoted.

  26. #26
    Respected Member jonnijon's Avatar
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    Hi Ian,no nothing like that,just red tape and the first judge decided to retire,so they had to get another.
    The price is still the same,about £1500-£2000.After all this is the Philippines,nothing moves fast.

  27. #27
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonnijon View Post
    Hi Ian,no nothing like that,just red tape and the first judge decided to retire,so they had to get another.
    The price is still the same,about £1500-£2000.After all this is the Philippines,nothing moves fast.
    I must say I'm surprised, most delays are usually caused by the attorney dragging things out to try to earn a bit more out of it.

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