Hey guys! Hope you're all doing ok!
It's been quite a while since not only have I not posted anything (even just a "Welcome to the forum" post!), but I've not really had much chance in the last few months to even keep up-to-date with the site! Something which I'm hoping to rectify from today!
Well, what's sparked me back here is the sudden realisation that in less than 60 days my mother will no longer be the only woman who will have the right to tell me what to do!I've been away from the site so long due to putting in more hours at work and also getting my backside to the gym 3 times a week to make sure I can get into my wedding outfit!
Plus with all the constant worrying that no matter how much I've prepared for what is required for the wedding, I still keep thinking I'm missing something!
Which is why, for my own sanity, I'm listing here what I've prepared so far to make sure I haven't missed anything after the endless searches I've completed on this brilliant site! Anyway, here goes.....
Applied for CNI, due for collection on Nov 23rd.
Got an appointment with the British Consulate in Cebu to get my CNI converted the day after I arrive.
Took the joyous pre-marriage counselling fun day back in June. Even got the certificate to prove it!
Got hold of my original birth certificate (well one I got from the Registrar years ago anyway!).
Yam has her CENOMAR on the way and already has her NSO'd birth certificate (although need to confirm it's ok again thanks to paranoia!).
Wedding venue booked (Thanks Aromulus for the suggestion!)
Wedding dress in progress of being made.
Honeymoon in HK booked.
Like I say, because 99.9% of what I know about this whole gig of marrying in the Philippines I got from you guys, I'm pretty sure I've covered everything. But then, I'm my mother's son and therefore worry unnecessarily!
Anyway, again I hope all you guys are doing good and feel free to point out anything I may have screwed up!