Hi all,
Got a couple of questions that I am having a hard time trying to find the answers to.
I have used the search function but it has not helped me...
The questions are;
1; with the 2k+ in my account and the statements sent over towards visa application, is it ok to begin to use that money once the process starts or do i have to keep that amount, or more, in the account until after all checks have been made.. in other words, do they get access to see into my account whilst the application goes through?
2; I also have to pay out towards the kids passports etc.. This is going to cost me about 400 ... If I take this money out of my account prior to spouse visa application, would this be considered a large withdrawal and would it be considered as being against the application even if it was accounted for in the covering support letter?
Would it make more sense to sort out kids passports after my wife has got her spouse visa?
Am trying to get this all sorted and straight not only for myself but for my wifes peace of mind too.
Am trying to get everything sorted as best as possible and getting things into a simpler order would be ideal..
Any help will be appreciated..