Sorry po, but you are barking up the wrong tree....
The only complications we encounter is if the ladies are waiting for divorce anulment, which is something that cannot be dealt from the UK.
The rate of overturning ECO negative decisions on appeal is very high too, without recourse to expensive solicitors, barristers and what have you.
Sofar the only people that have had to use external help at a cost to themselves are the ones that didn't have the gumption to google us out before hand....
The idea is to get every single bit of evidence that is needed, collate it, present it, and voila, visa is in the post.... Hardly any interviews at the Embassy.
We are quite proud of our success rate and every suggestion is given free and as you already been told it is based on personal experiences, even allowing different backgrounds, the size of our membership allows us to draw on a selection of scenarios.
Thank you for your offer to help but unless you have a Filipina wife or Fiancee I cannot see what you are really expecting from us.....