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Thread: Tourist (Visit-VAF1A) or Family Visit (VAF1B)

  1. #1
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    Tourist (Visit-VAF1A) or Family Visit (VAF1B)

    Dear All,

    I have read most of the threads here about the above topic however I have created still this thread to ask more questions and get probably the most uptodate answers from people here who have recently undergone the same situation or at least have reliable sources or ideas re my queries.

    I inquired at the VFS Call Centre in the Philippines thru email and asked them about the correct form my parents should use because they plan to come over here in the UK to visit me. They told me that my parents should use the VAF1B (Family visit visa).

    However, there are some complications because although their intention is to visit me, their main goal is to take a tour in London, Scotland, and Belfast. VFS forwarded me the guidelines / checklist including the following:

    <1> A completed visa application form: Visitor Form (VAF1A DEC 2008) or online visa application form. You may log on to
    <2> Current passport valid for at least 6 months and any old passports.
    <3> Visa fee in pesos (We accept Manager's Check Made payable to British Embassy-Manila, Over the Counter Receipt, ATM or Online payment from any of the ff. Standard Chartered Bank/ Banco de Oro and BPI).

    <4> One recent coloured and unframed passport size photograph taken with a light background. Approximate size should be 45mm x 35 mm.

    <5> A completed Family Visitor Form

    <6> Evidence of your assets and savings. We would recommend you supply up-to-date detailed bank statements and bank books. Plus a bank certificate. Also evidence of any other assets such as Land titles.
    If self employed, Business documents, i.e. DTI or SEC Registration, Mayor’s Permit, etc.

    <7> A full copy of your sponsor’s passport, including the personal details page and stamped pages ONLY and do not include unstamped pages.
    <8> An invitation letter from the UK resident.

    <9> Evidence that sponsor can support your trip. We would recommend you supply up-to-date detailed bank statements and other savings covering a period of 6 months prior to date of application.

    <10> Evidence of suitable accommodation.
    For family visits, who have not previously travelled to the UK, evidence of relationship to sponsor in the UK is required (e.g. Birth Certificate, Marriage Certificate).

    <11> Other supporting documents.

    My worries are these:

    1. My parents will come over here by themselves, without me sponsoring them. They will pay for their food and accommodation!!!

    I just invited them to come over to see UK. Actually they have reserved and paid for the plane tickets (refundable anyway! They dont mind any cancellation or admin fees if not granted). So, i dont think Item <9> is relevant from my end since I am not sponsoring their trip.

    2. My flat is only enough for my husband and my child. I cannot accommodate them here as I am only renting, but my parents are very willing to pay for a service apartment beside my unit (we're still inquiring on the availability on Spring 2010) for the duration of their stay (only 1 1/2 months).
    Of course, we cannot commit to the apartment unit unless their VISA is granted and confirmed.

    Actually, on my parents' situation, I see the case as eligible for a Tourist Visit Visa although their purpose is to visit me (that makes it a Family Visit) but the main thing is they will pay for all and I wont be sponsoring them. So, I am really confused because if they apply for a Family Visit Visa (VAF1B), they need me as their Sponsor but in reality I dont even need to sponsor them!!!

    There is no problem with meeting the above but the term "Sponsor" really bothers me... Since I cannot really accommodate them in my house, that makes me a weak Sponsor if we would stick to the word "Sponsor" even though my parents are able to find monthly renewable apartments around...

    So, I am afraid they would be refused a Visa because of the accommodation part and the fact that we havent confirmed yet the availability of the apartment... I am sure we can find one but since they are planning to come over on Spring 2010, of course there are still no APARTMENTS to LET yet at this stage...

    Please, your input is valuable, so please, anyone here who have smart opinions?

    Many, many thanks!!!

  2. #2
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    You might want to try looking at the form VAF1B itself, it allows your parents to apply in the way you want then to. You will still support the trip, even though you won't finance it.

    One thing to bear in mind if they are paying for their own accommodation they need to show more money than usual, especially if you say the plan to tour the UK. If you can get a tendative booking for an apartment just for a month that may help to show why they don't need too much money.

  3. #3
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    If they come by themselves, they make sure they had huge amount and assets to satisfiy eco that they will return back home after they visit

  4. #4
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    What if I ask my friend who owns a house here in London but not that near to my present house, temporarily to rent out his other bedroom, so I can get a copy of proof of accommodation, do u think that helps?

    Hi Darren-b, can you clarify what you meant by "You will still support the trip, even though you won't finance it."... In what way I support it? You mean I will confirm to the British Embassy that I booked and paid for it? Or you mean I will confirm the dates of travel and seconded that they will return?

    Assets and finances I think are ok. They've got land titles, family car, etc.

    By the way, those who have applied for a visit visa here, may I know the least amount you presented to the ECO and was approved of? So that we have an idea and just add a buffer...

    Thanks thanks!

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by JAMZ View Post
    Hi Darren-b, can you clarify what you meant by "You will still support the trip, even though you won't finance it."... In what way I support it? You mean I will confirm to the British Embassy that I booked and paid for it? Or you mean I will confirm the dates of travel and seconded that they will return?
    I just mean to state that you are inviting them over to show it is a family visit. Something on the lines of the following - I am sure you can expand on it a bit (maybe mention seeing their grandchild, etc).

    Re: Letter in support of an application for a UK family visitor’s visa
    Names: ???
    Passport no.: ???

    I am writing to invite my mother & father named above to come visit me in the UK. They wish to visit during the month of ??? and they will stay at ??? I have enclosed proof that that I am currently settled in the UK.

  6. #6
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    can I, with a fiancee visa, sign the invitation letter for my parents to come and attend my wedding? i am also confused if i can have the tourist visa route for them or the family visit... would not cost me a thing as they will take care of the spending...

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