hi Dave me and my hubby understand what you are feeling right now.we just sent our visa app last monday and would you believe that it weigh about 5 kilos and its a two big brown folder.what we did was that we photocopied all of his stuff and we had not separated the photocopied ones to the original ones.my hubby and i went to solicitor`s office to certify his passport and driver`s licsence that we scanned it through internet and also the deeds of the house.and we scanned also his passport pages.we supply as much document as we could and thanks God the ukvacs didnt got any problem about it.ukvacs sent us messages a day after they recieved our application and been telling us that they already processed our visa application and its now at the british embassy at present.If You`ve done your research from this site as well as your wife,you will not having problem submitting your visa application for sure.and my hubby and i been doing the visa application stuff about more or less 3 months while i did my research from here.so my advice is just send them photocopied ones with solicitor`s certification.right now wh`re waiting with our fingers cross for any good news might to come.Goodluck for you and your wife...from me and my hubby!