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Thread: spoke with VISA SECTION HELP !!!

  1. #1
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    spoke with VISA SECTION HELP !!!

    hi guys and girls,
    well after non stop redialing and what appeared to be hang up from the other end i finally spoke with a ECA about our fiancee application, was told she was to be called for interview so i gave him her new cell number and he said i'll go get the papers and have a look, the decision was made today to call her in for interview i thanked him and assumed he would be calling her that day that was 10th November as of now still no contact with the embassy and annabel !!! god this is so frustrated, annabel is so scared and worried about going to the embassy (is it at the embassy or at vfs ?) i told her not to worry and just tell the truth, i see it as a positive as not refused but what do they want to talk about i provided the evedence as posted on here, do you think its because we not been together for long, 4 months, and or the age difference, 25/48. we are so in love and this is so difficult ... what are you thoughts this forum has been so helpful and a source of much need support, i have printed of a members interview experience (baragby?) help !!!

    j & a

  2. #2
    Member reaandandrew's Avatar
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    hi there, dont worry too much. just calm down and relax. im sure they just want to clarify something that's why they want your fiance to come for an interview.

    ill cross my fingers for a positive outcome. godbless
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  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by reaandandrew View Post
    hi there, dont worry too much. just calm down and relax. im sure they just want to clarify something that's why they want your fiance to come for an interview.

    ill cross my fingers for a positive outcome. godbless
    Easier said than done ... but ... try to remain calm, and not stress yourself overmuch. It's most likely the Embassy needs clarification of some point(s) or other - rather than anything to do with the age gap - and, if Annabel familiarises herself with the interview procedures outlined on the documents you've printed, then everything should be fine . Who knows? ... the ECO MIGHT even issue her visa there and then. We all wish her well.

  4. #4
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    hi guys and girls,
    well after non stop redialing and what appeared to be hang up from the other end i finally spoke with a ECA about our fiancee application, was told she was to be called for interview so i gave him her new cell number and he said i'll go get the papers and have a look, the decision was made today to call her in for interview i thanked him and assumed he would be calling her that day that was 10th November as of now still no contact with the embassy and annabel !!! god this is so frustrated, annabel is so scared and worried about going to the embassy (is it at the embassy or at vfs ?) i told her not to worry and just tell the truth, i see it as a positive as not refused but what do they want to talk about i provided the evedence as posted on here, do you think its because we not been together for long, 4 months, and or the age difference, 25/48. we are so in love and this is so difficult ... what are you thoughts this forum has been so helpful and a source of much need support, i have printed of a members interview experience (baragby?) help !!!

    j & a
    I think that the main trip up questions she has to be aware of are the ones about marrying you because your a rich foriegner, marrying you just to come to the UK and marrying you to get to the UK to work and support her family. As long as she's aware that when they ask questions in a round about way, that they may be trying to lead to get her to say something that could be mis-interpreted.

    I think the best answer to give if they anything about work is to say "I will try to find a job if my husband wants me to work" and avoid saying anything about supporting her family. The other questions are likely to be about you relationship and how much time you've actually spent together and how regularly you communicate.


  5. #5
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Added to that, your age isnt a problem, I assure you there is more than that age gap 55/19 but she granted visa, tell her not to get nervous keep relax and just chika the enterviewer she will be fine

  6. #6
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Hi Jonathan goodluck that's positive result for sure

    pardon me I misread your post in the other thread I thought she's here in UK already..

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  7. #7
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    friends, thank you all for your positive replies you are such a source of support and feel better from reading your posts, i guess we will talk about the interview and what shouldnt be said and talk about everything thats happen and what she knows so that she is prepared ! we still not heard from them do they sms of write a letter.?

    september wow thanks for you comment made me feel better, i guess you apllied prior to the 21yr rule i guess i was worried about some old white/western woman ECO making moral judgement on us! i have had some comments at work from this group !!! after all if they know anything about filipino/south east culture they will understand this is not unusal.
    i will also once we get notice of interview i will send annabel uptodate screen shot of chat logs mobile phone calls call card etc to show " continuing devotion" i think someone on here called it.

    thanks to all members power to the forum and my thoughts are with all those going through this its very stressful

    love and peace

    jonathan and annabel

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jonathan47 View Post
    do you think its because we not been together for long, 4 months, and or the age difference, 25/48.
    you've been engaged 4 months or known her for 4 months?
    it's not your age, the interview will probably be to see if your relationship is genuine, asking questions about you .. hope she's prepared well

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