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Thread: Visit Philippines or save for Visa

  1. #1
    Respected Member lordna's Avatar
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    Visit Philippines or save for Visa

    I married my wife end August this year in the Philippines. We have known each other since the end of January (online) and have met 3 times (9 days - 1st visit, 21 days 2nd visit when we married and 8 days 3rd visit).

    Now we are trying to get the papers together for the VISA for he and her daughtrer. Problem is being apart! i want to go again to the philipines in February a) cos i miss her and b) to give more evidence of our relationship exists for the VISA. My wife thinks i should not go again as it affects my bank balance which is making it difficult to show bank statements in credit. She also seems to think that a VISA application is going to take 6 months which i doubt if we prepare everything ok.

    My August and september bank statements show me overdrawn(well i did get married) so i am thinking Feb or March is the best time to file our papers. I dont really want to wait that long before i see her again.

    So whats best? should i visit to prove we have a relatonship or stay here and save for the VISA?

    Please lots of replies cos i need to encourage my wife that she wants to continue with applying for the Visa and i know its getting her down.

  2. #2
    Respected Member Mrs Daddy's Avatar
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    as they said patience is a virtue.Everybody in here have to sacrifice for their love ones and that`s not excluded you.If you`re to ask me I would say I would save for the visa coz then its a sensible option to do.I know you can`t wait to see your misses as every fellow or mrs here suffered the same when they were on your shoes but then the wait would be much worth it at the end.Its good to know that your other half understand the situation but if you think you prefer to visit her its entirely up to youGoodluck!
    to loved and beloved is the greatest joy on earth...

  3. #3
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    i have to agree about waiting until you can show healthy bank balances and savings, i was unemployed when i married last december and havent seen my wife since then. i concentrated on finding work and building up a healthy savings account,even though i was tempted to fly back out there a couple of months ago it made more sense to put in a visa application and wait for the result instead. most of us here have had to sacrifice seeing our mahals until the time was right but it will be worth the wait in the end

  4. #4
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    Your 3 times visit is more than enough if you want to save for a healthy savings.

    Others did marry for the first time they met and did able to get their wife later.

    Your healthy savings account record is more important at the moment and all you need is patience but later on, your wifey will be with you for life!
    You are lucky having an understanding wife. She is right in many ways.

  5. #5
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    its of course your choice but you will need to show you can support your spouse although if you show you expenditure for visits and what your normal outgoings would be maybe they would consider this ... the other option is to boost your account with funds from another source, say a loan or increase in mortgage ? call it an investment in your future ! applications at the moment seem to be completed 6 weeks or shorter i think its a quiter time of the year right now as no student applications ...
    good luck


  6. #6
    Respected Member ca143's Avatar
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    in my opinion ur best option is save money for her visa application,ur MC is already a strong evidence that ur relationship is and hubby meet just once for 21 days.i apply fiancee visa just for 3 weeks my visa is granted.

  7. #7
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mrs Daddy View Post
    as they said patience is a virtue.Everybody in here have to sacrifice for their love ones and that`s not excluded you.If you`re to ask me I would say I would save for the visa coz then its a sensible option to do.I know you can`t wait to see your misses as every fellow or mrs here suffered the same when they were on your shoes but then the wait would be much worth it at the end.Its good to know that your other half understand the situation but if you think you prefer to visit her its entirely up to youGoodluck!
    I agree to Mrs. Daddy

    besides visa processing is quicker now compare 6 months ago, and maybe you will be one of lucky couple to get the positive result in just 1 day processing

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  8. #8
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    Hi - I am going through the same thing, and reading all this about the pain of separation brings tears to my eyes. I married in May this year and came back to UK in July after living together for 14 months I have looked into visiting my husband this xms, but we have a daughter so it doubles the price....I have decided to cross fingers, get papers and save my money to go and 'collect' him....if i go now I spend my savings and his visa application money - but I am worried that the savings I can demonstrate are not increasing, I only have about £50 surplus a month due to high cost of needing a full-time job to be able to stay off benefit and the cost of childcare to work full-time...sometimes I think I will just pack in the UK and go back, but then we will all have nothing....

    Stay rational!! God knows I'm trying!

  9. #9
    Respected Member Tawi2's Avatar
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    Sometimes in life its good to do things on impulse,lifes too short to always follow the safe path,take a coin from your pocket,flip it,heads you go tails you stay is as good a method as any,do whatever makes your heart feel lightest

    Sometimes you're flush and sometimes you're bust, and when you're up, it's never as good as it seems, and when you're down, you never think you'll be up again. But life goes on.
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  10. #10
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Logic would say, save for the visa....but I'm going back.

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