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Thread: does inheritance count as savings - advice please

  1. #1
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    does inheritance count as savings - advice please

    Hello all,

    I'm gathering papers for a spouse visa for my husband. Sadly my grandmother died in the summer but left an allocation of the proceeds from the sale of her flat to me - there is a buyer interested at the minute and it may return me around £5000. Does the 'letter to beneficiary' count as savings (no cash figures only % given) if the sale does not go through? I am hoping it could as then I can spend some of my savings for the visa process and visit hubby to help submit the application in Feburary and the knowledge that I'm definately going to see him again soon will help with the next couple of months - any thoughts?

    thanks guys (how do you choose from ALL those smiles???)

  2. #2
    Respected Member Ji&Ma's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Hello all,

    I'm gathering papers for a spouse visa for my husband. Sadly my grandmother died in the summer but left an allocation of the proceeds from the sale of her flat to me - there is a buyer interested at the minute and it may return me around £5000. Does the 'letter to beneficiary' count as savings (no cash figures only % given) if the sale does not go through? I am hoping it could as then I can spend some of my savings for the visa process and visit hubby to help submit the application in Feburary and the knowledge that I'm definately going to see him again soon will help with the next couple of months - any thoughts?

    thanks guys (how do you choose from ALL those smiles???)
    Personally I think that there would be no harm if you include copy of said letter with your application - you have to show that your hubby won't be burden to the state and that he won't need to use the public funds. This is not funds for immediate use but still it counts I think. So in my opinion this letter might be of help to your application.
    But wait for word from other members as well
    Good luck
    Jiri & Maricel

  3. #3
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    it would only count as part of your savings if you had immediate access,but it wont hurt to include it anyway.good luck on your application

  4. #4
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    To be blunt. I think that showing that you can support someone on the basis of a family member having to die is not a bright idea, you don't have an infinite supply to keep the support going for a start!
    Keith - Administrator

  5. #5
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    Hi - thanks for comments, just to clarify I have a salary and cover all bills, so cash flow should just about cover daily living even when he is here - this is about savings, not day to day expenses - after all savings are extra on top of daily support - aren't they? If you can't cover daily living costs then your savings will eventually run-out so how does that count as being able to support them....
    slightly confused

  6. #6
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    Hi - thanks for comments, just to clarify I have a salary and cover all bills, so cash flow should just about cover daily living even when he is here - this is about savings, not day to day expenses - after all savings are extra on top of daily support - aren't they? If you can't cover daily living costs then your savings will eventually run-out so how does that count as being able to support them....
    slightly confused
    you will need to show you have around £90 per week after basic costs.

  7. #7
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    £90 a week after rent, council tax, water, electric - is that basic costs or does it cover food, laundry items, travel to work, childcare? and should it be £90 extra to what I already spend on all of this - if i had £90 extra per week after all this he would get a better standard of living than I currently have, my current weekly budget for me nd my daughter is £90 per week to cover food, household, travel to work and activities - it also covers some wine thank god!

  8. #8
    Respected Member whiteraven's Avatar
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    its not very clear on the visa website what you should include so i just put in everything. the moderators on here would have a better idea,when i asked the same question on here i got different answers form different people

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