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Thread: WARNING - Hair Rebonding

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  1. #1
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    Exclamation WARNING - Hair Rebonding

    HI All

    Sorry to make my first post to this forum as such a dire warning, but I really feel that I have to pass on this warning to you, and hope that you will pass it on to others. I also hope that if anyone else has had the same misfortune as my wife, you might be able to suggest a remedy to us.

    Fifteen days ago, my wife left the UK to return to The Philippines. It was a sad occassion - her father's funeral - but whilst she was there, some totally incompetant hair salon, persuaded her to have her hitherto attractive and naturaul hair, treated to a straightening process known as 'rebonding' with a product called "Mondes Hair Rebonding System". The result has been a total disaster - her previously healthy and natural looking hair now looks like something that Barbie Doll would be ashamed to wear. It is flat, lifeless and a total mess. She is distraught, as you can imagine, but, apparently, there is nothing that can be done to rescue her good looks (she now looks at least ten years older).

    The product is listed on an internet site, but it is simply a marketing site which takes no responsibility for the products that they distribute. Reading other web sites it appears that products like these do irreversible damage to your hair, with people reporting hairloss (sometimes as much as a year later) with products and treatments such as these. It also appears that tehse treatments are widespread in The Philippines and other far eastern countries, but are virtually unknown in the western world - I wonder why !!

    My advice to you would be to avoid all such treatments, especially if the salon intends to use this "Mondes" product. It chemically destroys your hair and it seems that there is no certainty that your hair will ever recover - even new growth may still be affected. ANd if anyone has suffered a similar misfortune and knows of a way of recovering the natural hair, I and my wife would be very, very grateful if you could let us know how. I am in the process of contacting several top London Salons (and I mean top ones) to see if they can suggest a remedy, and I will gladly pass on anything that they suggest.

    Best Wishes to all


  2. #2
    Member jonathan47's Avatar
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    thank you for the warning, my fiance has had her hair rebonding not sure if it was from treatments of from straightners but will advise her to stay away in future!!! i wish you all the best and keep us informed of what you find out



  3. #3
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    PJB that was realy really informative info for me because i was being rebonded 2 in my life, first was really very impressive after 3 yrs later i made it again in megamall David Salon, that where they damage my hair and its because they had a name to protect, they give me free treatment for 6 yrs, but i get bald on top of my hair
    If possible can you share to us what name of the hairsalon

    Fortunately i just visit hairsalon today and asking if they do rebonding, they say they dont, but i had awful hair sponge,curly dry but long till waitline, but what is the use of that if it is ugly to look for..

  4. #4
    Respected Member Ana_may365's Avatar
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    i never ever tryed it eversince in my long hair even some people in the salon telling me about my hair become like this,like thatim just contented in hot oil if where in the phils and if where here in uk im the one who make it to my self.i dint use blower also,we going out even my hair is still wetthats why i fetch 3 bottles of coconut oil

  5. #5
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    never tried it before.. i go to salon in PI only for haircut and hot oil. as i don't want to experiment wether rebonding or other treatment will be good/ bad for my hair. just want to be safe... i have long straight natural hair as well.
    it has been frizzy since I came here in UK but now it's back to normal

    goodluck to ur wife! really hard having bad hair for us women

  6. #6
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    Sorry to hear about your Wife's experience PJB. I guess "If it ain't broke don't fix it" rings true

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Not a lot of point in MY trying it, anyway ... as I'm [almost] bald!

    Seriously, though, many thanks for drawing this "hair-raising" [excuse the pun] experience to members' attention, as a deterrent to others who might be tempted to undergo the rebonding treatment.

    Hopefully, your good lady's natural style will soon be restored.

    Allow me to express a warm welcome to the friendly forum.

  8. #8
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    My partner gets this done regularly ever 6 months or so all her adult life and has never had a problem.

    To permanently affect new growth the chemical would have to damage the living hair follicles in some fashion, if it's that bad a product it should be banned?

    Welcome to the forum


  9. #9
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    Progress to date

    Let me update the position after a couple of days.

    Not altogether a lost cause - encouraged by JimOttley to some extent - if his partner has to have the process every six months, the hair must be recovering enough to need it by then, so there is some hope that my wife's hair will start to recover by May. By that time we will be preparing to attend my daughter's Graduation from University and looking forward to a milestone birthday for me, but at least tehre is some hope that her hair will be getting back to its natural beauty by then.

    Analysing the problem further, we have three problems: 1. the hair has been cut too short, 2. the hair has been cut badly and 3. the chemicals have destroyed the natural nature of the hair. Time (and some careful trimming) should help to heal the first two, and, thankfully, her hair grows quite quickly, and lots and lots of expensive treatments should help with the third problem. More on this in a later post.

    For now, let me ask you once again to never, ever allow anyone to interfere with your natural hair and even more to never use a Mondes product to do so. And to pass this message on to as many contacts, especially those in The Philippines, as you can.

    Best Wishes

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by PJB View Post
    Let me update the position after a couple of days.

    Not altogether a lost cause - encouraged by JimOttley to some extent - if his partner has to have the process every six months, the hair must be recovering enough to need it by then, so there is some hope that my wife's hair will start to recover by May. By that time we will be preparing to attend my daughter's Graduation from University and looking forward to a milestone birthday for me, but at least tehre is some hope that her hair will be getting back to its natural beauty by then.

    Analysing the problem further, we have three problems: 1. the hair has been cut too short, 2. the hair has been cut badly and 3. the chemicals have destroyed the natural nature of the hair. Time (and some careful trimming) should help to heal the first two, and, thankfully, her hair grows quite quickly, and lots and lots of expensive treatments should help with the third problem. More on this in a later post.

    For now, let me ask you once again to never, ever allow anyone to interfere with your natural hair and even more to never use a Mondes product to do so. And to pass this message on to as many contacts, especially those in The Philippines, as you can.

    Best Wishes
    You can get a bad hairdesser anywhere, your wife's hair will grow back and the natural growth will be the same as her original hair very hard to damage natural hair growth unless the person has actually been poisoned in some fashion like mercury poisoning.


  11. #11
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    i have rebonding before,6years ago,it is very long time to have re bond is nearly all day and yes is really looks nice after there finish but ones you have your shower for the next day its not that nice, and yes they make it your hair dry
    and thick hair,so after that i never ever had again is just ruin your hair

  12. #12
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lizaphil View Post
    i have rebonding before,6years ago,it is very long time to have re bond is nearly all day and yes is really looks nice after there finish but ones you have your shower for the next day its not that nice, and yes they make it your hair dry
    and thick hair,so after that i never ever had again is just ruin your hair
    if you have rebonding you should not wash your hair for three days.I had a rebonding 6 months ago in a local salon in the philippines.The result was nice.i followed the instruction not to wash my hair for three days. i just maintanied it by having hot oil every week at home.up to now my hair is still nice.

  13. #13
    Member FixYou.'s Avatar
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    =| I have always known it has bad effects since I had my hair rebounded ten years ago lol. Hair rebounding makes your hair dry! It looks as if you are wearing a wig ><

    Now you all should tell your women that long natural curly / wavy hair is in fashion (:

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