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Thread: How much money your husband/bf give you when you ask?

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  1. #1
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    He let me handle the budget, he always gives extra money though. So I make sure that I buy something for him
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    We sit down together at the start of the month and plan what we are spending money on, what is going into savings. What my spending money is while i'm at work, what bills we have, what Marvie needs etc.
    It's easy being open, I earn the salary, but my commitment is for us both, and she's the boss anyway :-(

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RickyR View Post
    ... she's the boss anyway :-(
    What? SHE "wears the trousers"? ... bdy marv(i)ellous!

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    What? SHE "wears the trousers"? ... bdy marv(i)ellous!
    That the scary thing, i'm not sure sometimes. Too much tampo lol.

  5. #5
    Respected Member Ann07's Avatar
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    I use my own money But my husband always gives me what i want even if i have my own LOL

  6. #6
    Respected Member cheesewiz's Avatar
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    unfortunately, nobody giving me money for my shopping, holidays, paying the bills etc its all coming from my hardwork...but i can do what i want and nobody tells me where i am going to spend my money.

    i am really hoping that when i have my own family someday i can get over it by relying to my future husband's money that's why i am saving as much as i can now while i am single so i have my own money for myself and for my family incase of emergencies. Bec I want to be a fulltime housewife for a bit

  7. #7
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    thank you all for sharing your views on this thread.

  8. #8
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    This is getting interesting.

    September = that 40 quid was when the day of Sarah geronimo's concert, I invited my friend from Wales to come to London so I can go with her, so we have the whole saturday to walk about, apart from that he paid for our tickets which was 60 quid each. (he paid for my friend as well) so that's £120

    Some says they hold the money, Hmmm my husband says we have to have a joint account, I dont like to, hahaha. i can join his account though.

    Aside from the shopping money I just ask him if I need something then we get everything on line. But I dont shop a lot, been here in London in and out for 3 years but I still convert and still end up on saying, " I can buy that in the Phil's next Holiday".( Hubby, lets me go home every 6 months.)

    he puts money on my debit card every monday for food, and he sends £300 to my daughter everymonth, he pay for my oyster top up whenever we use the tube. we eat out every weekend, he pays for everything and cant ask for more.

    I only pay monthly bus pass to go to work.

    i know he spends a lot for us, so every time I go for holiday in the Phils, I dont ask money, I use my savings from my work, to keep my ego, but he pays for tickets and top up my account towards the end of my holiday.

  9. #9
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beth18 View Post
    This is getting interesting.

    September = that 40 quid was when the day of Sarah geronimo's concert, I invited my friend from Wales to come to London so I can go with her, so we have the whole saturday to walk about, apart from that he paid for our tickets which was 60 quid each. (he paid for my friend as well) so that's £120

    Some says they hold the money, Hmmm my husband says we have to have a joint account, I dont like to, hahaha. i can join his account though.

    Aside from the shopping money I just ask him if I need something then we get everything on line. But I dont shop a lot, been here in London in and out for 3 years but I still convert and still end up on saying, " I can buy that in the Phil's next Holiday".( Hubby, lets me go home every 6 months.)

    he puts money on my debit card every monday for food, and he sends £300 to my daughter everymonth, he pay for my oyster top up whenever we use the tube. we eat out every weekend, he pays for everything and cant ask for more.

    I only pay monthly bus pass to go to work.

    i know he spends a lot for us, so every time I go for holiday in the Phils, I dont ask money, I use my savings from my work, to keep my ego, but he pays for tickets and top up my account towards the end of my holiday.
    That was not bad,isnt he ? He is angel supporting your daughter as well for 300 every month yeah, you cant ask for more, your too much

  10. #10
    Respected Member Tonet's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beth18 View Post
    This is getting interesting.

    September = that 40 quid was when the day of Sarah geronimo's concert, I invited my friend from Wales to come to London so I can go with her, so we have the whole saturday to walk about, apart from that he paid for our tickets which was 60 quid each. (he paid for my friend as well) so that's £120

    Some says they hold the money, Hmmm my husband says we have to have a joint account, I dont like to, hahaha. i can join his account though.

    Aside from the shopping money I just ask him if I need something then we get everything on line. But I dont shop a lot, been here in London in and out for 3 years but I still convert and still end up on saying, " I can buy that in the Phil's next Holiday".( Hubby, lets me go home every 6 months.)

    he puts money on my debit card every monday for food, and he sends £300 to my daughter everymonth, he pay for my oyster top up whenever we use the tube. we eat out every weekend, he pays for everything and cant ask for more.

    I only pay monthly bus pass to go to work.

    i know he spends a lot for us, so every time I go for holiday in the Phils, I dont ask money, I use my savings from my work, to keep my ego, but he pays for tickets and top up my account towards the end of my holiday.
    On your first post it made me feel u were moaning coz u only get £30-£40 for shopping and always ends up in Primark.....
    With everything he gives you/does for u and daughter u still got time to moan?????

  11. #11
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tonet View Post
    On your first post it made me feel u were moaning coz u only get £30-£40 for shopping and always ends up in Primark.....
    With everything he gives you/does for u and daughter u still got time to moan?????
    some people they never pleased what the man did for them just keep moaning thou
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  12. #12
    Respected Member vbkelly's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beth18 View Post
    This is getting interesting.

    September = that 40 quid was when the day of Sarah geronimo's concert, I invited my friend from Wales to come to London so I can go with her, so we have the whole saturday to walk about, apart from that he paid for our tickets which was 60 quid each. (he paid for my friend as well) so that's £120

    Some says they hold the money, Hmmm my husband says we have to have a joint account, I dont like to, hahaha. i can join his account though.

    Aside from the shopping money I just ask him if I need something then we get everything on line. But I dont shop a lot, been here in London in and out for 3 years but I still convert and still end up on saying, " I can buy that in the Phil's next Holiday".( Hubby, lets me go home every 6 months.)

    he puts money on my debit card every monday for food, and he sends £300 to my daughter everymonth, he pay for my oyster top up whenever we use the tube. we eat out every weekend, he pays for everything and cant ask for more.

    I only pay monthly bus pass to go to work.

    i know he spends a lot for us, so every time I go for holiday in the Phils, I dont ask money, I use my savings from my work, to keep my ego, but he pays for tickets and top up my account towards the end of my holiday.
    hello wakey wakey! your husband paid and give you everything and you keeps moaning you'll be lucky your husband cares about your daughter and he's sending £300 a month, is your husband the real dad of your daughter if his not you'll be lucky then.
    all things are possible!

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by beth18 View Post
    he puts money on my debit card every monday for food, and he sends £300 to my daughter everymonth, he pay for my oyster top up whenever we use the tube. we eat out every weekend, he pays for everything and cant ask for more.

    I only pay monthly bus pass to go to work.

    i know he spends a lot for us, so every time I go for holiday in the Phils, I dont ask money, I use my savings from my work, to keep my ego, but he pays for tickets and top up my account towards the end of my holiday.
    Wow! That is too much! You don't need to moan.
    That was the amount(300£)/month I moaned joking with my hubby b4 but no luck.
    If my husband really gives me what I want, I can surely travel to Pinas 4 times a year!!!

    I pay my holidays, hubby gave me 200£ from my last holiday and I treasuresd it. My Nanay gave me her bankbook for my budget in case I'll be out of budget. I have seen from her account almost all of the money I have sent to her. but I spent only 10% of it. I was so shy.

  14. #14
    Respected Member beth18's Avatar
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    Vbkelly= he is not the real dad, he is the step dad. Yes I am lucky.

    I dont really moan, I was just curious. and its so hard to live here in central london, we are only 10 mins walk away from oxford street, and everyday i pass by Regents street and see shops full of people. Or maybe this is just all stress from work.

  15. #15
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    It's a difficult thing for me, wanting to give my girlfriend money and needing to save up to visit/marry her. She has never asked for money and always refused when I offer. Recently I have been more pushy and said at least let me pay for your internet chat time (£6 p/mth)

    It's a little silly, her brother has just sold one of his pigs for 2500 pesos to buy some medicine, that's only £30! Still, if she continually refuses, there's nothing I can do.

    In the uk, I would guess £100 p/wk.

  16. #16
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by antony73 View Post
    It's a difficult thing for me, wanting to give my girlfriend money and needing to save up to visit/marry her. She has never asked for money and always refused when I offer. Recently I have been more pushy and said at least let me pay for your internet chat time (£6 p/mth)

    It's a little silly, her brother has just sold one of his pigs for 2500 pesos to buy some medicine, that's only £30! Still, if she continually refuses, there's nothing I can do.

    In the uk, I would guess £100 p/wk.
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  17. #17
    Respected Member dave63's Avatar
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    whatdoes this mean that I am entitled to "pocket money"and not give it all to my wife she never told me this
    :Yesterday was history.Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift.This is why it is called"The present!"

  18. #18
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    aahhh.. so Primark is like Divisoria then... oooooo... i love it!!! anyway, at the end of the day, it wouldn't matter if you wear branded stuff.. it all boils down to how you carry the clothes.. and if you look, talk and walk with class and knows how to be fashionable with just anything, then you will do well... a woman with class can always carry any clothes whether if it's a Gucci suit or a copycat. There are loads of people I know who buy expensive stuff but has never covered their rough manners.. funny eh..

  19. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Florge View Post
    a woman with class can always carry any clothes whether if it's a Gucci suit or a copycat. There are loads of people I know who buy expensive stuff but has never covered their rough manners.. funny eh..
    And many out there thinks that if they are wearing branded, they are angat sa iba kahit utang. I fancy jewelry shop than fashion botique.

  20. #20
    Respected Member lizaphil's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by beth18 View Post
    I hope that this will not be an offesive topic....

    Others might say depends what's the money for? For us women of course its for shopping, I always end up at Primark cos I only got 30 40 quid.

    This is another reason why I want to keep my job.
    my hubby not giving me at all ..because i got my job so no need
    and im not been asking anyway longtime ago...its just big argument

  21. #21
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    I know the Wife ships back the primark Clothes and Hand bags and what not to Phill and its lapped up. Why because it looks trendy etc. The materials are also usually quite thin so not to bad in Phill as well

    It may of been a 3 quid handbag (or whatever they cost) but it looks good on their arm so they are happy

    Luckily the Wife has learned like I did before her dress well and mix and match and you can look smart with out spending a lot of money.

    On the dosh side well we are equal human beings so the money we both earn is both of ours. If one of us spends it on stuff which is a waste the other would feel let down.

    Why would you want someone to give you money and feel good about it? Most in my family and friends around me although fully support the benefits system would never want to use that unless its an emgency.
    I know many in Phil who we could help out with small sums by UK standards but they would never take a direct hand out and would want to pay us back in some shape or form.

    For me its far better to spend your own hard earned money in primark than someone elses in Harrods but maybe its me
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

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