Hello folks

I have joined this forum, well simply to be in the company of people who are going through or have been through the journey I am about to undertake.

Earlier this year I decided, after 3 years as a single Dad, to seek a partner for marriage, with a preference for finding a lady from another country. I used a website called internationalcupid.com and must have corresponded with ladies of all ages from just about all parts of the globe.

Ultimately, the one I hit it off the best with was Jonalyn, a 31 year old nursing aide living in the Philippines. She lives in the south of the islands at Sultan Kudarat, an area of considerable unrest.

She was initially set to travel here on a work visa, but when she made the ferry journey from her province up to Manila, some of her belongings were stolen from the locker on the boat, inlcuding her medical certificate and some other stuff. This was renewable in Manila but naturally they wanted to charge an extortionate amount of money for the service. She didn't have that and neither did I so the whole thing crashed and burned right there.

After this initial disappointment we have continued our relationship. We communicate on skype, by phone, text and email almost every day and she is now back in her province working silly hours for bugger all money.

The plan is for now for us to go for the fiancee visa over the course of the next year. I'm fairly sure that I am now fully conversant with all the requirements for this, but I thought it might be prudent to be around other couples who have been through it since experience tells me that things rarely run smoothly and by the numbers!

Anyhow - hello - nice to meet you

Noel x