Thankyou for the comments
She lives in a place called Tumbao, although spends little time in her apartment between her jobs which are in Labuz and Popong. I have sent her some packages and these have gone to a family friend in General Santos City so we do at least know some people there. Perhaps that might be an option, I'm thinking particularly for February because she is unable to take time off work for that date and so it would make sense for me to be in close proximity to her.
With the new routine she has I am currently unable to communicate with her except by phone at one of her patient's place and I am getting up at 5:30 every day to make that call! A week from now we will be back to normal since she will have a new phone.
Today she sounded quite happy again after the recent disappointments kinda got her down. With regard to renewing that certificate, the problem is that when the application was discontiued she is now disbarred from re-applying for 2 years. Crazy system.
Thismorning she told me that she wrote this poem for me, it is in tagalog, but she also translated it to english and then she made up a tune and sang both versions to me down the phone! I found that particularly sweet. I can hardly wait for 2010!
Noel x