First of all happy new year to you all !!

Is there any one who could give me advice regarding what to do ?
My divorce should come through soon !!

I have already meet a lady from cebu !i have been over to see her twice now ,and ive known her since april last year , and we both want to get married as soon as my divorce is complete . My future wife as never been married before !!

And we have decided to apply for a spouse visa !

But im a bit lost as to what to do first !! I know ive got to get a letter to confirm that i can re marry , and money in the bank account etc , and proof of earnings and bank statements

but then what !! Yes we get married in cebu !! But then what should we do !! This is where i get lost !!

Is the spouse visa a form called vaf4a ? And is it best to do online or go to manila in person with my future wife ?
Really what im after is a step by step what to do when im over there !! And is there anything i can do before i go to philippines .

I have also read many forums !! Where many people say its a lot easier now to get visa ? Is this true , and why is it ?

Also my future wife might be expecting our baby !! If so then baby would be due in end of july !! Should i also let the visa people know about this or best not to tell them ???

So i looking forward to hear from you people for advice and steps to take !!!
Many thanks for your time len

and once again happy new year to you all at filipino uk