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As a quick summary and I will probably be very wrong in some of this so please correct me where I am wrong but I thought that they opened the business it ran for maybe 6 months a couple of the employees appear to have started their own entrapment business stealing money from clients through asking for funds to be sent direct to them via Western Union or direct bank deposits. These employees then appeared to cover their fraud by accusing the owners of the same and reporting the owners to the police and accusing them of running an illegal recruitment business?
Kevin got banged up because he was a whitey foreigner and easy target, attempts were made to extract bribes from Kevin and given that he had no money the extortionists were unsuccessful.
Charlene had bankrolled the business and it would appear that they simply did not have the cash to bribe the right people to get them out of the pokey.
So now they are both in the slammer and everyone else will just go and get on with their lives :(
Again I may be wrong but that is what I took from the posts and I am just working from memory as it was a couple of months back when I first joined the forum.
They had issues similar to mine for getting annulment and getting UK citizenship for their kids which is why I followed their story.