Quote Originally Posted by Arturo View Post
I have not followed this story too closely..but it came up just after my return from Manila.

We had looked at my options for working in Phils or starting a business !

That idea was kicked in the head and everything is on hold now until I get back to Manila in January.

However, it strikes me that for a country supposedly wanting overseas investers and start up business to aid employment.... banging up any white guy without bail...is not really going to be a good incentive.

Imagine the CEO of Coke being banged up coz some tow rag accused him of something illegal!

The philippines is very much liek a Rose...looks good but has sharp thorns at times....
It's scale, the big investors are fine it's the small guys that are at risk.

I think you need to be there on the ground managing everything very carefully on a day to day basis, it's hard enough running a business in the UK but trying the same trick in a country where you just look like an open wallet to all and sundry is foolhardy.

There was a chap on here the other day who reported having his entire investment stolen by the father in law! You really need to know any potential business partners really really well.
