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I would be interested in this new OS as I'm using Google Applications for my own personal domain, with mail, documents and websites. Having seen a preview, its seems Chrome will basically be a browser and everything will be stored in a "Cloud" environment. This is not a problem, but somehow storing everything online - emails, documents, etc always carries a risk that you may lose it all should Google go belly up. BUT, having said that, I've used Google Applications since launch, and its never gone wrong, so maybe I'm being paranoid, and Google, as much as you may hate them, will not be disappearing anytime soon, so they seem a safe bet.
Only potential problem is the online aspect. Just recently, my ISP has been falling over after 6pm when I would get sub-dial up speeds on 8mb Broadband. This would render the Chrome OS unusable, but 21CN Broadband is on the way in 2011 at my local exchange (with BT being the sole provider).