Ask her not to make comparisons as your beginning to find them irritating,some pinays play these silly games,she looks at the hour glass and sees the sands of time running out,ask her to have patience or forget the whole thing(watch her tune change then)depends upon your character really but maybe you rushed into it a little quickly?I remember your initial misgivings,sure you had a great holiday with her but is that a foundation upon which to set up home?You have to sift a lot of gravel to find a diamond,some guys havent been with many women so grab the first one that passes like a drowning man clutching at anything to stay afloat,always take your time,perfection,or rather as near to perfection as damn-it is to swearing,is out there it just takes a while to findOr maybe some of us are too picky Ask her to slow down or scrap the deal is what I would do