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Let me update the position after a couple of days.
Not altogether a lost cause - encouraged by JimOttley to some extent - if his partner has to have the process every six months, the hair must be recovering enough to need it by then, so there is some hope that my wife's hair will start to recover by May. By that time we will be preparing to attend my daughter's Graduation from University and looking forward to a milestone birthday for me, but at least tehre is some hope that her hair will be getting back to its natural beauty by then.
Analysing the problem further, we have three problems: 1. the hair has been cut too short, 2. the hair has been cut badly and 3. the chemicals have destroyed the natural nature of the hair. Time (and some careful trimming) should help to heal the first two, and, thankfully, her hair grows quite quickly, and lots and lots of expensive treatments should help with the third problem. More on this in a later post.
For now, let me ask you once again to never, ever allow anyone to interfere with your natural hair and even more to never use a Mondes product to do so. And to pass this message on to as many contacts, especially those in The Philippines, as you can.
Best Wishes