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  1. #1
    Member oakbranch's Avatar
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    Visitor Visa

    I was wondering if there could be any benefit in using the 6 month visitor visa to bring my girlfriend over to the UK. Naturally she would return at the end of the period, but I wondered if remaining with me for that period would carry any merit with a subsequent fiancee application or indeed if it would count as us having met and potentially negate the need for me to go to the Philippines a couple of times

    Incidentally - is it correct that two visits to Phil are necessary to satisfy the application - I heard this but I don't see any reference to "two visits" on any of the fixer sites or the governent sites.

    Noel x

  2. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by oakbranch View Post
    I was wondering if there could be any benefit in using the 6 month visitor visa to bring my girlfriend over to the UK. Naturally she would return at the end of the period, but I wondered if remaining with me for that period would carry any merit with a subsequent fiancee application or indeed if it would count as us having met and potentially negate the need for me to go to the Philippines a couple of times

    Incidentally - is it correct that two visits to Phil are necessary to satisfy the application - I heard this but I don't see any reference to "two visits" on any of the fixer sites or the governent sites.

    Noel x
    It would probably help, my partner came here in Nov 2007 I always hoped that a clear entry stamp and the fact she left would earn us brownie points later, my partner has dual nationality (Korean and Philipine) and so did not need a visa to come to the UK but the entry stamp I hoped would be a plus point.


  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oakbranch View Post

    Incidentally - is it correct that two visits to Phil are necessary to satisfy the application - I heard this but I don't see any reference to "two visits" on any of the fixer sites or the governent sites.

    Noel x
    you need evidence that the applicant and sponsor have met This would include evidence of travel, such as passport stamps and ticket receipts. Photographs together and correspondence showing the relationship is ongoing and current, so no marriage by proxy, and not a good idea to have only met once and wed and try to apply for a settlement visa, it could well be refused.

    applying for a VV if she doesn't mention she is in a relationship on her app and she applies for a settlement visa she risks being refused becuase of not revealing this before.

    but if she does mention on her VV that she is in a relationship with you, the HO can say because she is in a relationship with you, they don't believe she will go back to the phils when her visa expires. so in a way your damned if you do, and damned if you don't mention it

    thou the risks of refusal i think are pretty small but still a risk.

  4. #4
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by oakbranch View Post
    but I wondered if remaining with me for that period would carry any merit with a subsequent fiancee application or indeed if it would count as us having met and potentially negate the need for me to go to the Philippines a couple of times
    I may be taking this the wrong way, but why would you not want to visit the Philippines?
    You wont have a clue really, until you have a feel for the Country.

    If you are planning to marry a Filipina, just because you will more than likely bring her to the UK, dosen't mean she will just forget about her past life.
    You are always going to have an association with the Philippines, for the rest of your life & probably making trips there at various times.

    I'm finding too many people are treating their relationships, like business plans, instead of letting them develop naturally.

    Just an observation.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    I may be taking this the wrong way, but why would you not want to visit the Philippines?
    Also until you meet in person at least once you can't help her get a visitor visa.

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Also until you meet in person at least once you can't help her get a visitor visa.
    i think you mean fiancée or spouse visa darren

    i don't think there is anything in the rules that you needed to have met the person to sponsor a VV, but I'm sure it would help

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    i think you mean fiancée or spouse visa darren

    i don't think there is anything in the rules that you needed to have met the person to sponsor a VV, but I'm sure it would help
    Yup, I meant "are unlikely to be able to help" instead of "can't help"...

    Being sponsored by someone you never met is unlikely to go down well with the ECO.

  8. #8
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by darren-b View Post
    Yup, I meant "are unlikely to be able to help" instead of "can't help"...

    Being sponsored by someone you never met is unlikely to go down well with the ECO.
    yes most of the time,
    a friend of a friend of mine, went to south Korea for a holiday, met a girl there, stayed with her for 6months, he came back to the uk, with no job, no savings, living with his dad,, so he got his dad to sponsor her - she got a VV , stayed with them for the 6 months, went back to korea got another VV, came to the UK went back, but the 3rd time she applied she was refused - for a few reasons, her poor english, no job, no savings etc.. she was lucky the first 2 times

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